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Teaching & learning aims *复习重点词汇6AU1; 5A adj./adv./v. *复习6AU1句型 *典型题例;模拟测试 5A词汇adj./ adv.: 所有的;全部 a____ 大的l______ 有把握的 **胖的(比较级,最高级) **瘦的(比较级,最高级) 也许可能(adv.)p___ *结束o_______ all large *sure **fat(fatter; fattest) thin(thinner;thinnest) perhaps *over 5A词汇v.: 居住;生活; *唱(歌)(现在分词;过去式) 唱一首歌 跳舞 演奏 学,学会(学会做某事) 听(现在分词) *游泳(现在分词;过去式) 做,制造(过去式) 骑(马/自行车) (现在分词;过去式) live sing(singing; sang) sing a song dance play learn (learn to do…) listen (listening) swim (swimming; swam) make (made) ride (riding; rode) 5A词汇v.: *放,摆(现在分词;过去式) 需要 (过去式) *(铃/钟等)响(过去式) *扫,扫除 (过去式) *睡觉 (过去式) 跑,奔跑(现在分词;过去式) 步行,散步 跳跃 *说(过去式) **用英语说它 put (putting; put) need (needed) ring (rang) sweep (swept) sleep (slept) run (running; ran) walk jump say(said) —say it in English 5A词汇v.: 下棋 笑,大笑 出示,给……看 (过去式) 飞/放(风筝/飞机模型等) **(现在分词;过去式) 教/教书(过去式) 帮助我学功课 洗衣服 play chess laugh show (showed) fly **(flying; flew) teach (taught)-caught help me with my lessons wash clothes 6A Unit 1 What are these? 标志 They are signs.public 公共的 Different signs mean different things. What do they mean? 表示 What does it mean? It means “No smoking”. What does it mean? It means “No eating or drinking”. What does it mean? It means “No parking”. What does it mean? It means “No littering”. What does it mean? It means “Be quiet”. It means “Danger”. What does it mean? It means “Do not touch”. What does it mean? It means “Keep off the grass”. What does it mean? 情景对话: A:What does this sign mean? B:It means you shouldn’t climb the tree. A:What does this sign mean? B:It means you shouldn’t ……. It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. It means you shouldn’t take photos. It means you shouldn’t touch it. 1.no后面接动词+ing,如:no smoking (原形 smoke) 2.not后面接动词原形,如:do not touch(原形) 3.should后面接动词原形,如:you shouldn’t walk (原形 ) on the grass. Sum: Useful expressions Thanks a lot! • 单选题15题: 1. 冠词a/an /the 2. 定语从句 3. 宾语从句 4.状语从句 5. 情态动词 6. 感叹句 7. 祈使句 8. 比较级;最高级 9. 特殊疑问词:如: how often / how soon / how long 10. 动词短语 11. there be 12. it’s…to do… 13. one/it 14.代词 (that) 15. 交际用语(分类: 1)对礼物或饭菜的夸赞的回应: I’m glad you like it. 2)… 词性转换题10题: 1. 所有格 2. 比较级,最高级 3. 名词复数 4. 序数词 5. 介词: against / through/ across 6. 过去式 7. 过去分词 8. 谓语单复数 9. n.---adj. 10. adj---adv. 11. doing: 1)作主语 2) 从句插在主语宾语中其后动词的形式; 介词短语后的动词形式

资料: 4439


