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一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态也表 示将来经常或重复发生的动作。 常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow , soon , next Monday ,  next year , next weekend , this afternoon , this evening …… 1.be going to + 动词原形 主语 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 I …am going to work …am not going to work Are…going to work? He,She,It …is going to work …isn't going to work Is…going to work? We, You, They …are going to work aren't going to work Are…going to work? 2. shall/will + 动词原形 一般将来时助动词shall/will + 动词原形 (当主语第一人称时,一般用shall,shall用于第一 人称,常被will 所代替。) 肯定式: 主语+shall/will+动词原形+其他 否定式: 主语+shall/will+not+动词原形+其他. 疑问式: Shall/Will+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答: (肯) Yes,主语+shall/will . (否) No,主语+shall/will+not … 肯定式: 主语+shall/will+动词原形+其他 否定式: 主语+shall/will+not+动词原形+其他. 主语 谓语 助动词 动词原形 I, we Shall (will) go (be)….He, She, You, They Will not not 缩写形式: 'll =shall/will he will= he’ll shan't== shall not won't == will not 疑问式: Shall/Will+主语+动词原形+其他 助动词 主语 动词原形 Will she be an engineer? Will they go there? ----- Will they go there to study English? ----- Yes, they will. ----- No, they will not. 表示说话人征求对方的意见 Will you pass me that cup? Will you (please) help me with maths? Will you please lend me your pen? SHALL WE HAVE A DRINK? SHALL I OPEN THE WINDOW? WHERE SHALL WE HAVE THE MEETING? will 在陈述句中用于各人称,在疑问句中争求意见时或表示 说话人向对方提出请求常用于第二人称。 特殊疑问句 一般将来时的特殊疑问句是将疑问词放在句首,后接一般疑问句. (就主语提问时,以疑问词 who 开头的疑问句除外.) 疑问词 一般疑问句 What will they do in Ningbo? Why will he come here? ---- Why will you be here on Sunday? ---- I’ll have a meeting on Sunday. v 对特殊疑问句要进行具体回答。 1、表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态: We shall(will) come to see you the day after tomorrow. There will be a wonderful show next week. 2、表示将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态: The students will come and work in the lab once a week. we shall come and work in this factory every year. 两者有时可以通用, 但两者有时有区别: ----What are you going to do this evening? ----I’m going to see a film. You will be forty years old next year. Tomorrow will be Sunday again. 只是单纯地预测未来的事,此时可与WILL互换。例如: I THINK IT IS GOING TO/WILL RAIN THIS EVENING. 我认为今晚要下雨。 v1.当表示主观方面“打算,准备” 去做什么事情的时候,往往用be going to +动词原形,而will 则多用来表示纯属客观的将来: 2. be going to+动词原形可表示事先计划的意图,而 will 则表示说话人当时决定的意图; —Can somebody help me? ——谁能帮我一下吗? —I will. ——我来。(不能用be going to替换) We're going to drive you home after the meeting. Don't call a taxi. We'll drive you home. I feel ill now, and I'll go to see the doctor. I'm going to see the doctor this evening. 四、Revision of all forms with future meaning 2. 表示主语现在的意图或现已作出的决定,即打算在最近或将来进行某事。 例如: He isn’t going to see his elder brother tomorrow. 他明天不准备去看他哥哥。 (一). be going to+动词原形 1. 表示说话人根据现在已有的迹象,判断将要或即将发生某种情况。这 类句子的主语可以是人,也可是物。例如: There is going to be a football match in our school tomorrow afternoon. 明 天下午我们学校将有一场足球赛。(已有告示) (二). shall/will+动词原形 1.will可用于所有人称,但shall 仅表示单纯将来时, 用于第一人称I和we,作为will的一种替代形式。 2. will , shall可用来预言将来发生的事。如说出我们设想会发生的事,或者 请对方预言将要发生什么事。例如: It will rain tomorrow. 明天将要下雨。 (三). 现在进行时 表示位置转移的动词常与现在进行时和表示将来的时间状语连用,表 示在最近将要发生某事。这些事是事先安排好的。例如: The Browns are coming to dinner tomorrow. 明天布朗夫妇要来吃晚饭。 典型例题 1. They ______to have a picnic the day after tomorrow. A. will go B. goes C. went D. shall go 2. There is going to ____a test the day after tomorrow. A. be B. have C. has D. having 考点: There is going to be There will be 3. Uncle Wang is going to _____English next year. A. learn B. learns C. learning D. learnt The end Thank you Structure: Past simple tense of Be and regular verbs so + be /do + 主语 Function: Asking questions to check facts Describing an illness Key teaching points: 1、一般过去时 Past simple tense of Be and regular verbs 构成 用法 常用时间 动词的过去式 1、表示过去某个时 间发生的动作或 存在的状态。 2、表示过去经常或 反复发生的动作。 yesterday last night in 1990 two days ago 1、 一般过去时 规则动词 不规则动词 构成 读音 动词过去式 的构成 肯定式,否定式 疑问式结构 肯定式: I He She It was…. 否定式: We You They were not … He was a doctor three years ago. They were not Americans. 肯定式及否定式 / worked in the office. / did not work in the office. 疑问式 一般疑问句 简略回答 Was he…? Yes, he was. No, he was not. Were they…? Yes, they were. No, they were not. 特殊疑问句 回答 Where was he? He was in the room. What were they? They were workers. Be 动词 一般疑问句 简略回答 Did you work…? Yes, I did. No, I did not. they work…? Yes, they did. No, they did not. 特殊疑问句 回答 Where did You work? We worked in a factory. How They work? They worked hard. 实义动词 疑问式 规则动词过去式的构成 构成规则 1、一般在动词原形末尾加– ed look looked play played start started 2、结尾是 e 的动词加 -- d live lived hope hoped use used 3、末尾只有一个辅音字母的 重读闭音节词,先双写这 个辅音字母,再加—ed stop stopped plan planned trip tripped 4、结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词, 先变“y”为“i”再加—ed study studied carry carried 例词 说明: 1、清念 /t/ ,即 ed 在清辅音后面念 /t/ ,例:finished helped passed cooked 2、元浊 /d/ , 即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/ , 例:borrowed enjoyed called moved 3、/t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/ , 即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/ 例:wanted shouted needed counted 清念 /t/ ,元浊/d/ ; /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/ 不规则动词表 Infinitive Past tense am is was are were begin begun break broke bring brought build built buy bought can could Infinitive Past tense catch caught come came do did draw drew drink drank drive drove eat ate fall fell 1、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 He was here yesterday. I got up at six thirty yesterday morning. My father was at work yesterday afternoon. Did you have a good time last summer? 2、表示过去经常或反复发生的动作句子中,常带有 every day, often, always, sometimes 等时间状语。 My father often went to work by bus last year. Bell often visited his uncle’s farm when he was a boy. When Tom and John were at school, they sometimes played football together. yesterday yesterday morning (afternoon, evening…) last night (week, month, year…) two days ago, a week ago, three years ago… in 1990, (in 1998…) 常与一般过去时态连用的时间有: 改写句子: 1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home. 2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) ______ he _____ ______ meat in the fridge? 3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ _____ she _____ there? 4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _____ there _____ orange in the cup? didn’t do Did find any How long did stay Was any 2. 倒装句 So+be/do 主语 在英语中,由于语言变化的需要,常常使用倒装结构。 倒装结构的种类较多,但在结构上却有共同之处,即将谓语动词谓语的 一部分,如助动词等移至主语的前面。为了避免语言的重复,可以使用 so +be/do +主语这样的倒装结构。 so 引导的倒装句,为了避免和前一句话的内 容重复,英语中习惯用so引导的倒装句。 So+be(助动词,情态动词)+主语。 表示某人也是如此。注意动词的时态 Eg: Mike has bought some foreign stamps.      So has Bob.=Bob has bought some,too. Exercise I went to town yesterday, and _________ (mother). Our teachers were sick, and _________ (we). My brother is clever, and _______ (I). She asked the teacher a lot of questions, and ______ (he). I like films, and ________ (my father). We will have a two-week holiday, _______ (they). So did my mother. So were we. So am I. So did he. So does my father. So will they. Functional Practice I. Asking questions to check facts Where, when, who, what, why Where were you last night? When did you go to Xi’an? Who did you speak to yesterday? What did you see? Why did you have the dinner so late? II. Describing an illness the matter? the problem? the trouble? wrong with you? How do you feel? I’ve got a cough headache stomachache. cold fever. temperature. I feel ill sick. terrible What’s The end Thank you

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