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音标共有48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个. 单词按音节来划分,分为单音节词,双音节词 和多音节词.单音节词中,常常分为重读开音 节和重读闭音节. 单音节词 drink hi hat hand pick rule by gate back bad ice pop bit joke jazz ride he size 区分以下单词是开音节词还是闭音节词: 1.结尾的三个字母,是一个 元音字母+一个辅音字母+一 个不发音的e构成. 2.直接以元音字母结尾 重读开音节 重读闭音节 Kate name grade age cake face game Ann map bag thank am and apple 元音字母 Aa 在单词中的发音 开音节: 闭音节: [ei] [æ] he she me tree jeep bee see egg pen desk pencil yes ten bed 元音字母 Ee 在单词中的发音 [ e ] 闭音节: [i:] 开音节: 元音字母 Ii 在单词中的发音 开音节: I hi bike fine nice like kite 闭音节: in it is six sit this Miss [ai] [ i ] 元音字母 o 在单词中的发音 开音节: no go home those hello zero 闭音节: not box clock wrong dog on[] [u] 元音字母 Uu 在单词中的发音 开音节 闭音节 [Λ] [ u: ] [ ju:] ruler Lucy rule duty use huge excuse student bus cup must much mug cut us number grade lake make snack plan match neck send rest beef freeze Greece [æ] [ e ] [ei] [ i: ] [ai] [ i ] [ u: ] [ ju:] [Λ] [ əu ] [ ] slice mike kite till ill lip ago whole nose stop lot mop fox pot top yuck duck bug much junk truck dust duty pupil flute mute fuse tune p[p] pen picture jeep map t [ t ] ten two boat meet b[b] bike bus book box d[d ] desk down bird good k[k] cake Kate thank clock g [ g ] good girl egg bag s [ s ] sit see yes class z [ z ] is his these zero 辅音字母: /si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t/ /sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed/ /si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d/ /seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz/ /et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek/ /æt/ /sæd/ /bæg/ /pæk/ Read the following: 根据音标写单词 /həum/ /bks/ /si:/ /hil/ /teik/ /sæ d/ /gəu/ /taid/ /kΛt/ /Λs/ /laik/ /hi:/ /nt/ / fju:s / /ju:s/ home box see hill take sad go tide cut us like he not fuse use /ai/ /i/ bike sit nice Miss find hill five this /l/ look hello floor family /m/ my map am game /n/ nine new ten son /ŋ/ morning wrong think thank Read the following. /lait/ /main/ /sain/ /nail/ /lit/ /min/ /siŋ/ /nil/ /mai/ /laim/ /kait/ /gaid/ /mei/ /leim/ /keit/ /geit/ /it/ /mis/ /pin/ /liŋk/ /et/ /mes/ /pen/ /lend/ /si:/ /gi:s/ /ki:p/ /bi:t/ /sez/ /ges/ /kept/ /bed/ /si:k/ /pi:p/ /mi:t/ /di:d/ /seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz/ /et/ /sed/ /beg/ /pek/ /æt/ /sæd/ /bæg/ /pæk/ Read the following: / əu / no go so old home those rose / / box fox not dog pot clock sorry /f/ fine five four family face floor friend /v/ very seven have love glove over eleven /θ/ thin think thank three thirteen thirty tenth /ð/ this that these those there father mother Read the following. /əu/ // /nəut/ /nt/ /ðəuz/ /sŋ/ /sməuk/ /fk/ /s/ /ө/ /si:m/ /өi:m/ /sin/ /өin/ /sed/ /өeft/ /ð/ /z/ /ði:/ /zi:/ /ðis/ /zip/ /ðen/ /zed/ / əu / no go so old home those rose / / box fox not dog pot clock sorry /f/ fine five four family face floor friend /v/ very seven have love glove over eleven /θ/ thin think thank three thirteen thirty tenth /ð/ this that these those there father mother / əu / no go so old home those rose / / box fox not dog pot clock sorry /f/ fine five four family face floor friend /v/ very seven have love glove over eleven /θ/ thin think thank three thirteen thirty tenth /ð/ this that these those there father mother /α:/ car are class father /au/ how brown blouse trousers / :/ or morning door floor /ə/ sister brother ruler under / ə:/ her shirt girl skirt /∫/ she shirt shoe English /iə/ here near dear /ə / chair their there /u/ book look good /t∫/ chair Chinese teacher /dз/ Jim jeep orange ear hear fear foot cook cheap beach air hair fair jar large keep street /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ /a:/ /Λ/ /:/ // /u:/ /u/ /ə:/ /ə/ /ei/ /ai/ /i/ /əu/ /au/ /iə/ /ə/ /uə/ 元音 辅音 /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /θ/ /ð/ /∫/ /З/ /t∫/ /dЗ/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ e /i:/ we she these /e/ leg mend yellow ee /i:/ see jeep green ea /i:/ tea meat please ea /e/ bread heavy sweater 怎样判断单词重音 (1)双音节名词的重音一般在第一个音节上,即倒数第 二个音节上。如: ‘pic-ture,’com-rade(同志), ‘win-dow,’par-ty (2)复合名词的重音一般也在第一个音节上。如: 'class- room,'black-board,'foot-ball,'some-one (3)双音节动词重音一般在第二个音节上。如: re-‘pair(修理),be-’gin(开始),pre-‘pare (准备),ex-’plain(解说) (4)有三个或三个以上音节的词,重音多在倒数第三个 音节上。如: ‘fa-mi-ly,’ex-er-cise(练习),uni- ‘ver-si-ty(大学) (5)一般来讲,词的重音不因加后缀而改变。如: cor‘rect(准确的),cor’rectly,‘beauty(美), 'beautiful (6)以-tion或-sion结尾的词,其重音一般在-tion,-sion之前的音节上。如: re‘vision(修正、校对),station, pronunci’ation(发音) (7)动词、副词、介词等的前缀一般要轻读。如: re‘port,re’cord,to‘day,a’round,a‘bout,be’fore等。 (8)单词后缀含字母“i”时,该词重读音节必在i前边的 那个音节上。如: -ical——'chemical,po'litical -ian——mu'sician 朗读下列单词。 ago about alone away attend abroad applied around arrive agree address attractive amusing America Atlantic English language learner students father mother teacher people sister brother family pretty become invite distract expect discover inform exclude undo begin unlock disclose explode a postman a crossword a newspaper a blackbird a windscreen a grandmother a teapot a salesgirl a keyboard a chairman a milkman a doorkeeper -ly: comfortably carefully -al: national rational -tive: active preventive -ent/ant: silent pleasant -ic: heroic automatic -ive impressive -ient incipient -ial essential -ion invention -ic photographic -ian median -ious infectious -ity opportunity rely reliable depend dependable adapt adaptable detest detestable knowledge knowledgeable demonstrate demonstrable 记忆歌诀 双名复名重在前, 双动重音在后边。 双音节词重倒二, 多音节词重倒三, 动副介词前缀轻, 后缀有“i”重在前。

资料: 4439


