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七年级上册(Units 1~9) (功能话题:家庭、朋友及购物) 第 1 讲 单 词 默 写 morning afternoon English Chinese schoolbag dictionary computer notebook bookcase chair basketball volleyball family mother parent brother daughter friend teacher classmate fruit vegetable price sweater Friday Saturday Wednesday Thursday month birthday January February September December music subject science history trip habit fifthtrousers twentieth zero interesting boring difficult relaxing healthy yellow 精 题 巧 练 money walk things people‘s job help man time hands feeling 补 全 对 话 E D C A B 七年级下册(Units 1~12) (功能话题:天气、行为规范及学校生活) 第 2 讲 单 词 默 写 piano musician quarter subway kitchen bridge animal newspaper symbol message problem mountain country summer vacation hotel restaurant hospital forest language sunshine crossing robot guide join painting teach brush drive arrive listen relax remember follow forget worry practice dream ride surprise terrible straight delicious windy cloudy strict scary natural expensive never 精 题 巧 练 these such others I she themselves one another It every 补 全 对 话 E C D A B 八年级上册(Units 1~4) (功能话题:健康与生活) 第 3 讲 单 词 默 写 hen pig diary bird bicycle building trader difference umbrella housework program swing junk health television talent mirror kid theater song performer winner decide try wonder wait die care touch choose enjoyable wet outgoing better hard-working serious necessary similar fantastic hardly once twice loudly quietly cheaply comfortably clearly truly than though 精 题 巧 练 worse happily easier best carefully B C B D C 补 全 对 话 D B G A F 八年级上册(Units 5~7) (功能话题:计划与愿望) 第 4 讲 单 词 默 写 sitcom news plan hope discussion joke comedy action cartoon doctor engineer violinist driver pilot pianist scientist paper pollution prediction future environment mind stand happen expect army foreign promise improve meaning personal disagree believe fall famous rich simple physical weekly even probably during successful main common unlucky ready holiday dangerous impossible 精 题 巧 练 with at of without under D C C A B 补 全 对 话 F A B D E 八年级上册(Units 8~10) (功能话题:饮食、文娱与体育) 第 5 讲 单 词 默 写 shake yogurt honey watermelon spoon pot sugar cheese popcorn corn lettuce Thanksgiving autumn traveler pepper oven gravy exam flu weekday invitation preparation glue housewarming concert meeting chocolate expert wallet mistake available peel pour add celebrate fill cover prepare catch invite accept refuse traditional sad glad upset angry careless understanding careful 精 题 巧 练 D C A A B B D C C A 补 全 对 话 D C F A B 八年级下册(Units 1~4) (功能话题:急救与安全) 第 6 讲 单 词 默 写 matter stomachache headache cough fever throat trouble importance blood spirit decision situation feeling difficulty training rubbish stress communication relation opinion satisfaction journey kindness neighbor cheer mean control volunteer understand provide depend compare waste raise allow continue change lonely strong broken disabled excited repair hurt nervous unfair whatever perhaps secondly anymore 精 题 巧 练 must saying was became to help had to selling believes create said 补 全 对 话 C D A F E 八年级下册(Units 5~7) (功能话题:历史和地理) 第 7 讲 单 词 默 写 report passage truth silence tower couple rainstorm/storm object husband population ground voice achievement nature protection illness government condition tourist desert begin rise realize remind marry cheat beat lead succeed include recently against nobody fallen magic western silly bright brave whole ancient awake strange wild weak heavily completely suddenly research asleep 精 题 巧 练 have watch will be come felt meet wish sing tried see 补 全 对 话 D C A B F 八年级上册(Units 8~10) (功能话题:文学与艺术、旅游与交通) 第 8 讲 单 词 默 写 camera progress province coin century hometown memory fear illness treasure island fiction/novel beauty record French success laughter bedroom southern modern peaceful itself simply childhood social perfect soft honest rapid especially mostly certain whenever technology introduction nowadays among opposite unbelievable truthful 精 题 巧 练 comes work hurried were saw was watching to stay will kick left kicked 补 全 对 话 E D B C F

资料: 4439


