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课前自主热身 词 汇 拓 展 1.stomach n. 胃;腹部→ n. 胃痛, 腹痛 2.foot n. 脚;足→ (复数) 3.lie v. 躺;平躺→ (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词) 4.tooth n. 牙齿→ (复数) n. 牙痛 5.break v.(使)破;裂;碎;损坏→ (过去式) (过去分词) 6.hurt v. (使)疼痛;受伤→ (过去式/过去分词) 7.hit v. (用手或器具)击;打 → (过去式/过去分 词) 8.climb. v. 爬;攀登→ n. 登山者;攀登者 9.knife n. 刀→ (复数) 10.mean v. 意思是;打算;意欲→ (过去式/过 去分词) n. 意义;含义 adj. 有意义的 11.important adj. 重要的→ n. 重要性;重要 12.decide v. 决定→ ;抉择 13.die v. 死亡→ (过去式/过去分词)     (现在分词)     n.死;死亡     adj. 死的;失去生命的 14.lonely adj. 孤独的; 寂寞的→ adv. 独自;单 独 15.strong adj. 强烈的;强壮的→ (比较级) (最高级) 16.feel v. 感受;觉得→ (过去式 /过去分词) n. 感觉;触觉 stomachache feet lay lain lying teeth tothaoche broke broken hurt hit climber knives meant meaning meaningful importance decision died dying death dead alone stronger strongest felt feeling 词 汇 拓 展 17.satisfy v. 使……满意→ n. 满足;满意 adj.令人满意的 adj. 满意的;满足 的;欣慰的 18.own v. 拥有 → n. 物主;主人 19.able adj. 能够 → n. 能力 → adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的 20.imagine v. 想象,设想 → n. 想象力 21.difficult adj. 困难的 → n. 困难;难题 22.open v. 开;打开→ n. 开;放开;展开 (反义词)关;关闭 23. train v. 训练;培训→ n. 训练;培训     → n. 教练员     → n. 火车 24.kind adj. 仁慈的;善良的 → n. 仁慈;善良   25.understand v.理解;领会→ (过去式/过去分 词)     n. 理解;领会 26. change v.&n. 变化;改变 → adj. 变化的 27.interest 兴趣→ adj. 有趣的 adj. 感兴趣的 satisfaction satisfying satisfied owner ability disabled imagination difficulty opening close training trainer train kindness understood understanding changeable interesting interested 中考考点解读 短 语 集 锦 1. 感冒 2. 胃疼 3. 躺下 4. 发烧 5. 休息 6. 粘贴 7. 使……惊讶的; 出乎……意料 8. 立即;马上 9. 陷入;参与 10. 习惯于……; 适应于…… 11. 冒险 12. 用尽;耗尽 13. 切除 14. 离开;从…… 出来 15. 掌管;管理 16. 放弃 17. 打扫(或清除) 干净 18. 分发;散发 19. 想出;提出(主 意、计划、回答等) 20. 推迟 21. 分发 22. 打电话给(某人); 征召 23. 曾经……;过 去…… 24. 照顾;非常喜欢 25. 参加……选拔;试 用 26. 修理;装饰 27. 赠送;捐赠 28. (外貌或行为)像 29. 建起;设立 30. 影响;有作用 经 典 句 型 1.she has a . 她喉咙疼。 2. Drink some hot tea honey.喝一些热的 蜂蜜茶。 3.My head very hot. 我的头摸起来很热。 4.It does 't you have a fever. 你不像是发 烧了。 1.Shrinlehasa  5.A woman was next to him, for help.一位女 士在他旁边,正大声求救。 6.The boy could help to the city parks.那个 男孩可以帮忙打扫城市的公园。 7.We need with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day.我 们 需 要 为 “ 城 市 公 园 清洁日”提出一 个计划。 have a cold have a stomachache lie down have a fever take break(take a break) get off to one's surprise right away get into be/get used to take risk(take a risk) run out(of) cut off get out of be in control of give up clean up give out come up with put off hand out call up used to care for try out fix up give away take after set up make a difference sore throat with feels sound like shouting clean come up 情 景 交 际 谈论健康问题和事故(Talk about health problems and accidents) 1.— ?怎么了? —I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。 2.— ?你发烧了吗? —Yes, I do. /No, I don't. /I don't know. 是的,我发烧了。/不, 我没有发烧。/我不知道。 给出建议(Give advice) 3.—What should she do?她该怎么办? —She should her . 她应 该测量一下她的体温。 4.—Should I some on it?我应该 在上面敷点药吗? —Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn't. 是的,你应该。/不, 你不应该。 语 法 1.情态动词(should/shouldn't/could表建议) 2.反身代词 3.动词不定式 4.动词短语话 话 题 Unit 1 Health and first aid(健康与急救) Unit 2 Volunteering and charity(志愿服务与慈善) What's the matter Do you have a fever take temperature put medicine 甘肃真题专练 1.[2015兰州93题]The girl is going to repair the bike by (she). 2.[2015省卷30题]When driving, you need to know the flashing yellow light _________(意味着) you must stop. 3.[2016兰州103题]欧文过去常常在拼写“发音”这个单词时出错。 Owen make the mistakes in spelling the word “pronunciation”. 4.[2017省卷31题]The boy likes planes very much and he often goes to see planes land and . A. take care of B. take off C. take after D. take down 5.[2016兰州31题]These rules are made the disabled. A. protect B. protected C. to protect D. protecting herself means used to B C 【重点词汇】 【重点语法】 6.[2016省卷33题]This washing machine .It needs to be repaired. A. worked well B. broke down C. ran up D. went on 7.[2015省卷44题]—You don't look well, Daniel? You'd better see a doctor. — , but he said there's nothing wrong. A. Yes, I will B. Yes, I did C. No, I won't D. Sorry, it doesn't matter B B 【情景交际】 课堂重点剖析 1 mean的用法 This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. 这意味着你处在危险的境地并且似乎已经逃不出去了。 (Unit 1, P6) 如:Success means working hard.成功意味着努力工作。 We mean to go fishing tomorrow.我们打算明天去钓鱼。 The sign means that cars couldnt be parked here.这个标 志表示此处不能停车。 考点小练 1.I mean (travel) to the old town of Lijiang during the coming summer vacation. 2.—Be careful, my dear. The small mistake means the exam. —OK. I will. A. fail B. fails C. failing D. to fail to travel C 2 imagine的用法 Or imagine you can't walk or use your hands easily.或者设想一 下你无法行走或无法容易地使用你的手。(Unit 2, P14) imagine一般用作及物动词,意为“想象,设想,料想”,但是 在具体用法上,却不能凭空想象,主观臆断去想当然,一定要特别 注意其常用的三个句型: ◆imagine sb. /sth. (to be)… 意为“想象某人/某物(是)……”。 如:The boy imagined himself (to be) a pilot. 那个男孩想象自己是一 名飞行员。 ◆imagine doing sth. 意为“想象做某事”。如: Can you imagine Toms cooking the dinner himself? 你能想象汤姆亲 自下厨做晚饭吗? ◆imagine+that从句。如:Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a forest.闭上你的眼睛,设想自己在森林里。 3.自由地想象对孩子来说多么重要啊! How important it is for kids to freely! 4.His mother imagines him a good physician when he grows up. A. be B. was C. to be D. being 考点小练 imagine C 3 辨析alone与lonely …a lot of old people are lonely. 许多老人很孤独。(Unit 2, P10) 词汇 意义 例句 alone 独自,单独 侧重于单独存在,指客观上独自一人。多用 作副词,作形容词时只作表语或后置定语 lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 指因缺少同伴或朋友而感到悲伤,强调内心 的寂寞和孤单,有浓重的感情色彩。为形容 词,可作表语和定语。 如:He doesn't feel lonely when he is left alone. 当只剩下他一个 人的时候,他并不感到孤独。 5.Jack has no friend. In fact, he is a(n) boy. A. happy B. lonely C. alone D. tired 6.I don't like to go shopping . Can you go together with me? A. well B. together C. ever D. alone 考点小练 B D 4 辨析raise与rise For example, we can make plans to help sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people.例如,我们可以制定些计划来帮助医院 里生病的孩子,或者为无家可归的人们筹钱。(Unit 2, P12) ◆raise用作及物动词,其基本含义是“使升起来,举起”,它的过去 式和过去分词都是raised。如: ◆rise是“上升,上涨,起床,站立”的意思。该词从广义上来说是指依 次上升,如自然界的日、月、星、雾、云的上升;从狭义上来说指人体从 睡、跪、坐、躺等姿势站立起来等。该词为不及物动词,其过去式与过去 分词分别是rose和risen。 考点小练 7.正如谚语所说,太阳东升西落。 As the saying goes, the sun in the east and sets in the west. 8.如果你想在课堂上回答问题,请举手。 If you want to answer questions in class, please your hands. rises raise 5 辨析repair, mend与fix I repaired it.=I fixed it up. 我修好了它。(Unit 2, P13) ◆repair多指修理的物体较庞大,构成较复杂或损坏严重的东西。 如: ◆mend多指修理的物体较小,像结构较简单的日常用具或缝 补衣服、袜子等。如: ◆fix侧重于“安装”,用于表示修补,修复任何破损或不能正常 工作的实物。有时也可用作“修理”,可与repair互换。如: 考点小练 9.—The shirt is too old to . —You should ask your parents to buy a new one for you. 10.I'm so glad you ask me to help you your car. 11.We are going to the broken machine. mend, repair, fix mend repair fix 6 What's the matter?句型 —What's the matter? 怎么了? —I have a cold. 我感冒了。(Unit 1, P1) 表示“某人怎么了”的常用句型有: 以上句型的答语为:“sb. have(has) + a + 症状名词”表示某人具有某种 “病症、症状”,有“患(病)”的意思,其中不定冠词a不可省略。常见 的短语有: have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a fever 发烧 have a cold 感冒 have a cough 咳嗽 考点小练 12.你怎么了,汤米?你看起来一整天都不开心。 What's the with you, Tommy? You look unhappy all day long. 13.—Hi, John, ? —My leg is hurt. A. How do you do B. What's the matter with you C. Who's that D. What's Lucy like matter B 话题写作指导 分析近3年甘肃中考真题和全国中考真题可知,书面表达考查健康 类的话题包括中学生面临的健康问题、保持健康的重要性和建议。此 类话题的书面表达通常需要用到一般将来时和一般现在时两种时态。 开头句 1.Today, some students have several health problems. 2.It's important/necessary for us to keep healthy / live a healthy life. 3.Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy, but how to keep healthy? 话题概述 亮点句型 保持健康 中间句 1.A lot of vegetables help you keep fit. 2.Remember to have meals regularly and eat more vegetables and fruit. 3.At the same time, you are supposed to say no to the junk food. 4.It is necessary to take some exercise every day. 5.Getting rid of bad habits like staying up is also an important way to keep healthy. 6.We should do exercise at least one hour a day, such as running and walking. 7.What's more, some students play computer games or watch TV all day, especially at weekends. 8.From then on, I believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world. 9.It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it's important to keep a balanced diet. 1.In this way, we can enjoy a happy life. 2.If we do so, I believe we can keep healthy. 3.If people follow these ways of keeping fit, they can keep healthy. 4.In a word, we should develop a good habit of eating healthy food. 5.Just as the old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 6.No matter what a small effort on lifestyle we make, it does make us healthier and happier. 结尾句 【仿写句子】 1.我们应该一天运动至少一个小时。 2.保持均衡的饮食是重要的。 3.太多高脂肪食物使我反胃。 We should do exercise at least one hour a day. It's important to keep a balanced diet. Too much fatty food makes me sick. 近来,中小学生的健康问题日益引起人们的关注。其中垃圾食品、电子 游戏等是影响健康的重要因素,请以“Keep Healthy”为题谈谈你的看法。 要求:1. 列举中小学生面临的健康问题; 2. 谈谈怎样才能保持健康; 3. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 语法正确,文意通顺、流畅,并适当发挥。 提示词:junk food, be bad for, computer games, suggestions, stay away from Keep Healthy Today, some students have several health problems. _ 【典例剖析】 细读所给文字提示,提取以下信息: 1. 根据题目要求可知文体为说明文; 2. 列举健康问题,人称用第三人称;介绍保持健康的措施,人称以第一人 称为主;时态以一般现在时为主; 3. 词数为80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。文中不得出现真实姓名、 校名等。 【审题思路】 【写作导图】 Keep Healthy ①Today, some students have several health problems. They don't pay attention to their health. ②Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. ②Some even eat too much junk food. ②What's more, some students play computer games or watch TV all day, especially at weekends. ②Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke. It is important for us to have good habits. ③We should eat breakfast every morning. ③We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. ③We can also take part in some activities. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy. ①开头引出话题:现 在一些学生有健康问 题。 ②列举中学生存在的 健康问题。 ③给出保持健康的建 议。 【范文赏析】 近日,一名15岁的初中男生因为熬夜打游戏在课堂上猝死,这引起了社 会对中小学生合理上网的热烈关注。随着社会的发展,我们的生活越来越便 利。但是网络抢走了我们的锻炼时间,垃圾食品威胁着我们的健康。请根据 下面的提示,写一篇关于中学生如何健康生活的英语短文。 要求:1.词数不少于80词; 2.文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。 【自我突破】 __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ It's important for us to live a healthy life. As middle school students, we should have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some suggestions. First, we should do exercise at least one hour a day. We'd better do morning exercise every day to make us stronger and more energetic, such as running or walking. Second, develop good eating habits. Eat more fresh fruits and green vegetables. Try not to eat junk food. Third, we'd better not spend too much time surfing on the Internet. It's bad for our bodies and eyes. Fourth, go to bed early and don't stay up too late, because enough sleep is good for our health. Finally, keep a good mood. Learn to smile at ourselves at any time. If so, I believe we can keep healthy. 课前自主热身 词 汇 拓 展 1.sweep v.扫;打扫→ (过去式/过去分词)好 2.throw v.扔;掷→ (过去式) (过去分词) 3..lend v.借给;借出→ (过去式/过去分词) (反义词)借入 4.develop v.发展;壮大→ n.发展;发 育;成长 5.fair adj.公正的;合理的→ n.公正性;合理性 (反义词)不合理 的;不公正的 6.ill adj.有病;不舒服→ n.疾病;病 7.drop v.落下;掉下→ (过去式/过去分词) 8.allow v.允许→ n. 9.relation n.关系;联系;交往→ n. 10.communicate v.交流;沟通→ n. 1 11.argue v.争吵;争论→ n.a 12.cloud n.云;云朵→ adj.多云的 13.pproper adj.正确的;恰当的→ adv.正确地; 适当地    14.explain v.解释;说明→ n. 15.clear adj.清楚易懂的;晴朗的→ adv.清楚地; 清晰地;明白地 16.compete v.竞争;对抗→ n.比赛;竞赛 → n.参赛者;竞争者 17.typical adj.典型的→ adv.典型地 18.quick adj.快的;迅速的;时间短暂的→ adv. 快地 19.usual adj.通常的;寻常的→ adv.通常地;一 般地 (反义词)不寻常的;与众不同的 swept threw thrown lent borrow development fairness unfair illness dropped allowance relationship communication argument cloudy properly explanation clearly competition competitor typically quickly usually unusual 中考考点解读 短 语 集 锦 1. 洗餐具 2. 倒垃圾 3. 叠衣服 4. 扫地 5. 整理床铺 6. 频繁;反复 7. 一…… 就……;尽快 8. 目的是;为了 9. 依靠;信赖 10. 照顾,处理 11. 结果 12. 和……打架 13. 谈论 14. 快速查看; 浏览 15. 一件重要的事 16. 成功地发展; 解决 17. 和睦相处;关 系良好 18. 与……沟通 19. 和……竞争 20. 删除;删去 21. 比较;对比 22. 依……看 23. 扔下 24. 至少 25. 走开 26. 考试 经 典 句 型 1.Could you please help the floor? 你可以帮 忙拖地吗? 2. I couldn't find a clean dish a clean shirt. 我 不能找到一个干净的碟子或者一件干净的衬衫。 3.She didn't do any housework and . 她不做 任何家务,我也不做。 4. Why don't you go to sleep this evening? 你今晚 为什么不能早点睡觉? 5.I with my best friend. 我跟我 最好的朋友起了争执 6.Hope things . 希望事情能得到解 决。 do the dishes take out the rubbish fold the clothes sweep the floor make the bed all the time as soon as in order to depend on take care of as a result fight with talk about look through a big deal work out get on with communicate with compete with cut out compare...with in one's opinion throw down at least walk away have a test sweep or neither did earlier got into /had a fight work out 情 景 交 际 请求允许(Ask for permission) 1.— for dinner with my friends? 我可以和朋友一起出去吃晚饭吗? — , that should be OK. 当然,那应该可以。 2.— get something to after the movie?我们能在看完电影之后喝点什么吗? —No, you . You'll have a basketball game tomorrow. 不,你们不能。你们明天有一场篮球赛。 给出建议(Give advice) 3.—You tired. ?你看上 去很疲惫,怎么了? — I until midnight last night so I didn't get . 昨晚我学习到半夜,因此我睡眠不足。 4.— I ?我应该做什么? — you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although she's wrong, it's not a big deal. 你为什么不忘记 它呢,因此你们又可以成为朋友?尽管她不对,但这也不是什么 大不了的事。 语 法 1.情态动词could表礼貌、请求和允许 2.Why don't you…?的用法 3.连词(but, and和or) 话 题 Unit 3 Chores and permission(家务和许可) Unit 4 Interpersonal communication(人际沟通) Could I go out Sure Could we drink can't look What's the matter studied enough sleep What should do Why don't 甘肃真题专练 1.[2016省卷79题]I see these two boys (pass) my house every day. 2.[2016兰州98题]With the (develop) of science and technology, life is becoming much easier. 3.[2016省卷22题]People usually touch something with their . A. eyes B. noses C. mouths D. fingers 4.[2016兰州36题]The fridge doesn't work. Why not consider a new one? A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying 5.[2015省卷41题] stop more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed. A. In order that B. In order to C. Thanks for D. Thanks to passing development D D B 【重点词汇】 【重点语法】 6.[2015省卷47题]For our coming vacation, why going abroad and seeing the outside world? A. not consider B. to consider C. don't think D. not think 7.[2016省卷27题]—I left my pen at home. Can you lend me one? — . A. Thank you B. Yes, of course C. Hold on, please D. Yes, just a little 8.[2016省卷36题]— ? —Certainly. A. What's your favorite season B. How do you like the movie C. Could you give me a hand with these boxes D. Would you like to go with me or go alone A B C 【情景交际】 课堂重点剖析 1 neither的用法 For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 长达一周,她没有做任何家务,我也没有做。(Unit 3, P19) ◆neither作代词,指“两者都不”,其后常接of构成neither of…。 如: Neither of them has a car. 他们两个都没有汽车。 ◆neither作副词,表示“也不”,放在句首,表示前面否定的内 容也适用于另一个人或物,后面要用倒装语序,即Neither+助动词 /be/情态动词+主语。如: —I can't understand a word of it. 我一个字都弄不懂。 —Neither can I. 我也是。 ◆neither…nor…用来连接两个并列的主语,表示否定概念,谓语 要与邻近的主语保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。如:Neither you nor he is wrong. 你和他都没有错。 1.—Can she play the guitar or the violin? — . But she can play the drums. 2.—我爸爸和我妈妈都不喜欢足球。他们两个都喜欢网球。 my dad my mom likes football. They both prefer tennis. 考点小练 Neither Neither nor 2 allow的用法 My parents don't allow me to hang out with my friends. 我父母 不允许我和我的朋友出去闲逛。(Unit 4, P25) allow是动词,意为“允许,准许”。常见搭配如下: 词组 意义 例句 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 My mother allowed me to play for only 30 minutes. 我妈妈只允许我玩30分钟。 be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 May I be allowed to use this typewriter?能允 许我用一下这台打字机吗? allow (doing) sth. 允许(做)某事 He allows smoking here. 他允许(别人)在 这儿吸烟。 3.My parents didn't allow me (go) to the party. 4.Look!They don't allow (park) here. So let's find another place. 考点小练 to go parking 3 compare的用法 And they are always comparing them with other children. 他们 总是拿他们(自己的孩子)和其他孩子对比。(Unit 4, P30) ◆compare… with…, 把……和……比较(常表示同类相比, 比较) 如:If you compare his work with hers, you'll find hers is much better. 要是把 他和她的工作比较一下,你就会发现她的好很多。 ◆compare… to…, 把……比作……(常表示异类相比,比喻) 如:We often compare teachers to gardeners. 我们常把老师比作园丁。 5.一种业余爱好好比是一位你为自己选择的特殊朋友。 A hobby is compared a special friend that you choose for yourself. 6.与农村的学校相比,城市里的学校在很多方面都更好一些。 Compared schools in the countryside, schools in the city are better in many ways. 考点小练 to with 4 辨析borrow, lend与keep Could I borrow that book?我可以借那本书吗?(Unit 3, P20) 词汇 意义 例句 borrow 借入(进) borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物 lend 借出 lend sb. sth. =lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人 keep 保留,引申为“借用” “sb. keep(s) sth. for+时间段”表示“某人借某物 多长时间”,常用how long对其进行提问 考点小练 7.I've this magazine for two weeks. I have to return it now. 8.I can't understand the new words. I have to a dictionary from Betty to look them up. 9.Banks money and charge interest. lend, borrow, keep kept borrow lend 5 辨析instead与instead of Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. 相反, 在晚上他看他喜欢的节目到很晚。(Unit 4, P27) 词组 用法 例句 instead 副词,意为“代替;反 而”。单独用于句首或 句尾。 He is too busy; let me go instead. 他太忙了, 让我去吧。 instead of 相当于介词,意思是 “取代;而不”,后面 跟名词、代词的宾格或 者动词的ing形式。 Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. 现在我可以步行而不必开车去上班了。 考点小练 10.乘火车将花费两天的时间,因此让我们改乘飞机吧。 It will take two days by train, so let's fly . 11.让我们去徒步旅行而不是待在家里,好吗? Let's go hiking staying at home, shall we? instead instead of 6 Why don't you...?句型 Why don't you go to sleep earlier this evening? 今晚你为什么不 早点睡觉呢?(Unit 4, P25) Why don't you+动词原形?常用来提出自己的建议,意为“为 什么不……呢?”,相当于 “Why not+动词原形?”。如: Why don't you have a cup of tea?=Why not have a cup of tea? 为什 么不来一杯茶呢? 考点小练 12.—I've no idea where to go next month. —Why don't you Beijing? There are so many places of interest there. A. visits B. visit C. visiting D. to visit 13.—Why not to the park and have a picnic there? —Good idea. Let's pack up and start now! A. walking B. walks C. walk D. to walk B C

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