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课前自主热身 词 汇 拓 展 1.educate v.教育→ n. adj.教育的;有教育意义的 2.plan v.& n.打算;计划→ (过去式/过去分词) → (现在分词) 3.hope v.& n.希望→ adj.有希望的 adj.无望的 4.discuss v.讨论;商量→ n. 5.stand v.忍受;站立→ (过去式/过去分词) 6.expect v.预料;期待→ n. 7.mean v.意思是;打算;意欲→ n.意义;意思 adj.有意义的 adj.毫无意义的;意思不明确的 8.culture n.文化;文明→ adj.与文化有关的;文化 的 9.appear v.出现→ n.外貌;外观;外表;露面 (反义词)消失;不见 10.become v.开始变得;变成→ (过去式) (过去分词) 11.success n.成功;成功的人(事)→ adj. 获得 成功的;有成就的 v.实现目标;成功 12.main adj.主要的;最重要的→ adv.主要地;总体 上;大致 13.lose v.失去;丢失→ (过去式/过去分词) 14.violin n.小提琴 n.小提琴手 15.drive v.开车→ (过去式) → (过去分词) n.驾驶员;司机 16.piano n.钢琴→ n.钢琴家 17.science n.科学→ n.科学家 18.medicine n.药;医学→ adj.医疗的;医学的 19.send v.邮寄;发送→ (过去式/过去分词) 20.foreign adj.外国的→ n.外国人 21.able adj.能够→ n.能力 (反义词)不能 adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的 education educational planned planning hopeful hopeless discussion stood expectation meaning meaningful meaningless cultura l appearance disappear became become successful succeed mainly lost driven violinis tdrove driver pianist scientis t medical sent foreigner abilit yunable disabled 词 汇 拓 展 22.begin v.开始→ (过去式) (过去分词) n.开头;开端 (反义词)结束;终止;终结 23.improve v.改进;改善→ n. 24.they pron.他(她、它)们→ (宾格) (形容词性物主代词) (反身代词) 25.hobby n.业余爱好→ (复数) 26.week n.周→ adj. & adv.每周的(地) 27.agree v.同意;赞成;应允→ n.(意见或看 法)一致;同意 (反义词)不同意; 不一致 28.own adj.& pron.自己的;本人的v.拥有→ n.物 主;主人 29.person n.人→ adj.个人的;私人的 began begun beginning end improvement them thei rthemselves hobbies weekly agreement disagree owner personal 短 语 集 锦 1. 查明;弄清 2. 动作片 3. 学到 4. 愿意迅速做 某事 5. 装扮;乔装打扮 6. 代替;替换某人 的位置 7. 干得好 8. 长大;成熟;成长 9. 确信;对……有把 握 10. 确保;查明 11. 做出承诺 12. 能够做某事 13. 在……开始 14. 写下;记录下 15. 关于;与……有 关系 16. (尤指为消遣)学 着做;开始做 17. 同意;赞成 find out action movie learn from be ready to do sth. dress up take sb's place do a good job grow up be sure about make sure make a promise be able to do sthat the beginning of write down have to do with take up agree with 经 典 句 型 1. knows what they want to be. 不是每个人 都知道他们想成为什么。 2.I action movies. 我不能忍受/ 不介意动作片。 3.They in the movie. 他们在电影中扮演 得很好。 4.How you do that? 你将怎样去做? 5.Sometimes the resolutions may be difficult keep. 有时候决心可能太难执行。 6.Just you try your best.你只要确保尽你最大的 努力。 Not everyone 情 景 交 际 谈论喜好和制定计划(Talk about preferences & Make plans) 1.— watch the news?你想看新闻吗? —Yes, I do. /No, I don′t. 是的,我想。/不,我不想。 2.— watch tonight?你今晚打算看 什么? —I watch Days of Our Past. 我打算看《我们 过去的日子》。 3.—What can you expect to sitcoms?你期待可 以从情景喜剧中学到什么? —I can learn some great jokes. 我可以学习一些很棒的笑话。 谈论将来打算(Talk about future intentions) 4.—What do you want to be when you ?当你长大了 你想干什么? —I want to be an engineer. 我想当一名工程师。 5.— are you going to be an engineer? 你打算如何成为 一名工程师呢? —I′m going to study math really hard. 我打算努力学习数学。 6.— are you going to start?你打算什么时候开始? —I′m going to start when I finish high school and college. 当我 完成高中和大学的学业,我将开始。 can't stand/don't mind did a good job are going to too to make sure Do you want to What do you plan to plan to learn from grow up How When 中考考点解读 语 法 1.动词不定式作宾语 2.一般将来时(be going to和want to be) 话 题 Unit 5 Entertainment(娱乐) Unit 6 Life goals(生活目标) 甘肃真题专练 1.[2017省卷74题]The girl expected all her classmates (come) to her party. 2.[2016省卷80题]Without their help, we could not have done it so (success). 3.[2015兰州98题]The road to (successful) is never straight. 4.[2015兰州102题]服用此药前, 请仔细阅读说明。 Read the instructions before you the medicine. 【重点词汇】 to come successfully success carefully take 5.[2017省卷75题]I promise I (send) you an email to explain all of these tomorrow. 6.[2017省卷43题]I look forward you soon. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing 7.[2017兰州30题]—Will Jim fly to Taiwan for a holiday? —He try. In fact it depends on how much the journey costs. A. may B. has to C. need D. must 8.[2016省卷25题]—Excuse me, is this the right way to the Children′s Palace? —Sorry, I′m not sure. But it be. A. mustn′t B. might C. Can′t D. must 【重点语法】 will send/are going to send D A B 课堂重点剖析 1 mind的用法 I don′t mind them. 我不介意它们。(Unit 5, P33) ◆mind作动词,意为“介意;在意;反对”,常用于疑问句、 否定句和条件句中,不用于肯定句中。常见短语为mind doing sth. 如:I′m sure that he won′t mind. 我确定他不会介意的。 I don′t mind the hot weather. 我不在乎炎热的天气。 Would you mind looking after our child?你介意照顾一下我们的孩子 吗? ◆mind作名词,意为“想法;心智”。 如:An idea has just come into my mind. 我刚刚有了一个主意。 1.看着她父母过着艰难的日子,这个女孩下定决心努力学习。 Seeing what a hard life her parents live, the girl made up her mind. 2.打扰一下,请问你介意打开窗户吗? Excuse me, would you mind the window, please? to study hard 3.两个都很漂亮——我难以决定。 They′re both beautiful—I can′t . opening make up my mind 考点小练 2 promise的用法 Most of the time, we make promises to other people. 大多数的时间,我 们都在向他人许诺。(Unit 6, P45) 4.My parents promised me to the park this weekend. A. take B. to take C. took D. taken 考点小练 B promised5.My mother has (promise) she will buy me a new guitar if I get a prize in the contest. ◆promise sb. sth. 意为“答应某人某事”。 如:His parents promised him a toy car as his birthday present. 他的父母答应 给他一个玩具汽车作为他的生日礼物。 ◆promise to do sth. 意为“答应做某事”。 如:He has promised to help me with my English. 他已经答应帮助我学英语了。 ◆promise(sb.)+that从句,意为“答应……”。 如:He promised me that he wouldn′t smoke again.他答应我不再吸烟。 6.我会去看看能做什么,但不能给予任何承诺。 I′ll see what I can do but I can′t . 7.她信守诺言,定期去看望姑妈。 She to visit her aunt regularly. promise anything keeps her promise 辨析hope, wish, expect与 look forward to I hope to be a TV reporter one day.我希望有一天能成为一名电视台记 者。(Unit 5, P34) 3 词汇 意义 用法 hope 为“希望”,更多地表达一种情感。 hope for sth. 想要某事/某物 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 hope+that从句希望…… wish 意为“希望”,后接从句时,从句常用 虚拟语气,侧重不太可能实现的愿望。 wish for sth. 想要某物 wish sb. sth. 祝愿某人…… wish(sb.)to do sth. 希望(某人)做 某事 wish+从句 希望…… expect 意为“预料,期待,认为某事会发生”。 expect sth. 期待某事/某物 expect(sb.)to do sth. 期望(某人)做 某事 expect+that从句 期望…… look forward to 意为“盼望,期待”,常用于表示怀着愉 快或满足的心情,期望某物或做某事。 look forward to sth. /doing sth. 期盼某事/做某事。 8.The old man expects his grandson very soon. Because he hasn′t seen his grandson for one year. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. to seeing 考点小练 B 4 辨析happen与take place I like to follow the story and see what happens next. 我喜欢追故事并看 接下来会发生什么。(Unit 5, P34) 词汇 用法 例句 happen 表示偶然性的、没预料到的事情的 “发生”。 When did the accident happen? 事故什么时候发生的? take place 表示必然性的“发生”,或指布置 或策划好某事后“举行”或“发生” 的。 When will the wedding take place? 婚礼将在什么时候举行? 9.你明天就要离开了,我们希望再次见到你。 You′re leaving tomorrow, and we seeing you again. 10.我希望我能像鸟儿一样飞翔。 I that I could fly like a bird. 11.希望我们能找到免费停车位。 Let′s we can find free parking. wish look forward to hope happen与take place都意为“发生”,都为不及物动词(短语), 都不可用于被动语态。 5 12.在回家路上我碰巧遇到了童年时期的好朋友。 I happened my good friend in my childhood on my way home. 考点小练 13.运动会的开幕式将在这周四举行。 The opening ceremony of sports meeting will this Thursday. to see take place What do you think of...?句型 —What do you think of talk shows? 你认为访谈节目怎么样? —They′re OK. I don′t mind them. 还行。我不介意。(Unit 5, P33) 14.你认为电视节目《见字如面》怎么样? do you like the TV show Letters Alive? 考点小练 15. do you think of the TV series In the Name of People? A. What B. How C. Which D. When How A “What do you think of…?”表示“你认为……怎么样?”相当于 “How do you like…?”或 “How do you feel about…?”注意这三个句 型中的what和how不能混用。 如: —What does Mary think of her new teacher? =How does Mary like her new teacher? =How does Mary feel about her new teacher? 玛丽认为她的新老师怎么样? —She thinks the teacher is a bit strict. 她觉得这位老师有点严厉。 课前自主热身 词 汇 拓 展 1.pollute v.污染→ n.污染;污染物 adj.污染的 2.environment n.环境→ adj.自然环境的;生 态环境的;有关环境的 3.peace n.和平→ adj.和平的 4.danger n.危险→ adj.有危险的;不安全的 5.believe v.相信;认为有可能→ n.相信;信仰;信念 adj.可相信的;可信任的 6.disagree v.不同意;持不同意见;有分歧 → (反义词)同意; 赞成 n.意见不一;分歧;争论 7.fall v.倒塌;跌倒;掉落→ (过去式) (过去分词) 8.inside adv. & prep. 在……里面→ (反义词)在…… 范围之外 9.possible adj.可能存在或发生的;可能的→ . n. 可能;可能性 (反义词)不可能存在或发生的;不可能的 adv.可能;或许 10.probable adj.很可能的;大概的→ adv.很可能; 大概 11.shake n.& v.摇动;抖动→ (过去式) (过去分词) 12.final adj.最后的→ adv.最后;最终 13.salt n.食盐 → adj.含盐的;咸的 14.dig v.掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)→ (过去式/ 过去分词) 15.tradition n.传统→ adj.传统的;惯例的 16.travel v.旅行;游历→ (过去式/过去 分词) n.漂泊者;旅行者;游客 17.celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺→ n.庆祝;庆贺 18.mix v.(使)混合;融合→ n.混合;混合状 态;混合物 19.serve v.接待;服务;提供→ n.服务 pollution polluted environmental peaceful dangerous belief believable agree disagreement fel lfallen outside possibilit y impossible possibly probably shook shaken finally salt y dug traditional traveled/travelle dtraveler celebration mixture service 短 语 集 锦 1. 参与(某事) 2. 太空站;宇宙空间 站 3. 帮助 4. 多次;反 复地 5. 看起来像;与……相 似 6. 醒来 7. 许多;大量 8. 突然倒下;跌倒;倒 塌 9. 寻找;寻求 10. 奶昔 11. 接通(电流、煤气、 水等);打开 12. 向……投入…… 13. 切碎 14. 把……加到……里 15. 取出 16. 一片 17. 装满;填满经 经 典 句 型 1.Everyone should a part in the earth.每个人 都应当为拯救地球尽绵薄之力。 2.These snakes robots can help people under the buildings. 蛇形机器人可以帮忙寻找建筑物下面的人。 3.Will people use money ? 一百年以后人们还 使用钱吗? 4.What′s your about future? 你对未来的预 测是什么? 5.There will be trees and the environment will be . 我们的树木将会更少,环境将会处于 更大的危险中。 6.You′d better TV now. Please . 你现在最好别看电视,请把它关掉。 play a partspace station help with over and over again look like wake up fall down look for milk shake turn on pour...int o...cut up add...int o...take out a piece of fill...wit h... hundreds of play saving look for in 100 years prediction fewer in great danger not watch turn it off 中考考点解读 情 景 交 际 预测(Make predictions) 1.— ?未来会是什么样子? —Cities will be . And there will be .城市污染将更加严重,树木更加稀少。 2.— money in 100 years? 100年后人 们还使用钱吗? —No, . Everything free. 不,他们 不(使用钱币)。一切将是免费的。 描述过程(Describe a process) 3.— a banana milk shake?你怎样制 作香蕉牛奶奶昔? —First, peel the banana… Next… 首先,剥香蕉……其 次…… 遵守指示(Follow instructions) 4.— yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶? —We need yogurt. 我们需要一杯酸奶。 语 法 1.一般将来时(will) 2.more, less和fewer比较数量 3.how much和how many引导的疑问句 4.祈使句 5.可数和不可数名词 6.频度副词 话 题 Unit 7 Life in the future(未来的生活) Unit 8 Cooking(烹饪) What will the future be like more polluted fewer trees Will people use they won't will be How do you make How much one cup of 甘肃真题专练 1. [2016兰州101题]离开房间时记得关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the room. 2.[2016兰州104题]你记忆的单词越多,你的英语就越好。 The words you have in your minds, the your English will be. 【重点词汇】 turn off more better 3.[2017省卷37题]The whole family were agreement about what they should do next. A. about B. of C. in D. on 4.[2016省卷24题]We have a picnic together with our teacher next Thursday. A. are going B. are going to C. will going D. may going to 5.[2016兰州35题]You can new words in your e-dictionary. A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look around 6.[2015省卷54题]—Did you have any difficulty in today′s homework? —No, in fact I found . A. it very easy to do B. it very easy done C. It′s very easy doing D. very easy to do 7.[2015兰州36题]He has ordered a watch on line for his father and it to him before Father′s Day. A. send B. will be sent C. was sent D. sent 【重点语法】 B C B A A 课堂重点剖析 1 agree的用法 However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. 然而,他们认 为那将要花费数百年的时间。(Unit 7, P53) agree后接介词的用法比较复杂,常见用法有: 词组 用法 agree with 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等(即持同一观点)。 表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对……适宜”。 表示“与……一致”。 agree to 后接某些名词,表示同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时 可能是自己不喜欢的事。 后接动词原形(此时to是不定式符号)或动名词(一般有逻辑主语, 此时to是介词)。 agree on 后接动名词,表示同意做某事。 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。 如:They might not agree with his opinions. 他们可能不同意他的意见。 He′s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday. 他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了。 Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间? 1.My mother agreed a new pen for me yesterday. A. bought B. to buy C. buy D. buying 3.I′m afraid I couldn′t agree him on this point. A. for B. with C. to D. on 2.The two sides don′t agree the date of the meeting. A. at B. to C. with D. on 考点小练 D B B 2 辨析look for, find, look up与find out If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. 如果建筑物倒塌时还有人在里面,那么 这些蛇形机器人可以帮忙在建筑物下面搜寻人。(Unit 7, P53) 如:What are you looking for? 你在找什么? I can′t find my pen. 我找不到我的钢笔了。 She looked up and saw many birds in the sky. 她抬头仰望,看见天空中有许多鸟儿。 Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。 4.The police are trying to who stole the money from the shop. 5.Rose finished her study in the university and went to a good job. find out 考点小练 6.I don′t know how to pronounce this word, so I will the word in the dictionary. 7.Each student will his own personal road to success. look for, look up, find out, find look for look up find 3 辨析turn on, turn off, turn up与turn down Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌机。(Unit 8, P57) 词组 意义 例句 turn on 打开 I want to watch TV. Can I turn on the TV? 我想看电视,我能打开电视吗? turn off 关掉 You must turn off the light before you go to bed. 你必须在睡觉前关灯。 turn up 开大, 调高 I can′t hear the radio clearly. Could you turn it up a bit? 我 听不太清楚收音机,你可以把声音开大点吗? turn down 关小, 调低 Do you mind if I turn down the music? 你介意我把音乐关小点吗? 8.The baby is sleeping. Please the TV. 9.Please the water when you brush your teeth. Day by day,it can save much water. turn down 考点小练 10.—Do you mind if I the TV a bit? —You′d better not. I′m busy with my homework now. 11.—It′s too dark. Why don′t you the light? —The electricity has run out. I am afraid we have to stay in the dark for the whole night. turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down turn off turn up turn on 3 辨析fill与full Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. 接下来,用面包混合物填 充火鸡。(Unit 8, P61) 词组 意义及用法 例句 fill…with… 用……装满……, 强调动作。 My sister filled this bottle with water. 我妹妹给这个瓶子装满了水。 be filled with 装满……, 是 “fill…with…” 的被动语态。 This bottle is filled with water by my sister. 这个瓶子被我妹妹装满了水。 be full of 充满……(的); 装满……(的), 强调状态。 Hotels are often full of customers at this time of every year. 在每年的这个时候,旅馆经常满客。 12.如果你的阅读面很广,你的生活将充满乐趣。 If you read a lot, your life will be full pleasure. 13.她给这个瓶子装满了五颜六色的石头和水。 She filled the bottle colorful stones and water. 考点小练 14.他非常激动,眼里饱含泪水。 He was very excited and his eyes were tears. of with filled with 话题写作指导 分析甘肃近3年中考真题和全国中考真题可知,与未来生活相 关话题的书面表达通常会从未来生活的样子、短期内的生活变化 和打算及如何规划未来等方面进行设题。 未来计划类 1.Everybody has his or her dream and career. Different people have different ideas in choosing their careers. 2.My dream is to be a dancer and live in a big city when I grow up. 3.There are different kinds of jobs in the world, and different people are attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest. 未来生活 话题概述 亮点句型 4.How time flies! 5.Good beginning is half done. 6.I should study hard from now on. 7.I have a dream that I can be a teacher one day. 8.What do you think the world will be like in 100 years? 具体做法类 1.Doctors are trying their best to save patients′ lives and help them keep healthy. Policemen work hard to protect people from danger. It′s scientists′ duty to invent more useful things to make the world better. 2.Because when I was still a little child in primary school, I found it was so great to be a teacher. 3.I think teachers can not only teach students how to be good at study, but also how to be a good person. 4.What′s more, to be a teacher could contribute a lot both to the students and to the society. 5.I have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my dream. 6.I believe interest is of the most importance in choosing a job, I have been interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the future. 7.As time goes by, I find that being a teacher is not a suitable job for me. 8.I′ll study hard to get more knowledge to achieve my dream. 总结系列 1.I believe my dream will come true some day. 2.I believe if I put my heart into it, I can be a famous dancer one day. 3.We never know what will happen in the future. 4.I think our future will be more and more beautiful. 5.To be a teacher should be interesting but challenging. If I have a chance one day, I will choose being a teacher as my career. 6.I believe “There is no ‘I can′t’, but just ‘I won′t ’‘in the world!” If I am a senior high student, I must make myself better! 1.他已经下定决心将来当一名演员。 ___________________________________________________________________ 2.每个人都应该为保护我们的环境做贡献。 ___________________________________________________________________ ______________ 3.他的父母期望他将来成为一名英语老师,但是他想当一名医生。 ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4.如果你全神贯注于你的梦想,我确信它有一天会实现的。 ___________________________________________________________________ _________________ 【仿写句子】 He has made up his mind to be an actor in the future. Everyone is supposed to make contributions to protecting our environment. His parents expect him to be an English teacher in the future, but he wants/would like to be a doctor. I am sure that your dream will come true some day if you put your heart into it. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友John发来电子邮件,询问你长大后 想从事什么样的工作。请根据下列提示给他回一封邮件: 1.你的父母对你的希望以及他们的理由; 2.你对于自己未来工作的设想及理由; 3.为了实现你的目标,你打算怎么做。 【典例剖析】 注意:1. 词数80~100词,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数; 2. 短文必须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥, 使其 连贯、通顺; 3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 Dear John, How are you recently? I′m glad to receive your email. You asked me about my wish about my future job. _________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _ Yours, Li Hua 【审题思路】 细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息: 1.写作的内容是向对方介绍自己对未来工作的打算,行文以第一人 称为主; 2.由于所介绍的工作情况为对将来的设想,所以时态主要用一般将 来时。 【写作导图】 【范文赏析】 Dear John, How are you recently? I′m glad to receive your email. You asked me about my wish about my future job. My parents want me to be a doctor in the future. As the society develops, more and more diseases appear and more doctors are needed! But as for me, I am going to be a teacher when I grow up. ①I am good with children. I like English very much so I want to be an English teacher. I am going to ②study hard in the high school and going to ②a university to study English. I am going to ②find a part time job as an English teacher. Then I am going to save some money. I think teaching is very interesting. I will help children get good grades. Yours, Li Hua ①用两个 句子来解 释“我” 想成为老 师的原因。 ②分别使 用三个将 来时的句 子来实现 做老师的 目标,条 理清晰。 【自我突破】 我们未来的生活将会是什么样的?每一个人都有自己的设想。请 根据以下提示写一篇不少于80词的短文,介绍你想象中的未来生活。 1. 家中有能处理一切家务、参与各种活动的智能机器人(Android); 2. 无人驾驶的环保型汽车成为主要的交通工具; 3. 月球成为我们度假的好去处。 注意: 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ What will our life in the future be like? As far as I can imagine, there will be an android in every family. Of course, such an android is so smart that it can do everything from housework to all kinds of activities. A b o u t t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , w e w i l l s e e a k i n d o f environmentally friendly car running everywhere. This kind of car will be powered by some energy instead of gas, and it can run by itself without any driver. In the future we will be able to travel around the world. The moon, for example, will become one of the places that we will visit. _______________________________________________________What an inviting life! I hope the day will come soon. 课前自主热身 词 汇 拓 展 1.prepare v.使做好准备;把……准备好 → n.准 备;准备工作 2.hang v.悬挂;垂下 → (过去式/过去分词) 3.catch v.及时赶上;接住;抓住 → (过去式/过 去分词) 4.invite v.邀请→ (过去式/过去分词) n.邀请;请柬 5.print v.打印;印刷→ (过去式/过去分词) n.印刷工人;印刷业者;印刷商;打印机 6.sad adj.(令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过的 → n.难过 7.surprise n.惊讶 → adj.惊奇的;感觉意外的 adj.令人惊奇的 8.open v.打开 → n.开幕式;落成典礼 (反义词)(使某物)关;关闭 9.meet v.遇见;相识→ n.会议;集会;会面 10.organize v.组织;筹备 → (过去式/过去分词) n.组织的活动;机构;团体 11.advise v.劝告;建议→ n.劝告;建议 12.normal adj.正常的;一般的 → adv.正常地;一 般地 13.certain adj.无疑的;肯定的→ adv.无疑;肯定; 当然;行 14.angry adj.发怒的;生气的→ adv.发怒地;生气地 n.怒气;怒火 15.understand v.理解→ (过去式/过去分词) adj.善解人意的;体谅人的 16.care v.关心;照顾→ adj.小心的;细致的; 精心的;慎重的 adv.细致地;小心地;谨慎地 adj.粗心的;不小心的 17.he pron.他→ (宾格) (形容词/名词性物主代词) (反身代词) 18.solve v.解决;解答 → (过去式/过去分词) n.解决;解答;解释;答案;解决方法 19.experience n. 经验;经历→ (复数) adj.有经验的;有阅历的;有见识的;熟练的 preparation hung caught invited invitation printed printer sadness surprised surprising opening close meeting organized organization advice normally certainly angrily anger understood understanding careful carefully careless him his himself solved solution experiences experienced prepare for 短 语 集 锦 1. 为……做准备 2. 看医生 3. 其他时间;别的时 间 4. 闲逛;常去某处 5. 前天 6. 后天 7. 照料;照顾 8. 拒绝 9. 回复 10. 去旅行 11. (帮助……)分担工作、 解决难题 12. 盼望;期待 13. 接到(某人的)信、 电话等 14. 炸土豆片;炸薯条 15. 保守秘密 16. 分成两半 17. 逃跑 18. 挣很多钱 经 典 句 型 1.Sam isn′t leaving next Wednesday. 萨姆直到下周三 才离开。 2.I have to an exam. 我不得不为考试准备。 3.I′m sorry. I′m not . 很抱歉,我没空。 4.I look forward to you soon. 我期望很快收 到你的来信。 5.Let me know you need my help. 让我知道你是否需要 我的帮助。 6.Who is making the ? 谁发起的邀请? 7.If you go to the party, you′ll . 如果你去 参加聚会,你会非常开心的。 8.The games will be , too. 游戏也将会更加 的刺激。 go to the doctoranother time hang out the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow look after turn down reply to take a triphelp out look forward to hear from potato chips keep...to oneself in half run away from make a lot of money until prepare for available hearing from if invitation have a great time more exciting 情 景 交 际 发出、接受和拒绝邀请(Make, accept and decline invitations) 1.— my party on Saturday?你周六能来 参加我的聚会吗? —Sure, I′d love to. /Sorry, I must study for a math test. 当 然,我很乐意。/对不起,我不得不为数学考试而学习。 2.— the movies?他们能去看电影吗? —No,they′re not free. They might have to their friends. 不,他们没有空。他们可能得去会见他们的朋友。 谈论结果(Talk about consequences) 3.—I think I′ll take the bus to the party. 我想我将会乘公共汽 车去参加聚会。 — , you′ll be late. 如果你这样做,你会迟到的。 4.— if they have the party today?如果 他们今天举办聚会将会发生什么? —If they have it today, half the class won′t come. 如果他们 今天举办聚会,一半的同学将不会来。 5.— we ask people to bring food?我们应该让人们 带食物来吗? —If we people to bring food, they′ll just bring potato chips and chocolate. 如果我们要求人们带食物来,他们将会 只带炸薯条和巧克力。 Can you come to 语 法 1.情态动词can表邀请 2.情态动词might 3.if引导的条件句 4.情态动词should 话 题 Unit 9 Invitations(邀请) Unit 10 Decision making(做决定) Can they go to meet If you do What will happen Should ask 甘肃真题专练 1.[2017兰州94题]He is always (care) about his schoolwork. So he keeps making the same mistakes. 2.[2016省卷92题]除非有医院的证明, 否则你必须参加体育测试。 You′re required to take in the P.E. test you have a doctor′s note. 3.[2015省卷56题]Kim invites me (spend) my summer vacation with him in Tibet. 【重点词汇】 careless part unless to spend 4.[2017省卷34题] you look after it carefully, this coat will keep you warm through many winters. A. If B. Unless C. Before D. So 5.[2015省卷48题]Learning to write is learning to think. You will know things more clearly you write them down. A. or B. unless C. if D. whether 【重点语法】 C A 课堂重点剖析 1 prepare的用法 I have to prepare for an exam. 我不得不为一次考试做准备。 (Unit 9, P65) ◆prepare用作及物动词时,后接名词或者代词作宾语,意为 “准备……”;后接动词不定式,意为“准备做某事”。如:Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office. 当我去办公室时,我们的英语老师正在备课。 ◆prepare用作不及物动词时,常和介词for连用,意为“为…… 做准备”。如:The students are busy preparing for the final exam. 学 生们正在忙着准备期末考试。 1.When I was preparing (leave) for the park to meet my friends, my uncle came to my house. 2.I can′t play with you now because I have to (prepare) for the coming exam. to leave 考点小练 prepare 2 invite的用法 I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No. 9 High school. 我想邀请你参加我们第九中学新图书馆的落成典礼。(Unit 9, P71) 3.I don′t know whether Jason will invite me (attend) his wedding or not. 考点小练 to attend 4.露西邀请她的朋友这个暑假去青岛。 Lucy invited her friend Qingdao with her this summer holiday. 词汇 意义 例句 invite sb. 邀请某人 He invited my family yesterday. 昨天他邀请了我的家人。 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人 做某事 They′ve invited us to stay for the weekend. 他们已邀请我们留下来过周末。 invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人 到某地 Who have you invited to your house for your birthday party? 你请了谁到你家参加你的生日聚会? to go to to meet refuse的用法 Mary refused Jenny′s invitation.玛丽拒绝了珍妮的邀请。 3 5.We should refuse (meet) online friends because it is too dangerous. 考点小练 6.露西拒绝了他们的钱并决定做兼职工作。 Lucy their money and decided to do a part time job. ◆refuse作动词,意为“拒绝,回绝”。如:I politely refused their invitation. 我礼貌地回绝了他们的邀请。 ◆refuse to do sth. 意为“拒绝做某事”。如:She refused to discuss the matter. 她拒绝讨论这件事。 refused to read advice的用法 Can you give me some advice please?请你给我一些建议,好吗?(Unit 10, P75) 4 7.Dan′s elder brother always advises him (read)more books after class. 考点小练 8.The doctor advised (run)for at least half an hour every morning. ◆advice为不可数名词,意为“劝告;建议”。常用搭配如下: a piece of advice一条建议 ask sb. for advice向某人征求建议 take/follow one′s advice听取/采纳某人的建议 ◆动词为advise。常用搭配如下: advise doing sth. 建议做某事 advise sb. (not) to do sth. 建议某人(不要)做某事 advise that从句. 建议…… running if的用法 If you go to the party, you will have a great time. 如果你去参加聚会, 你会玩得很开心。(Unit 10, P75) 5 ◆if 意为“如果,假如”,用于引导条件状语从句。从句位置可在主 句前也可在主句后。一般现在时表示将来,其主句可以使用一般将来时, 含有情态动词的句子或祈使句。如: If it rains tomorrow, we′ll stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。 Please let me know if Mr. Green comes back. 如果格林先生回来,请告 诉我。 ◆if 意为“是否”,常常用于表示对某件事情(情形)不确定。 如:I′m not sure if this is the right road or not. 我不确定这条路对不对。 I doubt if anyone will remember me. 我怀疑是否会有人记得我。 9.Our world will get better and better each of us lives a greener life. A. before B. if C. though D. until 考点小练 B 拓展:if引导条件状语从句的否定形式:if...not....,相当于unless. “除非……; 如果不……” 主要用于下列情况: 10.The old library will close soon people can give some money to support it. A. if B. unless C. because D. since B accept 辨析accept与receive Accepting 接受(Unit 9, P67) 6 11.I am sorry for what I said yesterday. Please my sincere apology. 考点小练 12.When we arrived in New Zealand, we a warm welcome from local people. receive 这两个词都表示“收到,接收”,其具体区别如下: 词汇 意义及用法 例句 accept 意为“接受”,表示主观上接受,多指接受抽象 的东西。如:想法、表扬、批评、道歉等。 She has received his present, but she will not accept it. 她 已经收到了他的礼物,但 她是不会接受这个礼物的。receive 意为“接收”,表示客观上收到,多是接受具体 的东西,如:信件、礼物等。常与from连用。 注意:表示“接见,接待”时,要用receive,而不 用accept。 receive, accept heard of 辨析hear from与hear of I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期待收到你们所有人的来 信。(Unit 9, P69) 7 13.我不知道这本书的作者,但是我之前听说过他。 I don′t know the writer of this book, but I have him before. 考点小练 14.很遗憾我已经很久没有收到过你的来信了。 It′s a pity that I haven′t you for such a long time. heard from 词汇 用法 例句 hear from hear from sb. =receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 I heard from my father last week. 我上周收到 了我爸爸的来信。 hear of hear of sb. /sth. =hear about sb. /sth. 听说某人/某事 Have you ever heard of the Great Wall?你听说 过长城吗?

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