小学英语Do you have any glue?(第三课时)教案

小学英语Do you have any glue?(第三课时)教案


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A Teaching Plan of Unit2 Book 5, Friends With English Title: Do you have any glue? Period: the 3rd period Teaching Focus: Teacher: Angela Chen from Yongkang Primary School Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1. Talk about “have/has some…” and “don’t/doesn’t have any …”. 2. Write a passage about “What sb. has” and “What sb. doesn’t have”. Language skills: 1. Be able to talk about “have/has some…” and “don’t/doesn’t have any …”. 2. Be able to write a passage about “What sb. has” and “What sb. doesn’t have”. Emotion aims: 1. Students are able to learn in four and cooperate with each other. 2. Students are able to learn English actively and enjoyably. Learning strategies: 1. Students are able to talk about the picture with the key words. 2. Students are able to understand and use what they have learned to communicate, talk and write by teamwork. Teaching Strategies: 1. Communicative method: Set an information gap, have the students can get the meaning by listening and talking. 2. Communicative method: Use CAI, pictures to help the Ss talk and communicate. Teaching procedures: I. Preparation: 1. Greeting.  What day is it today? How are you? Are you hot? 2. Revision: Are these staples? What’s this? What are these? (use flash cards to review the objects, describe the objects in English)   Do you have any staples? 3. Song “Do you have any staples?” [Purpose: Have the students get ready for the class, remind the students of the words and sentences they learnt, and motivate their passion of studying English. ] II. Presentation:  1. T asks one student: Do you have any staples? What do you have? T asks other students: What does he/ she have? He/ She has some __. [Purpose: Help the students recall the words and sentences. ] 2. Guessing game: S1 chooses a picture and acts, S2 says: He/ She has some _____. (4 groups, 8 words) [Purpose: Make the students cheer up and motivate their passion of studying English. ] 3. Competition: Talk about the people in the pictures: “Does he/ she have any ___? ” “Yes, he/ she does. He/ She has some ____.” “No, he/ she doesn’t. But he/ she has some ___.” (4 pictures; 8 students)  [Purpose: The competition can make the students cheer up and motivate their passion of studying English. ] III. Practice: 1. P13 Activity Think about “Who’s that? What do they have? Does he/ she have any ____?”  [Purpose: A brainstorm about the picture can help the students get ready to finish the task. ] 2. Listen to the computer and finish the exercise “Listen and match” They have so many things. They want to make a birthday card. They have some paper, glue, paper clips and scissors. They don’t have any stamps. They still can make a birthday card. [Purpose: A training of the students listening. ] 3. Answer and write down the answers on the paper. [Purpose: After listening and talking, it’s time to promote the students’ writing. ] IV. Production: 1. Talk about the picture: They have so many things. What do they want to do? Can they do it? (talk to partners) [Purpose: Have the students imagine more about the picture. ]  2. Show a teacher’s passage about the picture. They have so many things. They want to make a birthday card. They have some paper, glue, paper clips and scissors. They don’t have any stamps. They still can make a birthday card. [Purpose: Showing the teacher’s passage can help the students make a same passage. ]  3. Let students talk like the passage. [Purpose: Talking can help the students think more and it’s good for them to practice their oral English. ] 4. Write down the passage on the paper and then read it to partners. [Purpose: Writing down what they think can help students correct their language. ] V. Summary.   Let’s check the passage. VI. Homework. 1. Read the passage to other friends. 2. Talk about the pictures.

资料: 29.3万


