unit 1 we're going to read stories教案(湘少版)

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课题:Unit 1 We are going to read stories ‎ 第[1]课时 总第[ ]教时 ‎201[4 ]—201[ 5]学年度第[二]学期 教学目标 ‎1、能听懂、会说、认读listen to , talk about , read , write about ,put on a play , short , interesting 。‎ ‎2、能用“What are we going to do ?”“We are going to …”谈论某人的计划或打算。‎ 重点难点 重点:能听懂、会说、认读listen to , talk about , read , write about ,put on a play , short , interesting ;能用“What are we going to do ?”“We are going to …”谈论某人的计划或打算;能听懂、会说A部分的对话。‎ 难点:理解be going to 结构的用法。‎ 教具准备 戏剧的场景图片和音乐,单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等 教学过程设计 备注 课题引入:‎ Step 1 Warm-up/Revision ‎1 . Greetings ‎2 . TPR activities ‎ T: We’re going to play a game . Are you ready ?‎ ‎ A Chant ‎ Cook , cook , we are going to cook a meal .‎ Iron , iron , we are going to iron clothes .‎ Make , make ,we are going to make the bed .‎ Clean ,clean ,we are going to clean the windows .‎ Water , water , we are going to water plants .‎ 教学步骤 及 主要内容 Step 2 Presentation ‎1 . New words ‎(1)学习listen to ‎ ‎①欣赏一小段欢快活泼的音乐,引出listen to的学习 T: Thank you , children . You are working hard . Are you tired ? We’re going to listen to some music .‎ ‎②板书listen to 一词,引导学生观察这个动词短语的组成,先分别读再组合读。‎ ‎(2)学习read , read stories , interesting ‎①T: We’re going to read (老师做看书的动作) 。板书read一词并带读。‎ ‎②T: What are we going to read ?We are going to read stories . (教师用课件或实物呈现各种各样的儿童故事书,引导学生边看图片边操练stories , read stories , We are going to read stories .)‎ ‎③T: There are so many storybooks . They are interesting .教师板书interesting 一词并带读、单词拼写填空。‎ ‎(3)学习talk about , put on a play , short , write about ‎ ‎①T: Look , what’s this ? S1:It’s a storybook .‎ ‎ T: What’s the name of the book ? S1:Snow White .‎ T: Yes . Snow White . It’s an interesting book . We’re going to talk about Snow White .‎ 教师板书并带读talk about T: Who is going to talk about Snow White ?‎ S1:Snow White is a beautiful girl . Her father is a King . Her mother died . A new queen comes . She’s bad . She wants to kill Snow White ... ‎ ‎②T: We’re going to put on a short play .‎ 教师板书并带读put on a short play T: Who are going to put on a short play ?(请几个学生表演一小段《白雪公主》中的故事)‎ ‎③教师用同样的方式教授write about ‎ ‎(4)学生跟读B部分的词汇,模仿原声带的地道发音 ‎2.Dialogue ‎ 第一步:Listen and count ‎ T: The children are having an English class . What are they going to do in the English class ? Listen and count .‎ 不打开书,只听录音,听录音前,给出问题:孩子们在英语课上准备做哪些事情?‎ 第二步:Listen and find 打开书,听录音,画出所有孩子们在英语课上准备做的事情,检查刚才自己听到的是否正确。‎ 第三步:Listen and number 教师用课件呈现几张图片,请学生标号。课件中提供的图片要有两张是多余的,让学生选择与排除。‎ 第四步:Listen and repeat 听录音,跟读,注意an eraser 的读音 第五步:Read and act ‎ 出示没有文字的课文插图1和插图2,引导学生表演。‎ Step 3 Practice ‎1、用闪卡复习已学过的动词短语。‎ ‎2、谈论周末的计划安排。‎ ‎3、游戏:你问我答 ‎ 教师做动作,学生猜教师要干什么。‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎1 . Group work : “精彩六一,我做主”任务。教师呈现六一儿童节情境,学生四人一组制定计划,先小组合作讨论六一儿童节的活动方案,然后分小组汇报交流每组的六一儿童节的活动方案,建议用句型“What are we going to do ?”“We’re going to …”“Are we going to …”“Yes , we are ./ No , we aren’t .”‎ ‎2 . Give a report .‎ 本课教学后记 课题:Unit 1 We are going to read stories 第[2]课时 总第[ ]教时 ‎201[4 ]—201[ 5]学年度第[二]学期 教学目标 ‎1 . 复习巩固listen to , talk about , read, put on a play ,short , interesting , write about ;能听懂、会说discuss ,write to sb .‎ ‎2 . 能用“are we going to do …?”“Yes , we are . ”“No , we aren’t .”对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答。‎ 重点难点 重点:认读新短语write about ;能在2—3咱游戏情境中对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答;能借助插图阅读和理解课文D部分的小短文。‎ 难点:be going to 一般疑问句的构成和书写。‎ 教具准备 单词卡片、教学磁带、教学VCD等 教学过程设计 备注 课题引入:‎ Step 1 Warm-up/Revision ‎1 . Free talk ‎ ‎2 . Revision ‎(1)Relay race 接力活动:一个接一个进行单词或短语认读。‎ listen to a story read stories write stories discuss put on a play sing dance write listen to music talk about the animals talk about our school ‎ ‎(2)Matching game 词语连线:请学生将词语和其相应的图片连线。词语如下:listen to a story read stories sing ‎ write a play put on a play dance ‎ ‎(3)听课文B部分录音,跟读单词。把B部分的全部单词复习一遍。‎ 教学步骤 及 主要内容 Step 2 Practice ‎1 . 教师说明活动要求。‎ ‎ T: Boys and girls , look , this is Miss Li .She is an English teacher . She is going to give us an English class tomorrow . What are we going to do tomorrow ? Please discuss in pairs .(引导学生理解discuss的词义,并带读单词卡片) ‎ ‎2 .学生根据本单元C部分内容进行问答的对子练习。‎ S1:Are we going to do … ?‎ S2: Yes , we are ./No , we aren’t .‎ Step 3 Let’s read 第一步:听课文,抓主旨。‎ T: Look ,this is my friend , Miss Li . She is going to teach in our school this week . Which class is she going to teach ? Please read her email , try to find the answer in the text and underline it .‎ 第二步:读课文,回答问题。‎ Q: What is Miss Li going to do this week ?‎ 根据学生的回答,教师出示Miss Li上英语课的图片、学生听Miss Li讲英语故事的图片、Miss Li写故事剧本的图片、学生表演短剧的图片。‎ 第三步:读课文,给图片排序。‎ 第四步:学生观看D部分的VCD,并跟着VCD跟读D部分的课文。‎ 第五步:引导学生发散思维,说一说想对Miss Li说的话。‎ Q: What are you going to tell Miss Li ?‎ Step 4 Homework ‎ ‎1、用be going to 结构造句,写一写你周末打算做的事情。‎ ‎2、听、读D部分(告诉学生下次英语课将要抽查复习情况)。‎ ‎3、学生四人为一组,制作狐狸、狗、猫、狮子等动物头饰 ‎4、准备一个四面可以写字的空盒子。‎ 本课教学后记 课题:Unit 1 We are going to read stories ‎ 第[3]课时 总第[ ]教时 ‎201[4 ]—201[ 5]学年度第[二]学期 教学目标 ‎1、复习巩固B部分的单词。‎ ‎2、能听说读写“Are we going to do … ?”“Yes , we are .”“No , we aren’t .”‎ 重点难点 重点:能完成课文E部分的书面练习;能综合运用已学过的知识对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答。‎ 难点:能综合运用已学过的知识来对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答。‎ 教具准备 单词卡片、挂图、写有动词短语的骰子若干、教学课件 教学过程设计 备注 课题引入:‎ Step 1 Warm-up/Revision ‎1. Greetings ‎2. Revision ‎ 教学步骤 及 主要内容 Step 2 Act and play ‎1. 教师出示四个动物头饰(狐狸、狗、猫、狮子),介绍四位动物朋友。‎ Miss Fox Mr Dog Miss Cat Mr Lion ‎2. 教师示范,选三个同学上台,询问他们想要挑选的角色,并在角色登记表中记录下每个人的角色。‎ 教师拿出角色登记表,汇报每人所扮演的角色。‎ Hello ! I’m Miss … There are four people in our group . We are going to put on a play . There are four roles in the play . S1 is going to act as a lion . S2 is going to act a fox . S3 is going to act a cat . I’m going to act a dog .‎ ‎3. 学生拿出各自准备的头饰,以4人为一组进行问答与表演(选一人当小老师)‎ ‎4. 学生以小组为单位进行展示和汇报。‎ Step 3 Let’s have fun ‎ ‎1. 学生以四人为一组,每组准备一个空盒子。‎ ‎2. 小组讨论每个人要在空盒子四周写的单词或短语,并写下来。‎ Are you going to write … ?‎ Yes , we are ./ No , we aren’t .‎ What are you going to write ?‎ I’m going to write …‎ ‎3. 每人在小卡片上写上两个动词或动词短语,放在空盒子里。‎ ‎4. 每人从盒子里抽取一张卡片,用be going to 结构造句。‎ Step 4 Task 任务:调查你的朋友们下个周末的活动计划。‎ ‎1. 任务驱动。‎ T: The weekend is coming soon . I’m going to see a film this Saturday . I’m going to do some interesting reading at home this Sunday What are you going to do ? Let’s make a survey .‎ 教师调查了解4-5个学生周末的打算,并记录在调查表上。 ‎ ‎2. 分组调查了解各自周末的打算,并记录在调查表上。‎ Sample Name Activity ‎3. 分组进行汇报表演。‎ Step 5 Homework ‎ 听磁带,说唱歌谣。‎ 本课教学后记

资料: 10.8万


