Unit 1 Friends Reading II教案(牛津版)

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Unit 1 Friends Reading‎ (II)‎ I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:‎ ‎1. introduce Betty, Max and May with the help of a mind map;‎ ‎2. use the key words and expressions to express their own ideas;‎ ‎3. write about a person they are familiar with in detail;‎ ‎4. know how to organize a good paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details in logic ‎ order.‎ II. Teaching contents ‎1. New words and phrases: fit, walk past, knock onto, worry, give her seat to someone in need, ‎ have a good voice, wear small round glasses, bored & boring, have long straight hair, say a bad word about anyone, be good at telling jokes ‎2. New structure: She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.‎ She wants to be a singer when she grows up.‎ They make him look smart.‎ He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.‎ They do not fit well under his desk.‎ When something worries me, I can always go to her.‎ I never feel bored with him.‎ III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Write about a person they are familiar with in detail. ‎ Know how to organize a good paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details.‎ IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Show three pictures of Betty, Max and May and ask students to describe their looks. Point out that when describing people’s looks, we should pay attention to their figures and distingushing features.‎ ‎【设计意图】通过描述图片中人物的外貌激活学生已有的图式,熟悉课文,并引导学生总结出描述外貌可以从体型和人物特征着手。‎ Step 2 Mind-mapping ‎1. Help the students to recall the details by mind-mapping ‎(1) Introduce Betty Teacher shows four pictures of Betty and asks students what they can see in the pictures and what we can learn from the pictures. Teacher helps the students finish the mind map.‎ 4‎ ‎(2) Introduce Max Teacher shows the structure of the second entry and asks the students to retell with the help of some pictures and phrases.‎ ‎(3) Introduce May Teacher shows the mind map of the third entry and encourages the students to retell with the help of some key words and phrases. ‎ ‎2. Ask the students to introduce Betty, Max and May by mind-mapping ‎【设计意图】思维导图能有效地快速帮助学生回顾文章主体内容,复习过程中再现了重点词汇、短语和习惯表达。‎ Step 3 Language focus ‎1. make sb do sth & make sb + adj ‎(1) Explanation Teacher shows four pictures and four sentences,asks the students to use the words to fill in the blanks, then T shows the usage of “make”.‎ ‎(2) Drill T: What does your teacher/parents/friends often make you do?” I’ll give an example. Can you make more sentences using “make sb do”? ‎ ‎2. bored & boring ‎(1) Explanation T: We use “bored” to describe how a person feels when something is not interesting. Look at the picture, the boy feels bored because his friends are not here. You look bored, why not turn off the TV and do something else?‎ T: We use “boring” to describe something that is not interesting. Look at the picture, the boy just can’t read this boring book any more. Let’s stop watching this TV programme, it’s so boring.‎ ‎(2) Drill T: Do you know more words like “bored” and “boring”? Can you use these words to complete the sentences?‎ ‎3. fit ‎ T: What does the word “fit” mean here? The word “fit” has some different meanings, please complete these sentences.‎ ‎4. verb + preposition combinations ‎ (1) walk + preposition ‎ Teacher shows three pictures to explain “walk past”, “walk through”, “walk across” and gives more sentences as examples.‎ ‎(2) knock + preposition ‎ Teacher shows four sentences to explain the meanings of “knock on”, “knock down”, “knock over”, “knock off” and “knock onto”. ‎ ‎5. worry ‎ T: Can you say “when something worries me” in another way? The word “worry” here is a verb, we can say “worry sb” or “sb worry about sth”, and we can also say “sb be worried about sth”. Try to explain他们为即将到来的考试而发愁 in three different ways.‎ 4‎ ‎【设计意图】在语言点的教学中,教师试图出示足够多的示例,在真实的情境中引导学生总结出词的不同用法,随即让学生用这些词组去造句,实际运用中又巩固了这一语言点;bored和boring是学生易犯的错误,教师强调本质区别并举例说明,并引导学生进行知识的迁移,从已有的图式中提取出类似的几组词进行对比,完成几组句子,教会了学生学习的方法。‎ Step 4 Complete a passage Teacher shows another passage and asks the students to complete it using the words we’ve learnt. ‎ ‎【设计意图】五个语言点讲解结束后,教师自编了一篇与主题相似的文章,让学生用刚学到的短语填空,操练了重点语言点。‎ Step 5 Writing ‎1. Guide the students to explore the features of a description of a person Teacher shows the three entries and points out that they are all descriptions of a person, asks students which entry they like best and why, guides the students to consider about three parts .‎ ‎ details ‎ paragraphs ‎ endings ‎2. Find many strong details in the description of Betty Teacher asks the students to find the details of Betty and consider why the writer uses so many details.‎ ‎3. Learn how to write a good paragraph ‎ (1) A topic sentence ‎ Taking the second paragraph of the second entry as an example, Teacher asks the students to find the details, and uses the mind map to help the student understand main idea and detail. Point out that a good paragraph includes a topic sentence and supporting details and the topic sentence is usually at the beginning of a paragraph.‎ ‎(2) A good ending T: Can you find a sentence that tells how I strongly feel about Max? This is 4‎ ‎ an exclamation; do you think it is a good ending? ‎ Teacher points out we should use different sentence types to add variety. ‎ ‎(3) Supporting details in the logic order Teacher asks the students to put three sentences in the best order and reminds the students that the supporting details should be in the logic order.‎ ‎4. Ask the students to write down their own ideas Students write about a friend or someone they know well. Tell what the person is like. Tell what they like to do together. Use the Writer’s Checklist to help.‎ ‎【设计意图】本课的三篇文章皆属于人物描述,本教学环节试图帮助学生理解这一文体的特点,从细节、段落结构(中心句+符合逻辑的细节)和结尾(多样的句子类型)三方面着手,让学生感知、体会并试图仿写。‎ V. Homework ‎1. Finish the writing and make a story book.‎ ‎2. Read more descriptions of a person and share them in the class.‎ 4‎

资料: 10.8万


