九年级上册英语Unit4 Topic 3 Section A 教学设计

九年级上册英语Unit4 Topic 3 Section A 教学设计


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九年级上册英语Unit4  Topic 3 Section A 教学设计九上 Unit4   Topic 3China is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section A一.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. New words:      prove , lunar probe, legend2. Sentences:(1)He is our national hero who traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V for 21 hours in 2003.(2)China is the third nation that sent a person into space.(3)It’s a spaceship which was launched as China’s first lunar probe.(4)I hope I can travel to the moon one day.3.Grammar: Attributive clause 定语从句二.重难点1. 重点:掌握以上词汇与句型。2.难点:理解定语从句的关系代词所代表的意义。三.情感态度目标培养祖国意识以及爱国情怀。Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warming up.  (1)Greetings.Step2. Presentation(1)教师出示图片,学习legend.To you know the legend of Chang’e?S: …T: All of us have heard the legend.What can you learn from this legend?S : …T: In ancient times, people dreamed to go to the moon.(板书dream to do sth.)(2)教师出示图片,学习lunar probe.T: Today, the dream has come true. Look, what is this?S: This is Chang’eⅠ.T : Yes. This is a lunar probe. (词汇教学)T: It’s a spaceship. It’s was launched as China’s first lunar probe.T: I want to change these two sentences into one. How to do it?S: … (引导学生说) It’s a spaceship _____ was launched as China’s first lunar probe. (让学生朗读两遍感知定语从句)T :Was there anyone in Chang’e Ⅰ?S: No.T: Yes. There was nobody in this spaceship. Now Let’s watch a video. (3)播放神州5号飞船发射的短视频。(跳着看大概一分钟)T: What can you see from the video?Ss:…We can see Yang Liwei.T : Yes. Yang Liwei and Shenzhou V .T: Who is Yang Liwei?S:… He is our national hero.He is the first Chinese to travel into space. (引导学生说)T: Yes.T :He is our national hero.T :He traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V in 2003.T : We can also say, Yang Liwei is our national hero _______traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V in 2003.T:We are very proud of him.(3)教师出示第三幅图,学习prove.T: Besides ShenzhouⅤ, some spaceships have also been launched in the past few years. Such as …(举例神州6,7,9) What do you think of it?S:… (引导学生说)  China is becoming more powerful.                  Chinese are becoming more and more clever.We are proud of our country.T: Wonderful! It proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. (词汇教学)T: As teenagers, you ought to study hard, try to make a contribution to ourcountry in the future. And our country will become more powerful.(引出情感目标)T: We are so proud of our country. So are Michael and Kangkang. Now they are having a visit in the Science Museum.Step 3 Text learning1.     Listen to 1a and tick the expressions you hear.2.     Listen and choose the correct answer.(1)What is the third nation that sent a person into space?(2) What’s Kangkang’s dream?3. Read and answer.Step 3 Consolidation1.Listen and repeat.2.Key points.让学生找出本课重难点,并引出定语从句。3.Read by roles.3.     Finish 2Step 4  PracticePlay a game.练习游戏巩固。Step5  Sum up.T: what have you learnt today?Ss: …Step6. Homework.板书设计:Unit4   Topic 3China is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section Alegend              (1) China is the third nation which/that sent a person into space.(2) He is our national hero who/that travelledaround the earth in Shenzhou Ⅴ for 21 hours in 2003.          (3)It’s a spaceship which /that was launched as China’first lunar probe.lunar probeprove             another fourmake progress insent...into...be proud ofwill be realized

资料: 10.8万


