Unit 6 How do you feel?第2课时学案(pep六年级英语上册)

Unit 6 How do you feel?第2课时学案(pep六年级英语上册)


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Period 2   Let’s try  Let’s talk    P58Learning aims(学习目标)1.能够听说认读单词:chase, mice, bad, hurt. 2. 能够听说读写句子:They’re afraid of him.  The cat is angry with them. 并能用be afraid of, be angry with造句。 Important &difficult points(重难点)掌握句型读懂对话。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1. T: Let’s do a chant. Angry, angry, I am angry. Afraid, afraid, …T: How does he/ she feel?     Ss: He/ She is sad/ …T: Spell it.                 Ss: S-A-D/ …Step2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)Learn : be afraid of, be angry with1. T: Who is he?              Ss: He is Black Cat detective.(黑猫警长)T: Do you like this cartoon?  Can you tell us something about it?  Ss: …2.引出并操练短语be afraid of, be angry with .3. Listen to the tape of Let’s talk and answer the question.4. Teach Let’s talk.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Role play: Let’s talk.2. 两人合作:Look at the pictures and make sentences: It makes me …3. Finish Let’s try.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一. 重新组合下列单词。1. g-a-r-n-y       2. p-h-a-p-y          3. f-a-r-d-i      4. a-s-d        二.根据首字母提示完成句子。1. Maybe our cat is chasing a m       now. 2. -- What’s w        ?   -- Your father is ill.3. How do you f      ?   4. You should take a deep b       .5. The cat is a      with them.三.选一选,记一记。(   )1. They’re afraid of him.     A. 他们喜欢他。        B. 他们害怕他。(   )2. The cat is angry with him.  A. 猫很生他们的气。    B. 猫很高兴他们。(   )3. Because the mice are bad.  A. 因为老鼠很坏。      B. 因为老鼠很好。(   )4. They hurt people.         A. 他们追逐人们。     B.他们伤害人们。(   )5. Sarah is worried.         A. 萨拉很高兴。        B. 萨拉很担心。Step5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)熟读并抄写Let’s talk.学生小结:这节课我学会了                                          板书设计:         Unit 6 How do you feel?chase   mice    bad     hurtThey’re afraid of him.  The cat is angry with them教学反思:

资料: 10.8万


