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 小学6年级英语第二单元第一课时教学设计教学资源:人教版小学六年级英语学生用书内容来源:小学六年级英语第二单元课时:第一课时(总第七课时)设计者:张薇薇目标确定依据:1、基于课程标准:    课程标准二级语言目标,要求小学六年级的学生能够运用最常用的日常用语。2、教材分析:   本单元学习主题是交通方式和交通规则,根据课标,要求学生能够在情境中运用句型;能够在图片的帮助下正确理解并按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读有关上学交通方式的报道,运用本单元所学核心句型给同伴提出安全出行的建议,能够正确使用重点词组和句型谈论上学方式。Learning Aims:1.According to ask and answer to use the important sentence :How do you come to school?-I usually /sometimes/often come on foot.Don’t go at the red light. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.2.According to ask and answer to read and use the important phrases:by bus,by subway,on foot.Learning important points:According to ask and answer and practice to read and use the important sentences and important phrases.Learning difficult points:The same to the learning important points.First,ask and answer to review the words on P14.Second,ask and answer to practice the main scene.Third ,have a talk to practice the conversation on P14.Learning material: ppt.Learning Steps:  steps Teacher’s activities Students’activities Aim of learning Step1 Greeting . Greeting .   Step2 1.Warming up.2.Give out pictures on ppt,then ask and answer to review the words,on foot/by bike/by subway/by bus/by car.3. Ask and answer like this:A:How do you come to school?B:I usually come toschool on foot.4.Read .Read the main scene in different ways. (follow the teacher,in groups,in pairs,intwo groups.)    Answer the teacher’s questions.     Practice in pairs.     Read again and again.    Aim 1       Aim 1     Aim 2 Step3 Let’s talk.1.Read the talk first,find out where the students can’t understand. And explain .2.Read the talk inDifferent ways(follow the teacher,in groups,in different parts.)    Read   Read     Aim 2 Summary 1.Let the students say out what they havelearn about the ways togo to school.2.Homework: First,do let’s try at home.  Second ,make up newconversations like “let’s talk”.Changethe names and the waysTo go to school.     The design of the blackboard:Unit Two Ways to go to school.Wait !  Don’t go at the red light.You must pay attention to the traffic lights.-How do you come to school?-I usually come to school by bike.                          on foot.

资料: 3.6万


