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二〇〇八年春学期五年级英语期中试卷 得分:________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,找出你所听到的单词。(10分) (    ) 1. A. Chinese             B. Maths              C. English (    ) 2. A. Sunday            B. Monday     C. Tuesday (    ) 3. A. clock               B. coffee           C. doctor (    ) 4. A. brother             B. love             C. monkey (    ) 5. A. Computer          B. music              C. student 二、你问我答。(听问题,选答案10分) (    ) 1. A. Maths.               B. It’s English.                    C. It’s Tuesday. (    ) 2. A. I like Maths.       B. Yes, I do.                      C. No, I don’t. (    ) 3. A. No, I don’t.        B. I like Art.                       C. I feel headache. (    ) 4. A. Yes, I do.           B. I like taking photos.   C. I water flowers. (    ) 5. A. I’m ill.             B. Yes, she does.             C. She usually makes clothes. 三、用心听,仔细想,补充对话中所缺的单词。(10分) A: Do you _______ a penfriend? B: Yes, I do. A: ________ he live in Naijing? B: Yes, he __________. A: What ________ does he ________ at school? B: He _________ English Chinese and Art. A: Does he _______  _________  __________? B: Yes. He _________ taking photos.     笔试部分(70分) 一、找出与其他两个单词发音不同的单词。(10分) (    ) 1. A. Friday                       B. trick                    C. Chinese (    ) 2. A. cold                        B. hope                   C. collect (    ) 3. A. uncle                       B. but                       C. beautifully (    ) 4. A. window                    B. town                    C. now (    ) 5. A what                       B. class                   C. wash 二、英汉互译(10分) 1. bad cough __________________            2. get some fruit for you ______________ 3. after lunch ___________________ 4. surf the internet ___________________ 5. take photos ___________________      6. 新学期_________________________ 7. 呆在床上___________________    8. 立即___________________________ 9. 学习语文___________________      10. 在星期六______________________ 三、选词填空(10分) near   with   for  to   over 1.      What’s wrong ______ you? 2.      Class is _______. 3.      I’m sorry _______ hear that. 4.      Can you make a T-shirt __________ my sister’s doll? 5.      He lives in a small town ______ London. 四、选择填空。(20分) (    ) 1. —— You have a nice hat. ——  ____________. A. Yes, It’s nice.                   B. Thank you.            C. OK. (    ) 2. —— Does he play _______ ?  —— Yes, he does. A. well                               B. good                   C. very much (    ) 3. What subjects ________ he  _________ at school? A. do study                   B. does studies                C. does study (    ) 4. I’m writing _______ e-mail to my English friend. A. an                         B. a                          C. the (    ) 5. My aunt likes ________ flowers, too. A. grows                    B. growing                    C. grow (    ) 6. He grows ________ flowers. A. beautiful                 B. beautifully                    C. very good (    ) 7. Show _______ his stamps please. A. us                            B. mine                            C. we (    ) 8. Take _______ medicine and have a lot of rest. A. any                          B. some                         C. lot (    ) 9. I hope you get _______ soon. A. well                      B. good                             C. better (    ) 10. —— How many English ________ do we have a week? —— Four. A. lessons                   B. lesson                         C. to lesson 五、选错题。(10分) (    ) 1. I like PE. How are you?           A  B    C    (    ) 2. Mike like Maths and English.                A   B   C   (    ) 3. We has ten subjects this term.          A  B      C (    ) 4. These are apples trees.          A   B   C (    ) 5. Welcome back for school boys and girls.              A     B  C 六、根据实际情况,回答下列问题。(10分) 1. What day is it today? __________________________________________________ 2. Do you have any hobbies? __________________________________________________ 3. How do you feel now? __________________________________________________ 4. Do you jump very high? __________________________________________________ 5. What do you usually do after school? __________________________________________________       听力材料 一、1. Maths                  2. Tuesday          3. doctor        4. monkey             5. student 二、(1) What day is it today? (2) What subject do you like? (3) How do you feel now? (4) Do you have any hobbies? (5) What does Yang Ling usually do on Saturdays? 三、have           Does           does            subjects study          studies          have            any hobbies      likes    
