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Ⅰ、单项选择.(30分) (   ) 1. –what’s the matter           you? A. without      B. of         C. in           D. with (   ) 2. -           do you go to the movies?         - Sometimes.       A. How long    B. How often   C. How many   D. How much (   ) 3. An apple a day is good           your health.       A. at           B. for          C. in         D. with (   ) 4. I usually go to the movies         a month. A. twice      B. twice time    C. two times    D. twice times (   ) 5. Many of us watch TV three        four           a week.       A. and, time     B. but, time      C. or, times   D. and, times (   ) 6. The old lady is very healthy because she often           .       A. plays         B. drinks        C. sleeps     D. exercises (   ) 7. I am not            at the moment.       A. feel well     B. feeling well   C. feeling good   D. feel good (   ) 8. My mother has a        . I think she should go to see a dentist.       A. stomachache   B. a stomachache  C. toothache    D. a toothache (   ) 9. I’m sorry        that you’re not feeling well.       A. to hear       B. hear          C. listen      D. to listen (   ) 10. They are going         Beijing         vacation.       A. to, on        B. /, for         C. on, for        D. to, for (   ) 11. There is         with the recorder. A.     anything wrong B. wrong anything  C. something wrong  D. wrong something (   ) 12. How        you get to school?       A. is           B. does         C. has           D. do (   ) -13. How far is it from the bus stop to the hospital?  -                  A. Five miles  B. Ten minutes   C. Half an hour      D. Ten yuan (   ) 14. I usually take        bus to school and Tom goes to school by      bike.       A. a, a         B. the, a         C. the, /          D. a, the (   ) 15.          are you doing for vacation?       A. What         B. When       C. Where         D. Why Ⅱ、连词成句。(5分) 16 .you, do, usually, weekends, what, do, on                                                                    ? 17. the, what’s, matter,                                                                    ? 18. have, a, cold, I                                                    . 19. I’m, my, sister, babysitting,                                                                    . 20. do, you, how, school, get to                                                                 ? Ⅲ、完形填空. (10分) The sun, the moon ___21__the stars(星星)are in the sky. We see the sun __22__ the daytime(白天)and the moon and the stars at night. We see well during the day because it is light. We do not see so __23___ at night because it is___24 _. Daylight(日光) comes from the sun. The sun gives a strong light, but ___25__ gives only a faint (暗淡)light. If we draw the curtain (窗帘), it keeps dark in the ___26__ , when it is dark we must turn ___27__ the light if we want to see. The sun __28___in the east and goes down(落下) in the __29___. Day begins(开始) in the morning and ends(结束) in the evening. ___30__begins in the evening and ends in the morning. (    ) 21. A. or       B. so      C. and       D. but (    ) 22. A. in       B. at       C. from      D. with (    ) 23. A. badly    B. poorly     C. good      D. well (    ) 24. A. black    B. weak      C. too bright   D. dark(黑暗的) (    ) 25. A. the earth  B. the moon  C. the sun     D. the star (    ) 26. A. room    B. open      C. sky        D. field (    ) 27. A. off      B. over       C. on        D. in (    ) 28. A. grows    B. rises(升起)  C. raises (举起)   D. gets up (    ) 29. A. west(西方)    B. east        C. south         D. north (    ) 30. A. Afternoon  B. Night     C. Evening      D. Time Ⅳ、阅读理解。(20分)           ( A ) Mr. Jackson is a worker in a computer factory. Every day it takes him 45 minutes to go to work by bike. It’s Monday today, but his bike is broke, so he has to go to work by bus. But there isn’t a bus stop near his home. He has to (不得不)ask a policeman,He tells him that there is a bus stop in front of a bookshop about 500 meters(米)away. Then Mr. Jackson begins to walk there and finds the bus stop. Oh, good! A bus is coming! He gets on the bus(上车). It takes him 10 minutes to go to his factory. He isn’t late for work! How happy he is!    根据短文内容,判断正(T)误 (F)。(10分)  (   )31. Mr. Jackson often goes to work by bike. (   )32. Mr. Jackson takes a bus because he likes buses. (   )33. He finds a bus stop near his home. (   )34. His factory is far from his home. (   )35. Mr. Jackson is late for work today.                              ( B )  A:Good morning, doctor.  B:Good morning. What’s wrong, young man? A: I can’t see things clearly. B:How long have you been like this? A:  Ever since(自从)last week. B: Do you often watch TV? A:Yes. Almost(几乎) every day. B:You known watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. You must do more eye exercises and mustn’t watch TV too often. Your eyes will be better soon A:OK. Thank you, doctor. (    ) 36. What’s wrong with the young man? A. He can’t see clearly.         B. He can’t hear clearly. C. He has a cough.             D. He has a headache (    ) 37. When is he like this? A. Today      B. Last night     C. Last week    D. Yesterday (    ) 38. Does he often watch TV? A. Yes, he doesn’t   B. Yes, he does   C. No, he doesn’t   D. Never (    ) 39. Why doesn’t he see things clearly? A. He is blind             B. He can’t hear anything. C. He eats too much        D. He watches TV too much (    ) 40. What should he do? A. He should do more eye exercises.  B. He should watch TV too much C. He should drink too much     D. He should eat too much Ⅴ、完成句子. (每空一词) (10分) 41. They often play football                                 (在周末) 42. I shop               a               (每月两次). 43.                         (多久) does it take you to get from home to school? 44. Remember to see your friend when you                   (到达) HongKong. 45. I                               (走路) school. Ⅵ. 根据汉语提示,句子配对.(10分) (   ) 46.What’s the matter with him?          A. I’m staying for a week. (   ) 47. How is the weather in Tibet?         B. I’m leaving tomorrow (   ) 48. How long are you staying?           C. He has a sore throat (   ) 49. How often does he go fishing?        D. It’s very cold (   ) 50. When are you leaving?              E. He goes fishing twice a week Ⅶ、任务型阅读.(5分) It's a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are in a big bus. There are many people in it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and Canada. They are all their friends. They are going to the Great Wall.          There are two Chinese in the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking about the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it very much. The Place of the vacation (地点) The day of the vacation (时间) The weather of the vacation (天气) The transportation (交通)of the vacation The number of countries(国家数) in the bus the people are from   51.________   52.________   53.             54.__________   55.__________ Ⅷ、书面表达: 以My lifestyle 为题写一篇约80个词的短文.(10分)  要求:以自己的每天的生活习惯为主,写出你平时起床时间,常常做的事情,及爱好和对自己的评价。 参考词汇:get up, go to school,  usually, often, do homework, like, exercise.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             下期八年级英语第一次月考答案 Ⅰ、单项选择.(30分) 1-15  DBBAC    DBCAD    CDACA Ⅱ、连词成句。(5分) 16.What do you usually do on weekends? 17. What’s the matter? 18. I have a cold. 19. I’m babysitting my sister. 20. How do you get to school? Ⅲ、完形填空. (10分) 21-30  CADDB  ACBAB Ⅳ、阅读理解。(20分) 31-40   TFFTF  ACBDA Ⅴ、完成句子. (每空一词) (10分) 41. on weekends   42. twice month  43. How long 44. get to         45. walk to Ⅵ. 根据汉语提示,句子配对.(10分) 46-50  CDAEB Ⅶ、任务型阅读.(5分) 51. The Great Wall    52. Sunday     53. fine     54. by bus   55.  4 Ⅷ、书面表达: 略
