牛津8A Unit1 Welcome同步练习

牛津8A Unit1 Welcome同步练习


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【当堂反馈】一. 词组翻译1. 没有其他的 _________________ 2. 再吃些食物 _______________________3. 一个诚实的男孩_______________ 4. 保密 __________________________5. 使我快乐 ________________    6. 相信他说的话__________________7. 有困难 _________________     8. 分享我的快乐 ___________________9. 一个长的好看的女孩 __________________10. 如此特别_________________二. 单项选择(    )1. I’m so hungry, can I have ______________?A. anything eat              B. something eating          C. anything to eat            D. something to eat(    )2. There is a big cake. _______ share it.A. May be we can           B. We may be               C. Maybe we can           D. Maybe can we(    ) 3. It’s so difficult a question. I think he will have problems _________ . ★A. work it out              B. working it out              C. in working out it         D. work out it(    )4. I believe __________, because he is ___ honest man.A. the words he says; a      B. what he says; an C. he says what; the        D. what does he say; an(    )5. There aren’t enough chairs. Would you please _________ ones here?A. to bring another three     B. bring more three  C. to take three other        D. bring three more(    )6. I’m going to _____ them something about our new school.A. say         B. tell        C. talk        D. speak三. 翻译句子1. 我有一个比萨饼,你要来些吗? I have a pizza. Would you _______________________________?2. 教室里没有其他人了。__________________________________________in the classroom.2. 我不相信你的话,因为你一点也不老实。  I don’t ________ you __________, because you’re not ___________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______________. 4. 我可以和他讲任何事情,因为他总会替我保密。I can ______to ______ about __________, because he always ______________________ me.5. 你刚刚说的话让她很伤心。_________________just now ___________________very ________.6. 喝点咖啡怎样?_________________________________________________ coffee? 【巩固与拓展】四.阅读理解 (根据文章内容判断正误: T or F)The best-known vegetable in the world is the potato. It grows in many places and does not need as rich soil as many other crops need. But until four hundred years ago the potato was not known to Europeans. But today it is one of the main foods in Europe. About a half of the world's potatoes are grown in Europe….  In France the potato was not grown for food for a long time. A story is told about Houis. In 1778 he saw some potato flowers for the first time. He liked them so much that he picked one and put it in his buttonhole(纽扣孔). He was interested in the flowers, not the potatoes themselves. By the beginning of the last century, the potato was eaten in almost all the countries of the world.(   )1. The potato is only one of the well-known vegetables in the world.(   )2. Potatoes can be grown more easily than other crops.(   )3. Potatoes were grown for food in France in 1778. (   )4. One-second(二分之一)of the world's potatoes are grown in Europe.(   )5. The potato was eaten in nearly all parts of the world.  五. 改错(每句只有一处错误,划出并改正)1. I have a good friend name Betty.          ______________    2. He tells funny stories and always makes me to laugh.   ______________   3. I hope that you can give me some advices.           ______________   4. She didn’t come here because of look after her mother at home.______________      5. Do you have a problem of your pronunciation (发音)?     ______________  
