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高一年级英语上册期中考试试题英 语 试 题时量:120分钟    总分:150   命题:高一英语备课组第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听下面5段对话,回答第1~5小题。1,What can we learn from the conversation?A, The exam was difficult for the woman  B,The woman found the exam easyC, The woman finished the exam in one hour.2, What will the man probably do? A, Borrow the dictionary in a few days.  B ,Use the dictionary in the library.C, Return the dictionary in a few days .3, What is the suggestion to the woman?   A, Take a day off from work   B, Go and join the people in the office C, Find more people to help with the move4, What does the man mean? A, The phone conversation is better.    B, They should talk face to face C,The woman should face the fact5. What’s the probable relationship between the two speaker?  A. Husband and wife   B. Student and teacher   C. Doctor and patient第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面对话,回答第6-8小题。6. What’s the man going to do?   A. Take a flight to Japan.    B. Drive the woman to the hotel.   C. Meet a guest at the airport.7. Where will Mr. Black stay after his arrival?  A. At a hotel.   B. At the man’s house.    C. At the woman’s house.8. What will take place this evening?  A. Mr. Black’s arrival.  B. A hotel reception.  C. A business meeting.听下面对话,回答第9-11小题。9. Whom is the woman buying the gift for?   A. Her son.           B. Her brother.         C. Her nephew.10. How much does the woman want to spend on the girl?   A. Twenty dollars.      B. Thirty dollars.       C. Forty dollars.11. What does the woman decide to buy in the end?   A. A chess set.         B. A pen and a pencil.   C. A handball 听下面对话,回答第12-14小题。12. What is the man?   A. A farmer.           B. A doctor.           C. A postman.13. What can we learn about Fred?   A. He has the largest farm in America.   B. He grows cotton in his field.   C. He would buy more fields next year.14. What did the woman do on the farm last summer?A. She harvested the corn.           B. She killed a cow.C. She milked a cow.听下面对话,回答第15-17小题。15. When did Joe hurt his arm?   A. When he was running.       B. When he was playing basketball.   C. When he was driving.16. What do we know about Jack’s uncle?A. He bought cakes for Betty.      B. He left the keys in his car.C. He came to Jack’s house by car.17. When does this conversation probably take place?A. In the morning.       B. At night.        C. In the evening. 第三节(共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)听下面一段材料,将第18至第20三个小题的信息补充完整。每小题不超过三个单词。听材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出15秒钟的作答时间。本段材料读两遍。Introduction to Art 74 His age now Twenty years ago 18._____________the bicycle business Thirty-five years  In the bicycle business Twenty of the thirty-five years Ran 19._______________. For five years Worked as 20.________________. 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Mr. Smith, ________ of the ________ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; bored    B. tiring, bored    C. tired; boring    D. tiring; boring22. Is this the reason ________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A. why he explained        B. what he explained   C. how he explained        D. he explained 23 She is one of the few girls who ______passed the examination.A. was          B. were           C. has           D. have     24. Here is so difficult a problem_______ none of us can solve.               A. which        B. that           C. as             D. what25. Don’t be too hard ______the boy; he didn’t mean _____ it.A. at; doing  B. on; to do  C. on; doing  D. for; to do26. In my apartment there are two rooms, _____ is used as a living room.A. larger one B. the larger of whichC. the largest one D. the largest of which 27. The factory was built in a secret place, around ______ high mountains.A. which was               B. it was      C. which were              D. them were28. _____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It                      B. As      C. That                    D. What29. If you promise to go with us, _____ will be OK.A. as                   B. which      C. and it               D. that30. Mary's pale face suggested that she ______ ill. And her father suggested that she _____ a medical examination.A. was; had        B. was; have      C. should be; had    D. be; have31. If you go ________ our rules, you will _________.A. against; be punished          B. against; punished C. with; punished               D. with; be punished 32. You must have stayed up late to finish your report last night, ______ you?A. mustn’t B. haven’t         C. didn’t       D. needn’t33. “Don’t you believe me?” “______, I’ll believe _______ you say.”A. No; whatever                           B. Yes; no matter whatC. No; no matter what                    D. Yes; whatever34. The operation was successful, but I still felt _____.A. very painful B. much painfulC. a lot of pain D. very paining35. Entering the house we found him lying on the bed with his mouth _______ and eyes _______.A. open,  close B. opened, closedC. opened, close D. open,  closed 第二节 完形填空:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)As soon as I learned to say the word “beauty”, I set out to look for it. Before I could find it, I asked my mother what a beauty was like. She said that a beauty is __36__  who has large bright eyes and fine skin.When I was in Grade Four, I __37__ such a girl. I sat right in front of her and __38__her to see if she was a real beauty. She  __39_ a beauty in my eyes until the day she __40__with me. She demanded that I  __41__  her pencil box which I  __42__ knocked on to the floor. I __43__. Suddenly she flew at me and threw me onto the ground and we rolled about __44__ each other.During the years that followed, I came across __45__ explanations given to me by different people. Some said a girl with a thin figure(体形) is a beauty, __46__ that a girl with a gentle voice is beautiful。 __47__ said it is a girl with hair that is like a waterfall. I __48__ give these a second thought.I searched for a beauty __49__ had told me before, but it was useless. Then I met an old man. He told me that a beauty is a girl who might not be quite __50__with natural beauty. However, she becomes a beauty __51__ experiencing hardship. After a 10-year hunt for a beauty, I found her. She became my  __52__. She was not very pretty but she was__53_ . She was born in a __54__ family and had to take care of herself from young. When we married, I really got the idea about a beauty. She was the one the  __55__ old man had described to me.36.A. your classmate   B. a girl   C. an experienced girl  D. an ugly girl37.A. liked   B. was tired of   C. was against   D. found38.A. stared at       B. scolded   C. beat     D. laughed at39A. wasn’t    B. pretended to be  C. treated himself   D. was40.A. quarreled   B. talked   C. played   D. studied41.A. steal   B. rob her of   C. like   D. pick up42.A. by chance   B. by no means   C. by herself   D. by the way43.A. agreed         B.refused   C. was happy   D. did so44.A. talking with   B. helping   C. hitting   D. leaving45.A. the same   B. different   C. the opposite   D. some correct46.A. but   B. or   C. as   D. so47.A. Everyone   B. The others   C. Nobody   D. Others48.A. did   B. must   C. didn’t   D. should49.A. an old man   B. some people   C. nobody   D. my mother50.A. lucky   B. sad    C. willing   D. happy51.A. after   B. without   C. liking   D. against52.A. friend   B. teacher   C. classmate   D. girlfriend53.A. ugly   B. beautiful   C. lovely   D. bright54.A. rich   B. farmer’s   C. happy   D. poor55.A. foolish   B. kind-hearted   C. wise   D. honest 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)选择题(共17小题;每小题2分,满分34分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。                                     AHealthy Habits, Healthy Body     Feel tired lately? Has a doctor said he can't find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong with you.     Then, consider this: you might be in a state of sub-health (亚健康).     Sub-health, also called the third state or gray state, is explained as a borderline state between health and disease.     According to the investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of sub-healthy people are middle-aged or elderly. The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam-week.     Symptoms (征兆) include a lack of energy, depression (压抑), slow reactions, insomnia (失眠), agitation (激动不安、焦虑), and poor memory. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.     The key to preventing and recovering from sub-health, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work and rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open air activities.     As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish because they are rich in nutritional elements vitamins and trace elements (微量元素) — that are important to the body.Nutrition (营养) experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract (消化道). They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub-health.Choose the best answer according to the passage:56. According to this passage, which of the following is right?   A. When you are in a state of sub-health, you should stay home and keep silent.   B. When you are in a state of sub-health, you should go to see a doctor and buy some medicine.   C. When you are in a state of sub-health, you should have yourself examined in foreign countries.   D. When you are in a state of sub-health, you should find out the reasons and relax yourself.57. Middle-aged people may be easy to get sub-health because __.   A. they have used up their energy   B. they have lost their living hopes   C. they have more pressure in life and work   D. they begin to get older58. The key to preventing you from falling into a state of sub-health is that you should __.   A. work hard                     B. sleep more   C. form good living habits          D. take more medicine59. The bold-faced word "alternate" in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to __.   A. arrange by turns                B. cause to take place   C. keep up                       D. take upBIf you’re a foreigner looking for a place that has everything, there’s only one place to visit, and that’s New York. It’s a whole world in a city.The World of TheaterAll of New York is a stage, and it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many shows in one place? Only in New York!The World of MusicSpend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich Village. Or rock yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere.The World of ArtFrom Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York.The World of Fine DiningWhether it is roast Beijing Duck in Chinatown, Lasagna in Little Italy, or the finest French coq au vin (chicken cooked in wine) found anywhere, there is a world of great taste waiting for you in New York.The World of SightsWhat other city has a Statue of Liberty? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through the Central Park? Only in New York!60. What do you think Rembrandt is?A. A place in New York.                  B. An artist.   C. A place in the World of Art.             D. A musician.61. Which of the following programs can a visitor have only in New York?     A. To enjoy the Beijing roast duck.        B. To taste the finest French coq au vin.     C. To spend an evening with Beethoven.    D. To see the Statue of Liberty.62. The purpose of writing this text is to ___________.     A. tell the readers where New York lies     B. supply the readers with some information about New York     C. try to persuade the readers to visit New York     D. help the readers get a better understanding of New York63. The text above is most probably taken from____________.    A. a guidebook      B. a newspaper         C. a textbook        D. a magazineCA sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you combine the two to do something for your local environment? As early as next year it may well be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone you will be able to bury it in a garden or a plant pot and wait for it to flower.A biodegradable (生物所能分解的) mobile phone was, this month, introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage consumers to recycle.Scientists have come up with a new material over the last five years. It looks like any other plastic and can be hard or soft, and is able to change shape. Over time it can also break down into the soil without giving out any poisonous chemicals. British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover that contains a sunflower seed. When this new type of cover turns into waste, it forms fertilizers. These feed the seed and help the flower grow.Engineers have designed a small transparent (透明的) window to hold the seed. They have made sure it only grows when the phone is thrown away. “We’ve only put sunflower seeds into the covers so far. But we are working with plant experts to find out which flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put roses in next time,” said one scientist.As phone technology is developing so quickly, people are constantly throwing their mobiles away. This means manufacturers are under pressure to find ways of recycling them. Some 650 million mobile phones have been sold this year. Most of them will be thrown away within two years, adding plastic, heavy metal and chemical waste to the environment. A biodegradable cover can offer some relief (缓解) for nature , according to the scientists.“The seed comes out and the flower grows in the pot so you don’t have to concern yourself with the phone when you have finished using it,” said Kerry Kirwan. She leads the research team, which is based at the University of Warwick in Britain.64.What is the purpose of this passage?A. To tell the popularity of biodegradable cell phones.B. To persuade the reader to buy the biodegradable cell phone.C. To discuss the development of phone technology.D. To introduce an environmentally-friendly cell phone to readers.65.People throw away their cell phones most probably because A.there is something wrong with themB.no sunflowers can grow out of themC.they are out of fashionD.they are becoming cheaper and cheaper66,It could be learned from the passage that A.developing the new type of phone is mainly to protect the environmentB.phone-makers will benefit much more from the new type of phoneC.the new type of phone will certainly be popular with users all over the worldD.the phones that can be recycled are available only in Britain now67.What might be the best title for this passage?A.Sunflower and Phone.    B.Plant Your Phone.C.Protect Our Environment.   D.No Worry about Phone.DIt may help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.At some point in every speech, every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned.Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.Why? Because the listeners do not know what the speaker plans to say.They hear only what the speaker does say.If you lose your place for a moment, wrongly change the order of a couple of sentences, or forget to pause at a certain point, no one will be any the wiser.When such moments occur,(发生) don’t worry about them, just continue as if nothing happened.Even if you do make an obvious mistake during a speech, that don’t really matter.If you have ever listened to Martin Luther King’s famous speech ——“I have a dream”, you may notice that he stumbles(结巴)his words twice during the speech.Most likely, however, you don’t remember. Why? Because you were fixing your attention on his message rather than on his way of speech-making.People care a lot about making mistakes in a speech because they regard speech-making as a kind of performance rather than as an act of communication.They feel the listeners are like judges in an ice-skating competition. But, in fact, the listeners are not looking for a perfect performer.They are looking for a well-thought-out speech that express the speaker’s ideas clearly and directly.Sometimes a mistake or two can actually increase a speakers’ attractiveness by making him more human.As you work on your speech, don’t worry about being imperfect. Once you free your mind of this, you will find it much easier to give your speech freely.68.The underlined part in the first paragraph means that no one will ___________.A.be smarter than you         B.notice your mistakesC.do better than you           D.know what you are talking about69.You don’t remember obvious mistakes in a speech because ___________.A.your attention is on the content(内容).B.you don’t fully understand the speechC.you don’t know what the speaker plans to sayD.you find the way of speech-making more important70.It can be inferred(推论,推断) from the passage that ___________.A.giving a speech is like giving a performanceB.one or two mistakes in a speech may not be badC.the listeners should pay more attention to how a speech is madeD.the more mistakes a speaker makes, the more attractive he will be71.What would be the best title of the passage? A.How to Be a Perfect Speaker   B.How to Make a Perfect SpeechC.Don’t Expect a Perfect Speech   D.Don’t Expect Mistakes in a Speech72, Which of the following statements is true?A.If you are careful enough, you can make a perfect speech.B.Speech-making is a kind of performance.C.Listeners are not judges and they pay more attention to the message.D.Martin Luther King is not a good speaker. 第二节:简答题(共3小题;每小题2分,满分6分)阅读下面短文,根据第73至75小题的具体要求,简要回答问题。Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion’s(富丽堂皇的房子) guest room. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, “Things aren’t always what they seem.”   The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable (好客的,)farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had,the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night’s rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole (唯一的)income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel, “How could you have let this happen?” “The first man had everything, yet you helped him,” she accused.(指责,控告) “The second family had little but ___________________, and you let the cow die.” “Things aren’t always what they seem, ”the older angel replied.  “When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it. ” “Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren’t always what they seem. ” Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don’t turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until sometime later. 73.What’s the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)                                                                              74.Please use one word to take the place of the underlined word.                                                                              75. Please fill in the blank in the same paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Within 10 words)                                                                                第II卷(共35分)第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分35分)第一节:填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)   阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后第76至85小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。   注意:每空不超过3个单词。While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can’t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.Try physical activityWhen you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing(释放) the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.Take care of yourselfYou should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you’re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor. Make time for yourselfSchedule time for both work and entertainment . Don’t forget, play can be just as important to you over-all well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.Make a list of the things you need to doStress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “ there’s so much to do, and not enough time”. Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important tasks first.        How to deal with stressPhenomena 76_____________ Action(s)Being nervous, angry or upset Try physical activity •running•walking•playing tennis•77____________•78______________•Not sleeping well enough• Eating79___________ Take care of yourself •eating well•80_________•consulting a doctorScheduling time for bothwork and entertainment not properly 81_______for yourself •82_______________•working on a hobby•doing something you enjoyDisorganizing time and feeling that time is 83._________________. Make a list of the things •84.______________at a time•85______    _____each task as it is completed•setting out to do the most important 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)                                        当今女性减肥已经成为一种时尚,减肥的方法层出不穷。假设你是英国Fitness杂志社的编辑Christine,一位英国朋友Rose来信向你咨询如何才能保持身材苗条。请你根据下表所提供的信息写回信。1, 尽量多吃低脂肪的食物,远离垃圾食品;2,保证每天吃早餐3, 养成锻炼身体的好习惯;4, 保持足够的睡眠,研究表明每天睡八小时是最简单的减肥方法。注意:1. 对所给要点,要有适当发挥,不要简单翻译;2. 词数:100词左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;3. 参考词汇:垃圾食品 — junk food; 低脂肪 — low-fat。Dear Rose,I was glad to receive your letter asking for advice about how to stay slim. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best wishes.Christine 岳阳县一中2009年下学期期中考试高一英语答题卷 班次_______      考号________     姓名_______  座位号_____18._________        19._________        20._________73.______________________________________________.74._____________.75._____________________________________________.76._________                    77._________                    78._________79._________                    80._________                    81._________82._________                    83._________                    84._________85._________                   Writing: Dear Rose,I was glad to receive your letter asking for advice about how to stay slim. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best wishes.Christine 岳阳县一中高一年级2009年下学期期中考试英语答案          1.听力(1.5x20=30)1-5 ABCBC      6-10 CABCA      11-15 CBCCB    16-17 CA  18,Retired from     19,his own business    20, an advisor 1,单选  1X15=1521-25 CDDCB       26-30BCBDB         31-35ACDCD     2,完型;(1.5X20=30) 36-40 BDADA         41-45 DABCB     46-50BDCDA51-55 ADCDC      3, 阅读.(2X17=34)    56-59 DCCA      60-63 BDCA64-67 DCAB          68-72 BABCC 5. 阅读简答(6分)73.Things Are Not Always What They Seem. 74. angry75.was willing to share everything 6. 阅读填空(10分)76. Solutions or Ways       77. gardening                      78. Easily getting angry 79. improperly                 80. getting enough rest           81. Make time 82. going window-shopping    83. not enough     84. doing one thing       85. checking off 7.书面表达(One possible version)(25分)    Dear Rose,    I was glad to receive your letter asking for advice about how to stay slim. Here are some suggestions. First, it is important to have a low-fat diet and stay away from junk food. You'll put on weight easily if you eat junk food. You should also be sure to have breakfast every day, because breakfast is very important. Third, it is also helpful to exercise regularly instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer all day. Exercise can help you burn calories. Lastly, getting eight hours of sleep every day is the simplest way to stay slim.     I sincerely hope that you can find pleasure in doing the above and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.     Best wishes.    Christine    
