2010届高三英语复习题:unit 9 Gymnastics

2010届高三英语复习题:unit 9 Gymnastics


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2010届高三英语复习题:unit 9 Gymnastics 一、试题精选 1. Little Tom should love _______ to the theatre this evening.   A. to be taken      B. to take    C. being taken      D. taking   [解析] should like/love to = want very much to 跟动词被动式,主语是不是定式动词的逻辑宾语,故用被动式。     答案:A  2. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single- person _______ she could turn for help.   A. that      B. who   C. from whom   D. to whom   [解析] turn to sb. (for help) = go to sb. for help向……求助。     答案:D 3. The pen I _______ I _______ is on my desk, right under my nose.   A. think; lost      B. thought; had lost    C. think; had lost      D. thought; have lost   [解析]该句是说“我原以为已经丢了钢笔,结果就在我的书桌上,就在我眼前。”发现钢笔前认为用thought, “丢”发生在thought之前,所以用过去完成时。 答案:B 4. If you really want yourself to be in good health, you must _______ always ______ so much.   A. not; be smoking    B. not (have smoked   C. not; to smoke     D. be not; smoking   答案:A 5. -What was the party like?    -Wonderful. It s years _______ I enjoyed myself so much.   A. after       B. before    C. when       D. since   [解析]根据前后两句的结构和谓语动词的时态来判断,选since. It is some time since…结构,若since- cl. 的谓语是延续性动词,则为反向译法;若是非延续性动词,则正面翻译。   答案:D 6. Little _______ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.   A. does he care        B. did he care   C. he cares             D. he cared   [解析]以否定词开头的句子为部分倒装,谓语动词(实意动词)为一般过去时,加助动词did置于主语前。   答案:B 7. -David has made great progress recently.    - ______, and _______.   A. So he has; so you have    B. So he has; so have you   C. So has he; so have you    D. So has he; so you have   [解析] 当句首so用作代替词,表示“也是”某种情况时,引起倒装;表示“是的、的确”,即表示同意对方的意见时,则不引起倒装。    答案:B 8. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.   A. looked up   B. looked for    C. picked out   D. picked up   [解析] 在书、词典等中查找……,应用look up = find(information) in a book.   答案:A 9. -Do you want tea or coffee?      - _______. I really don’t mind.   A. Both         B. None     C. Either       D. Neither   [解析]该题的关键是抓住I really don’t mind这一信息,表明二者随便哪一种都可以。表示两者中的任何一个应用either。不定代词在上述具体语境中的应用是高考热点,要注意区别都分否定与全部否定,分清指代名词及范围。      答案:C  10. -You should have thanked her before you left.        -I meant _______, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.   A .to do       B. to      C. doing      D. doing so   [解析]mean这个动词尤其特殊,接动词不定式与接动名词有着不同的意思:mean doing, 意思是“意味着……”,而mean to do则是“想要做某事”的意思。另外,在回答问题时,和上文重复的不定式部分通常省略,但小品词to保留。  答案:B 二、难题精讲 (1)题    -------When shall we meet again ?    ------- Make it _______ day you like ; it's all the same to me .    A. one  B. any  C. another  D. some    答案:B  通过率:43%   试题分析:本题测试的是代词在语篇中的用法。若孤立地看待“Make it day you like/一句,则one day,any day, another day, some day都对。但是它们只能运用在不同的场合,语境和语篇之中。   A . one day往往表示过去的某一天。   如:One day I happened to meet an old friend of mine…   B. any day则表示“随便哪天”,与有所指的D.some day(将来某一天)不同。   如:-------I wonder if you’d be free some day next week . I’d like to have a talk with you about our    new plan.   -------The summer holiday begins next week . I’ll be free any day in the coming two months.   -------You mean any day will do ?   ------- Yeah . Any day , any time will do . You’re welcome any day next week .   然而another day必定是在上下文中提到过的别的day,表示“时间不合适”或“另有安排”。如:   ------ Shall we meet again some day next week ?   ------ Oh, I’m afraid we can’t. You see, I’m going to New York on business next Tuesday .    ------ Then, make it another day you like; anyway I’ll be free from tomorrow on for almost two weeks.   ------What about Tuesday the week after ?   ------ OK.   如果平时学习one,another,some三词均在类似上述语篇中操练的话,那么他们就会“很容易获得上下文的整体乐观性”,做到正确判断。反之,长期使用“英汉对照单词表”,“长期依赖母语的学习活动”的学生“在完成此题的过程中直接或间接地使用了汉语,”因为“长期的学习习惯使他们不自觉地依赖母语进行判断,而且他们总是认定这样的判断是有道理的”。由此可见,“高水平的学生具备对真实语言的较为丰富的经验,而较差的学生则不具备足够的经验”。 (2)题   I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible . Just have a little _______ .   A. wait  B. time  C. patience  D. rest    答案:C  通过率:29%   试题分析:本题测试的是在情景中使用名词词组搭配,在上下文中猜测词汇以及应用构词法的能力   高考词汇表中尚未收入 patience一词。要完成此题,只有四个办法:   l)平时要大量阅读。patience一词在一般浅易读物中是经常出现的,如:1994年9月的“21世纪”英语报的一篇重要文章的巨大标题就是:L.GALEXANDER:FOREIGN     LANGUAGES REQUIRE PATIENCE   2)学会派生构词法。这样,已知的词汇patient便可派生出新词patience。   3)历年的高考词汇表中均未收入任何单词的汉语词义。这便要求高三学生千  万不要背诵任何单位增补修订的“英汉对照单词表”,高考考试说明的无汉语词汇表仅    仅是高考复习时供查阅的参考材料,复习词汇必须平时要大量阅读从上下文中,了解已学词汇的种种新旧用法,猜测生疏词汇的意思。   4)然后使用排除法,排除三个干扰项,便可做出正确选择。   wait是动词,故而have a wait显然不通。   have a little time(有一点儿时间)和have a little rest(休息一会儿)从单句层面是看, 语法上都是对的。    但是,若选 B项,从这道题的上下文看,下句Just have a little time与上句I’ll look into  the matter as soon as possible的情景个对口。   可是,若选 D项,则原题上文I’ll look into the matt。as soon as possible加上选项 D的  Just have a rest的译文却是“我将尽快处理此事。就休息一会儿,好吗?”(含义是:“我实在太累了。”)这样一来D项似乎是对的了。   看来,原题这个仅仅两句话的小语篇也不太灵光。因为它缺乏冗余度(redundancy),缺少反复的,更明确的上下文。因此,只能挖掘“as soon as possible”的含义,向“深层结构”去探索语篇的暗含部分:   You want to know everything about the matter as early as possible. You’re anxious to learn moment. I’ll be through m no time. I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Don’t be so anxious. Just have a little patience.   如果平时进行大量语篇数学反复操练的话,那么学生就可能事后,甚至在考试过程中。正确迅速地构成下列两个语篇,探索到B.have a little time和D.have a little rest的深层结构,即:冗余度,从而看到两个意义完全不同的语篇: B.have a little time 的深层结构   There is no hurry. We still have plenty of time. Anyway I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. You mean half an hour is only a short time. You mean it's not long enough. But don’t  forget we still have a little time left . We can do it even tomorrow ... D. have a little rest的深层结构   Oh, please don’t hurry me . I’ve been busy with that matter for nearly two weeks without any rest . You want me to look into the matter right now, don’t you ? But I’m too tired to work on ... All right . I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible . But just let me have a little rest now . I beg you. Please ... (3)题   How beautifully she sings! I have never heard ________.   A. the better voice   B. a good voice    C. the best voice    D. a better voice   答案:D  通过率42%   试题分析:本题测试的是比较级的习惯用法(只有大量的口笔实践活动才能形成惯用法的语感)。在这里,那种由于长期语法教学熏陶而形成的“规则泛化”,完全成为坑害考生的误导,竟然有高达48%以上的考生,因为“牢固地掌握了比较级和最高级的语法规则”而误选了A项和C项。 (4)题    Many agree that _______ knowledge of English is a must in ________ international trade   today.   A. a; 不填    B. the; a   C. the; the   D. 不填; the      答案:A  通过率:11%   试题分析:本题测试的是冠词的习惯用法(基本原则同上题)。冠词的用法,只有极简单的一般规则,主要依据人们约定俗成的言语习惯,而不是什么语法规则。凡是在历年高考的冠词测试题中碰壁的,大多数是因为缺乏大量四笔语实践活动。 (5)题   It is wise to have some money ______ for old age .   A. put away  B. kept up  C. given away  D. laid up   答案:A  通过率:21%   试题分析:本题测试的是“词组动词的习惯用法”,这类惯用法要在以语篇为单位的交际实践活动中逐渐掌握,而不是什么“语法和句型”或者“英汉对照单词表”的死记硬背。有54%的考生误选B项,就是因为他们在背诵英语单词的汉语词义上下的功夫大多,对于keep一词的汉语词义“保持”的印象太深刻了,几乎挥之不去。其实,任何词组动词的词义往往与其构成部分没有多大关系;如:keep和up构成的词组动词keep up的词义不等于“逐渐保持”,尽管build和up构成的词组动词build up具有“逐渐积累”的词义。 (6)题   _______ we can’t get seems better than ________ we have .   A. What; what  B. What; that  C. That; that  D. That, what   答案:A  通过率:43%   试题分析:本题测试的是what引导的名词从句语法知识在实际中的运用能力。如果经常           进行口语活动,便会发现此类从句在口语活动中俯拾即是,大量从句可以取代大量的生疏单词。如:Actions speak louder than words.可以使用从句解释为:What a person actually does means more than what he says he will do。 (7)题   ________ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him .   A. Losing  B. Having lost  C. Lost  D. To lose    答案:C  通过率:19%   试题分析:本题测试的是过去分词的使用能力。这个 Lost in thought词组是不少考生没有      见过的,原因是他们缺少足够数量的语篇阅读与聆听的经验。听力与阅读是考生输入语言信息的源泉,只有多输入才能多输出,才能在语句的下文 he almost ran into the car in front of him的基础上,才能确定上文Lost in thought的意义。   当然,如果考生具备较强的想象力,也能够顺利完成此题。他们看到此句的下文自然会想象到爱因斯坦与安培这两位科学家的故事,他们不就是因为过于集中精力思考问题,以至于“眼睛直视前方,差一点儿与人相撞”,“错把前面的马车后板当成黑板”…这不就是“陷入沉思”(Lost in thought)吗?再如:有的考生接触过The ship was lost at sea.The stranger got lost in the new neighbour。She lost her self in the new book.这类句子,通过想象,便可选对Lost in thought。 三、单项选择   6. The car got out of control and knocked _______ the wall.   A. at       B. on       C. to         D. into   7. ______ was at midnight ______ he came back home.   A. It; that       B. It; when  C. That; until       D. Not until; when   8. The building ______ now used to be famous.   A. torn down    B. being torn down     C. to be torn down        D. been tearing down   9. After two periods, all the students do eye exercises ______ the music.   A. to       B. with       C. by      D. in   10. It was so cold that night that they kept the fire ______ all the time.   A. to burn   B. burn  C. burning  D. burned   11. — Why isn’t Bill here today?      — ________.   A. He may be ill              B. It looks as if he was ill   C. I guess he was ill            D. He can have been ill   12. But for his friend’s help, he ______ such good progress.   A. shouldn’t have made      B. couldn’t have made   C. couldn’t make              D. could haven’t made   13. She finished the exercises neatly and landed steadily. ______, she gave a very good  performance.   A. At all   B. Of all   C. In all  D. Above all   14. Boxing may cause damage ______ the brain.   A. for      B. on       C. to       D. with   15. Students learning to talk doesn’t learn by ______ all the time.   A. collecting             B. being corrected   C. having been collected  D. being correcting   16. The police caught the thief ______.   A. by his arm    B. by the arm   C. with his arm   D. with the arm   17. All she should do ______ him a little push.   A. is giving     B. give  C. gives  D. is give   18. The bed ______ 1.5 meters wide.   A. measuring    B. is measured   C. measures    D. to be measured   19. It must have rained last night, ______ the ground was wet.   A. for      B. since       C. because   D. so   20. Listen! Can you hear a girl’s ______?   A. sound  B. noise       C. voice       D. saying  
