2013年五年级英语第六册Book6 Unit2 Dialogue 测试题

2013年五年级英语第六册Book6 Unit2 Dialogue 测试题


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Book 6 Unit 2 Dialogue课后练习一、请阅读第7页Unit 2,并根据课文内容判断下列句子是否正确。(      ) 1. Miss White is Jiamin’s teacher.(      ) 2. Mrs. Chen is Jiamin’s aunt.(      ) 3. Jiamin looks fatter now than before.(      ) 4. Jiamin looks tired and he often sleeps in class.(      ) 5. Jiamin is often late for school.(      ) 6. Jiamin always goes to bed early.(      ) 7. Jiamin has a lot of homework every day.(      ) 8. Jiamin always works in his bedroom after dinner.(      ) 9. Jiamin hands in his homework on time and does well in class.(      ) 10. Jiamin plays computer games too much.(      ) 11. Mrs. Chen is worried about Jiamin.(      ) 12. Miss White doesn’t want to help Jiamin. 二、请根据课文内容,选择适当的词,把下列句子补充完整。1. Jiamin looks _____________ (thinner / fatter) now than before.2. Jiamin looks __________ (good / tired) and he sometimes ________ (plays / sleeps) in class.3. Jiamin always goes to bed very ____________ (early / late).4. Jiamin always works in his bedroom __________________ (after dinner / after school).5. Jiamin ____________ (can / can't) hand in homework on time.6. Jiamin ____________ (can /can't) do well in class.7. Jiamin has a new _______________ (toy / computer).8. Jiamin _____________ (usually / seldom) plays computer games.9. Mrs. Chen is worried about Jiamin's _______________ (computer / study).10. Miss White __________ (will / won't) help jiamin together.三、请根据中文意思,把下列句子补充完整。1. My father looks t__________ n_________ t__________ b___________ (现在比以前瘦了).2. Sometimes I a_______ w___________ a____________ h____________(担心他).3. That man l___________ v___________ t____________ (看起来很累).4. Tang Jie always s_____________ i____ E_____________ c___________ (上英语课睡觉).5. Peng Yuanxi i______ o_________ l________ f_______ s___________ (经常上学迟到).6. My father often goes to bed l_________ t__________ m__________ (比我晚).7. My cousin h________ ______ l__________ o_____ h_____________ (有很多作业) every day.8. My mother usually w_________ i____ h________ b_______________ (在卧室里工作) at night.9. Yang Qingwei should h________ i_____ h____________ o_____ t________ (按时上交作业).10. All the children can d________ w________ i________ E________________ c__________ (在英语课上表现得好).11. I think Guo Feng p___________ c______________ g__________ t_______ m_________ (玩太多电脑游戏).12. He Guannan will c________ u______ w______ t_____ o___________ (赶上其他人) one day.13. All the classmates will h__________ h_________ t____________ (一起帮助她).14. You should t_________ m__________ e_______________ (多点锻炼身体).15. Can you f__________ y___________ h______________ (完成你的作业) after dinner.
