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福建省建瓯二中2013-2014学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版听力部分(20分)I. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)(   )1.                             A        B                      C(   )2.                                  A              B                      C(   )3.                            A         B                       C(   )4  .                            A                 B                      C(   )5.                                  A             B                      CII听对话,判断正(A)误(B)。每段对话读一遍。(5分)(   )6. Jim lives  in a townhouse.(   )7. Linda’s house is close to the restaurant.(   )8. There is a post office near here.(    )9. There are some bus stops near her home.(   )10. The community is quiet.III. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答第11~12题。(   )11 . Where are Kangkang and Jane?A. At school.    B. At home.           C. In a hospital.(   )12. Why does Jane ask Kangkang for help?A. Because there are a few books.        B. Because those books are new.C. Because the books are heavy.听第二段对话,回答第13~15题。(   )13. Which floor  does Jenny  live on?A. On the first floor.    B. On the second floor.    C. We don’t know.(   )14. What does Jenny want to buy?A. Some bread.     B. Some milk.    C. Some Coke.(   )15. Where is the supermarket?A. At th e end of the road.  B. On the street corner.  C. Next to the post office.IV.听短文,选择最佳的答案。(每小题1分,共5分)(   )16. Is Zhang  Hua’s home near his school?       A. Yes, it is.            B. No, it isn’t        C. We don’t know.(   )17. Z hang Hua’s family rent the apartment for _______ a month.       A.¥ 200              B.¥ 300               C.¥ 400(   )18. What’s ne ar  Zhang Hua’s home?A. There is an apartment building.       B. There are many bookstores.C. There are many shops and restaurants.(   )19. Is there a community service center in Zhang Hua’s area?A. No, there isn’t.   B. Yes, there is.     C. We don’t know(   )20. Zhang Hua likes living in ________ __.       A. a quiet and clean community    B. a noisy community   C. a big restaurant笔试部分(满分 80 分)I、 选择填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)(      )21. I like playing__________soccer and Jim likes playing_________guitar.A.the , /        B.the , the       C./ , the         D.a ,  (      )22. I have___________ money here. I can buy some drink. A. a little      B.little        C.a few      D.few (      )23.Can you see any apples______ t he tree? Yes, I can also see a kite________ the treeA. In , on          B. on, in         C. in , in          D. on , on (      )24.Listen! Kate _____ now. Oh., she often________A. is singing ; is singing . B. sings; sings.  C. sings; is singing .  D. is singing ; sings(      )25.---Your keys are under the table.You must__________your things. ---OK.A.look after    B.look at       C.look for        D.look like(      )26. They are from Japan__________ they speak English very well.A.so          B.because      C.but            D.o r (      )27.These are your books. Please _______       A. put it away    B. put away it  C. put them away   D. put away them(      )28. —Do you _____ your keys, Mary?  —No. I am __________ them now.A. look for; finding B. find; look for  C. look for; find  D. find; looking for(      )29. —        is “Lucky 52” shown on CCTV? —  Every week. A. How long   B. How often   C. How many times D. How soon(      )30. — Excu se me.May I _______the book?   —Of course,you can______it for a week..A. keep , borrow       B. borrow , keep   C. borrow , borrow   D. keep , keepII、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Lucy,      I want to tell you a lot about my life in China. But let me tell you something about my little  31  first. Its name is Egg  32  it is white and it likes  33  eggs very much. Egg is from Japan.  34  uncle buys it for me. It is only one year  35  and it is a little shy (害羞的). It can  36   many things. If (如果) I say “go to   37  ”, it will run to its bed. If I give it a ball, it will play with it. If I  38   a song, it will shake (摇) its tail (尾巴). If I don’t know where my shoes are, it can  39  me find them. Isn’t it a  40  dog?                                             Yours,                                              Tom(     )31. A. cat      B. dog        C. panda      D. monkey(     )32. A. because  B. but         C. so     D. or(     )33. A. buying     B. drawing     C. eating        D. finding (     )34. A. Our     B. His        C. Its         D. My(     )35. A. age     B. big        C. old          D. small(     )36. A. do      B. tell        C. have          D. take(     )37. A. school   B. sleep        C. work       D. shop(     )38. A. read     B. tell         C. speak         D. sing(     )39. A. give         B. call         C. help        D. bring(     )40. A. boring   B. clever       C. easy         D. difficultIII、阅读理解(共20分)AMy name is Li Lei. I have a bedroom. It is next to my parents’. The bedroom is not big, but it is very nice. On the wall, you can see a map of China, some pictures of football (足球)stars and a kite. My desk is near the window. There is a lamp and a computer on it. The photo of my family and some books are on the desk, too. My cat, Mimi, is under my chair. My football is behind the door. You can’t see my shoes. They are under the bed. I clean my bedroom every day.请根据短文内容判断下列说法正(A)误(B)。(     )41. You can not see a basketball in Li Lei’s bedroom.(     )42. Li Lei’s bedroom is small but nice.(     )43. Li Lei’s shoes are behind the door and his football is under the desk.(     )44. Li Lei likes football very much.(     )45. Li Lei sometimes cleans his bedroom.BFor RentA big apartment for a family of three people.¥650 a month. Call Mr. Zhang.Tel:(010)8838-7166.WantedLooking for a single room under $120 per month. Please callHarry at 138-7682-5856.LostID cardName:DickNumber:232324198804125510Please call ( 010)8433-9211.FoundA red bag with some books. Come to Room 402 in the evening or call Whiteat (010)6378-3021. (    )46.Please call _____ to rent a three-bedroom apartment.A.(010)8838-7166  B.138-7682-5856  C.(010)8433-9211  D.(010)6378-3021(    )47.You can rent your single room to _____ for $120 per month.A.Dick B.Harry C.White D.Mr. Zhang(    )48.If(如果) you find an ID card, you can call _____ at (010)8433-9211.A.White B.Harry C.Dick D.Mr. Zhang(    )49.If you can’t find your ba g, you can _____ to get it back in the evening.A.call (010)8433-9211 B.go to Room 402C.call Harry  D.go to look for a single room(    )50.You want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months. You must take out _____.A.¥1950 B. $1950 C.¥650 D.  $650CDo you have a pen pal? If your answer is no, do you want to have one? Now let me tell you how to get a pen pal. There are usually three steps (步骤). The first step is greeting (问候). In this step, you and your new friend say hello to each other and tell each other your names. The second one is talking. You can talk about your ages, your families, your favorites or any other things like that. The third one is leave-taking. In this step, you can tell your new friend that you are happy to meet him or her. Before you say goodbye to each other, you can also say “Do you want to be my pen pal?” or “I hope (希望) we can be pen pals.”请根据短文内容从所给的选项中选出最佳选项。(    )51. This essay (短文) is about how to _____.A. get a pen pal B. write to your pen pal  C. talk to your pen pal   D. meet your pen pal(    )52. There are _____ steps mentioned (被提及) in the essay.A. two      B. three  C. four      D. five(    )53. _____ is the first step.A. Saying hello to each other           B. Talking about agesC. Telling your pen pal you are happy    D. Telling your pen pal your favorites(    )54. You may talk about your father’s favorite animal in the _____ step.A. first    B. second     C. third   D. fourth (    )55. What does “leave-taking” mean(意思) in the essay?A. Meeting your pen pal.  B. Visiting your pen pal’s house.C. Saying goodbye.            D. Taking a walk.(二)D任务型阅读  阅读短文后回答问题。( 每题1分,满分5分)DDear Li Lei,I’m an English boy. My name is Jim. I am twelve. I have one brother and one sister. My sister is Kate. She is only two. My brother is John. He and I are in the same grade, but in different classes. We go to school five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays we stay at home. On Sundays we play football and on Saturdays we watch TV.My father and mother are teachers. They teach us Chinese. John can speak Chinese. But I can speak only a little. I like to read. Now I am reading a new book about China. I like China very much. Let us be good friends and welcome you to London. Please write back soon.                                                              Yours,                                                                Jim 56.Who is the letter from?_________________ ___________________________ _______________________________57.What do they do on Saturdays ?___________________________________________________________________________58.Are Jim and his brother in the same grade?___________________________________________________________________________59.When do they play football?___________________________________________________________________________60.What does Jim’s father do?___________________________________________________________________________IV、口语应用。(满分5分)A:Hi, Jane. 61._________________________________________________?B:Hi, Ma ria. I’m reading a book.A:What’s it about?B:It’s about computer science.A:62 _________ ________________________________________________?B:I think it’s very interesting and magical.63 __________________________?A:I think it’s boring and difficult . So I don’t like it.B: 64 __________________________________________________________?A: I like English best.B: 65 _________________________________________________________?A: Because English is useful and interesting.书 写 部 分V、词汇运用  用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)66.I would like my mother  ________________ (buy)a bike for me .67.Monday is the ______________(two) day  of the week.68.Why not_____________________( get ) up early. It’s good for your health.69. Where  are the boys?  They _________________________ (play) foot ball. 70.School is over. It is time_____________________(go ) home.71.Michael often goes swimming ______________________(two ) a week.72.Look!The woman with two babies __________________( walk ) in the park.73.The ____________ ( teacher )  office is large and beautiful.74.__________  the early bird  ______________(catch)  the worm ?.75.Mike sometimes __________________ (watch ) TV on Sundays.VI、翻译句子。 (每句1分,满分10分)76.他 经常在业余时间看书. He often  ______________________________________.77.Bill 正领我们参观他的农场.____________________________________his farm now.78.房间 里没有书桌。    There  are   ______________________________in the room.79. 今天上午他们上了两节英语课。  ____________________________________________ .80.房子的前面有一棵树。There   _________________________________________..81.有两个孩子在游泳池里游泳。________________________________in the swimming pool.82.下一节课几点开始?What time ___________________________________________?83.我们可以从历史中学到许多。We  can __________________________________.84. Michael 住在一个带花园的农舍里。Michael  __________________________________85. 感谢你的辛勤劳动. _______________________________________________________.VII、句型转换(每题1分,满分5分)86. Mike  usually plays ball games after class.(划线部分提问)________   _______ Mike usually __________  after class ?87.There are some bananas in the basket.(改为一般疑问句)________ there ________ bananas in the basket?88.He often flies a kite in the park.(用now 改写句子)He ________  ________ a kite in the park now.89.There is a shelf in the room. (对划线部分提问)_______   _________ __________  _______ there in the room?90. She sometimes walks to the farm. (写出同义句)    She sometimes_______ to the farm_________  __________.VIII、选择方框内单词的适当形式填空,每空只填一个词(每空1分,满分10分) Dear Lin Tao,     How are you? Thanks for your letter. You want ___91____ something about my school life in your letter. Let me ____92___ you now.     America is a nice____93___, and people here are very friendly. My sister and I go to the ____94___  school . We have classes ____95___ Monday to Friday, and six classes every day. I like history very much. I think it’s very ___96____. On Sundays, my father often ____97___ us to the park.     I have many ____98___ in my school. They often ask me something about China. After class, I like____99___ football with them. It’s my favorite outdoor activity.      What’s your favorite subject? Do you like your school life? Please write __100_____ me.                                                Yours,                               Tom91____________92____________93____________94____________95____________96____________97____________98_____ _______99____________100___________IV、书面表达(满分5分)假设你生活在一栋两层楼的房子里,简单介绍一下你的房子和今天是星期天,此时家人正在进行的动作。要求:1、语句通顺 ,语法正确  2.字数不少于60字_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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