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辽宁省庄河市第二初级中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版  听力部分(满分10分)I. 听句子,选出与你所听到句子内容相符的图片。   1. _________   2. _________   3. ________  4. ________   5. _________II. 听5组对话,从所给的A、B、C中选出正确的选项回答你所听到的问题。(本题共5小题,每小题0.5分,共2.5分)6. A. 13                B. 14             C. 15            7. A. At school.        B. In a shop.       C. In a restaurant.8. A. No, he doesn’t.            B. Yes, he does.      C. We don’t know.           9. A. He saw a film.            B. He stayed at home.       C. He visited his grandpa.             10.A. By bus.        B. By bike.        C. On foot.III. 听一段长对话,根据对话内容判断下列句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。     (本题共5小题,每小题0.5分,共2.5分)  11. I got up very late yesterday morning.                                (    )12. I was busy so didn't have breakfast yesterday.                         (    )13. We visited the zoo and saw many animals there.                       (    )14. I had lunch in the park with my friends.                              (    )15. I watched TV and did my homework last night.                        (    )VI. 听短文,从所给的A、B、C中选出正确的选项回答下列问题。   (本题共5小题,每小题0.5分,共2.5分)16. What kind of passage is it?   A. A story.     B. An ad.     C. A play.17. Who can become one of that group?   A. People from 12 to 18.     B. All young people.     C. People from 12 to 80.18. When do hospitals need help with taking care of children?A. When parents are working.               B. When parents see the doctor.C. When they haven't got homes.19. Who does Susan look after?A. Children.    B. Old people.    C. Patients.20. What can you do to join the group?A. Visit them.    B. Visit their website.  C. Write letters to them.                        笔试部分   (满分140分)第I卷  选择题(共63分)I. 单项填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)  从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Our Spring Festival is one of ________ biggest festivals in the world.   A.a      B.an     C.the      D./  2. My uncle will marry ________ August 18th this year.     A. at       B. in       C. on       D. from3. ______ will have a computer on their desk. They will read books or use the Internet.   A. Everyone  B. No one  C. All    D. He4. The children are taking ___________ in front of the famous house.    A. photos        B. transports      C. holidays        D. haircuts5. Families in foreign countries _________ their houses before Christmas.   A. build     B. decorate      C. enter        D. change6. Our teacher talks to us and asks us about our lives. She’s ______.   A. friendly   B. unfriendly  C. well-behaved  D. naughty7. -- ________ are they going to leave for Shanghai?   -- Next Friday.       A. How          B. Where        C. What          D. When8. The English shows will _________ until the end of the month. You can come at any time.   A. stop        B. open        C. plan        D. continue9. He writes fast, _______, his handwriting is good.      A.so        B. and          C. but          D. however10. I think visiting a Beijing siheyuan is _______ than staying at home. Let’s go.   A. unpopular      B. so relaxing     C. more interesting     D. more boring11. I go to work _________ everyday. It’s 10 minutes’ walk from home to my office.   A. by boat        B. on foot         C. by plane          D. in a bus12. Nowadays we still see Shakespeare's plays in English and many other _______.   A.languages     B.traditions       C.characters     D.companies13. He usually sits there _________ for a long ti me, without talking to anyone.   A. loudly       B. clearly        C. quietly        D. noisily 14.There was no one outside, so she _____ the house quickly and slept in the bed.   A. came into       B.looked around   C. hurried out of      D.picked up 15. – What do you think of your English teacher?   -- ___________  We are good friends now.   A. She's at work.    B. He’s great.     C. That's a great idea! D. What about you? II.完形填空(一)(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)  阅读下面短文,理解其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  Hunter was a six-year-old boy. One morning he went to a big shop    16    his mother. There was a square in front of the shop. There were many    17    on the square. They were flying and    18   . Hunter was very interested in them.   Hunter    19   to his mother he didn’t want to go into the shop. He wanted to watch the bird s. His mother went to the shop and Hunter sat down.   After a while, a woman came to the square with a    20    girl. When they were in the middle of the square, they stopped. The women took    21    out of her bag and put it in her hand. Then the birds flew to her and began to eat.  “What does the woman    22   the birds?” Hunter said to himself. He stood up and came to the woman. Oh, some bread was in the woman’s hand. Hunter watched and watched. He was very   23   . He even forgot the time.  The  woman    24    the boy and asked, “Do you want some, my little boy?”  “No, thank you , madam,” said Hunter. “I’m    25   .”16. A. for           B. with           C. from           D. around17. A. birds         B. children         C. heroes           D. planes 18. A. running       B. jumping        C. crying          D. singing19. A. talked        B. spoke          C. told            D. said20. A. little         B. small           C. good           D. big21. A. anything      B. something       C. nothing         D. everything 22. A. get           B. take            C. make          D. give23. A. naughty          B. tired            C. glad           D. careful24. A. thought about     B. picked up    C. looked at         D. found out25. A. hungry        B. full            C. empty         D. heavy Ⅲ.阅读理解(一)(本题共14小题,每小题2分,共28分)A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Passage 1 27. The year of 2012 is the year of the _________.   A. tiger          B. pig         C. monkey       D. lion28. People are busy _________ before the New Year’s Day.   A. having dinner                      B. doing some shopping and cleaning   C. saying good luck                   D. trying on the new clothes29. All the families stay up late on New Year’s Eve because _________.   A. they want to welcome the New Year          B. they want to have a big dinner   C. they want to say “Good luck” to each other    D. they are waiting or their friends30. The passage is about _________.A. Chinese history   B. names for Chinese year  C. Chinese New Year  D. festivals Passage 2                      An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. "What's that strange building?" asked the visitor. "That's the Tower of London." "I see. H ow long did it take to build it?" "About 500 years." "In my country we can build it in five months, "said the visitor. A short time after that they came to St. Paul's Cathedral(大教堂). "Very interesting]" said the visitor. "How long did it take to build it?" "Nearly forty years," said the Englishman. "In my country we can finish it in forty days, "said the visitor. This went on all day.   They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time th ey saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they could do the same thing much faster in his country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. A few days later they came to the House of P arliament (议会大厦) and the visitor asked his usual question, "What's that?" The Englishman answered, "I've no idea. It wasn't there last night." 31.The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around______.A. the Tower of London                  B. St. Paul' s CathedralC. some famous buildings in London    D. the whole city of London32. The visitor said that in his country it would take them      to build St. Paul's Cathedral.A. less than half a year   B. more than a month  C. five hundred years D. forty years33. The Englishman was very angry by the end of the day, but he______.    A. tried not to let the visitor know it     B. tried not to show the visitor around the cityC. had no time to tell the visitor        D. didn't want to say anything34. The Englishman's last answer showed he_______.A. was sorry that he hadn’t seen the building beforeB. could say nothing because he didn't know anything about itC. was not happy and decided to give him a surprising answerD. didn't know how to tell the visitor the name of the building35. Th e best title for this passage is “______”.A. English history                        B. Around London  C. What' that strange building?              D. How long did it take to build it?B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)Passage 3  The Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space.   36   When he was a young man he loved aeroplanes and had lessons at a flight school. He became a pilot for the government, working on a special project.37  Then on April 12,1961 Gagarin made his famous flight in Vostok 1. A rocket carried his spacecraft, only big enough for one person, up to an altitude of 327,000 metres and went round in an orbit of the earth at a speed of 28,000 km per hour.   38   He landed on a farm and met an old woman with her granddaughter and cow. IV. 情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)     根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整。(有两项为多余选项)                          Daming: Hi, Bob. Do you like living in Beijing?   Bob: Yes, I enjoying living in Beijing very much.Daming:    40      Bob: I am from London.Daming: Oh,    41      Bob: That’s right.    42    You should always take an umbrella with you. It may rain          anytime.Daming: It rains in Beijing only in summer.   Bob:    43     And the winter in Beijing is colder than London.Daming: In Beijing four seasons are very clear.   Bob: Yes, many people think autumn in Beijing is too dry, but I don’t mind.    44   .         They are very friendly.         第II卷  非选择题(共77分) 第II卷  非选择题(共77分)V.词语运用(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A.根据句意和括号里的提示,写出单词的正确形式。每空一词。45. All of people are cleaning their houses and _________ (sweep) away bad luck.46. The weatherman says Guangdong will have a wet day. It will be________ (rain).47. We all know they enjoy _________ (listen) to popular music.48. Mr. Li __________ (teach) us Chinese well. We all like him.49. My sister was born in 1998. She is __________ (old) than me.50. In Iraq, __________ (thousand) of people lost their lives in the war.51. We could not do it so __________ (success) without their help.52. There are many kinds of birthday __________ (celebrate) all over the world.53. I_________ (bring) some of my friends home to a warm welcome from my parents.54. Once upon a time, there ________ (be) a girl called Goldilocks.   VI.完形填空(二)(本题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)A. 根据短文内容,用方框内所给词或短语的适当 形式填空,使短文内容完整。(每个词或短语只能使用一次)    My father said that he, my mother and I were going to travel around the world. My mother and I   55  . Dad loved us and worked hard in a shop, but we did not have enough money for a long holiday.  There was a shed in the garden. Dad started going there every day, but he put paper over the windows and locked the door so we didn't find out his   56  . He bought boxes home and put many things in the shed. It was very strange.  Then one day he told us the    57    was ready. We went into the shed. Inside, it was a train! We sat down and the train started. We saw pictures through the windows. "look. We are    58    Beijing." And a few minutes later we were passing the Great Wall of China. Dad bought lunch in: Beijing duck!  We spent the next three days in the train and they were the most    59    days of my life. We saw Paris, London, Rome, Venice and many more places -- we ate French pancakes, British fish and chips and Italian pizza. We heard the music of    60    countries. Thank you, Dad, for a wonderful holiday!VI. 阅读理解(二)(本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)A.阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下列句子。Passage 4  Look at the tower! It is beautiful, isn’t it? The Oriental Pearl Television Tower is one of the symbols (标志) of new Shanghai. It is not only famous for its beauty, but also for its height. With a height of 468 metres, the Oriental Pearl Television Tower is higher than any other tower in Asia.  The Oriental Pearl Television Tower is on the east bank of the Huangpu River. On the other side of the river is the Bund, another symbol of shanghai. You can enjoy beautiful sunshine and fresh air on it.  The People’s Square is in the center of Shanghai. It is the cultural center of the city, too. Green trees, grass and colourful flowers make the square a good place to relax.  Shanghai Library is another important place in this city. With a large number of books, it occupies (占) the third largest in Asia.  Shanghai Museum is a great place, too. There you can learn much about Chinese history.61. The Oriental Pearl Television Tower is famous for its _____________________________.62. The Bund is on _____________________ of the Huangpu River.63. Shanghai Library is much _________________ the library in our school.64. Any of the other towers in Asia is _______________ the Oriental Pearl Television  Tower.65. If you want to relax, you may go to ___________________.  66. Can one child join two activities? ___________________________________ __________________________67. What kinds of activities are there?  _____________________________________________________________68. What's the special thing about 2012 Summer Camp? _____________________________________________________________69. How can you book the seat? _____________________________________ ________________________70. Who can join these activities? _____________________________________________________________VIII.写   A. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)71. 纽约的大楼比华盛顿的楼高。    The buildings in New York                             those in Washington D.C.72. 坐在后排很难听清楚老师讲课。                                          at the back row.73.那个小镇子的人们每周工作四天。People in that small town work                                      .74. 我们打算出去游览因为我们喜欢中国文化。                                     _______ because we like Chinese culture.75. 他们花了两周的时间完成了那项工作。                                                           B.书面表达(共25分)76. 假如你是林平,你们学校校报征集英语作文,内容是写一件寒假里你非常感兴趣的事。请你按照要求写一篇小短文投到学校编辑部。内容要点:What did you do?           How did you feel?要求:1. 包含要点并适当拓展,内容明确,主题突出;      2. 逻辑清晰,语言准确,书写规范;      3. 字数在70词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。  I had my first winter holiday in the middle school. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     1.         2.       试卷答完了,请再仔细检查一下你的答案。七年级(下)英语-----期末复习阶段质量检测答案听力原文:I.1. I used a computer to do homework last night.  2. Linda stayed with her family in London on Christmas Day.   3.Tony rode a bike to school when he was a boy.  4. The writer of Hamlet was William Shakespeare.  5. Yang Liwei stayed in a spacecraft when he traveled in space.II. 1. M: What did you do last night, Mary?W: Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. I had a great party at home.Question: How old is Mary?2. W: Why are you here,Tim?  M: I want to buy something for my daughter. She was born this morning..  Q: Where are they?3. W: Do you like travelling?    M: Yes, I like traveling by car. It’s very exciting.    Q: Does the man like traveling?4. W: How was your weekend, Frank?M: I went to the hospital to see my grandpa. He had a bad cold.Q: What did Frank do over the weekend?5. W: I didn’t see you on the bus this morning. Why?    M: The bus was too crowded. So I didn’t take it. I walked to school.    Q: How did the boy go to school this morning?III. A: When did you get up yesterday?   B: I got up at 6:30 in the morning.   A: What did you do after you got up?   B: I washed my hands and face quickly and had my breakfast.   A: Were you busy yesterday?   B: Yes, I was. I did my homework first, and then I went to see my friends.  We went to the zoo by bus. In the zoo, we saw many animals. We had a good time.We came      back home very late.   A: Where did you have your lunch?   B: We had our lunch in the park. We had milk and bread for lunch. When I got home, I was very hungry. I had  a big supper.   A: Did you go to bed early or late?   B: I went to bed early. I didn’t watch TV last night. I was so tired!                   IV. Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people in your free time? Then join us.We have jobs for people of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to 80-year-old people, can become one of us. You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children when parents are working. Hospitals need us to look after children when their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.“As a member of this group, I don’t want to get anything, Seeing children’s happy faces, I am happy, too,” said Susan, an old woman of 62.“I often played computer games in my free time before. Now I help older people learn how to use computers,” said another one at the age of 18.If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll all have a better world to live in.Are you interested now? Call at 3847613 or visit our website.   参考答案: 笔试:I. 1-5 CCAAB  6-10 ADDDC  11-15 BACABII. 16-20  BADDA   21-25  BDCCBIII. 26-30 BDBAC   31-35 CBACD   36-39 FDEAIV. 40-44 BFEGAV. 45-54 sweeping, rainy, listening, teaches, older, thousands, successfully, celebrations, brought, wasVI. 55-60 smiled, plan, holiday, going through, exciting, differentVII. 61. beauty and height  62. the west bank   63. larger / bigger   64. lower than    65. The People's Square   66. No.      67. Sports, interest groups and English World.     68. Some Australian / foreign children are coming to the camp.      69. By phone or by email.      70. All children aged 7-14.      (说明:本题除参考答案外的其他可接受答案均可酌情赋分)     75. It took them  two weeks to finish the work.       (说明:除参考答案外的其他可接受答案均可酌情赋分)    76. One possible version:   I had my first winter holiday in the middle school. Last winter I went to Harbin with my mother. We went there by train and we spent three days in Harbin. It was much colder than Dalian but we felt quite excited. We saw lots and lots of things made of snow and ice. It was a beautiful white world! We also went skiing there. It was more dangerou s to ski there because the mountains were much higher. I was good at skiing so I did very well. My mother and I had a very good time in Harbin. I hope one day I will go there again.   

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