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期中测试卷 (时间:60 分钟;满分:100 分) Ⅰ. 听力试题(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 第一题 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。 1. A.Cats. B. Manatees(海牛). C. Dogs. 2. A. I agree with them. B. Why not build another zoo? C. Animals are aggressive. 3 .A. How lucky she is! B. How kind she is! C. What a poor girl! 4. A. It’s too expensive. B. What about the black one? C. What about the furry one? 5. A. The coat is made of animal fur. B. Good idea. C.OK, here you are. 第二题 听短对话及后面的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 6. A. Manatees. B. Tigers. C. Pandas. 7. A. It was made of old jeans. B. Her mother bought it for her. C. The woman bought the bag in the shop. 8. A. The trees must be taken good care of. B. The trees must be watered well. C. The trees must be planted. 9. A. Monkeys. B. Rabbits. C. Dogs. 10. A. Recycling paper is difficult. B. Recycling paper is easy. C. Recycling is useless. 第三题 听长对话及后面的问题, 选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 11. A. One pound. B. It’s free. C. One dollar. 12. A. A map. B. A cap. C. A photo. 13. A. For two days. B. For three days. C. For three weeks. 14. A. His wife and daughter. B. His son and daughter. C. His wife and son. 15. A. The aquarium. B. The hotel. C. The Great Wall. Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16.With the Internet,news can _____ every corner of the world quickly. A. arrive B. reach C. get D. return 17. We go to school every day _____ Saturdays and Sundays. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for 18. You are not supposed to _____ in class. A. make faces B. make noise C. listen carefully D.A and B 19. They go out ______ their way to make me ______ at home. A. for;feel B. of;to feel C. to;feels D. of;feel 20. Listening to soft music can make you _____ . A. relaxing B. to feel relaxed C. feel relaxed D. felt relaxed 21. Your uncle was supposed _____ here an hour ago. A. to be B. to coming C. to go D. to going 22. —What do you think of the man? —I find _____ difficult to work with him. A. him B. me C. it D. that 23. I’m _____ to see you again. A. please B. pleasure C. pleased D. pleasing 24. _____ they are very tired, they feel very happy because they’ve finally finished their project. A. So B. Although C. If D. But 25. Nick, would you mind _____ those old jeans? They look terrible. A. not to wear B. not wear C. wearing not D. not wearing Ⅲ.完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came.She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was.Mike felt quite 26 ,but he told her it was a sparrow (麻 雀) and got back into reading.   Several minutes later,his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question again.Mike got a little angry but 27 answered her question.After a little while,his mother did the same thing once more.This time Mike could not 28 his anger.He shouted at her for 29  him again and again.   The old lady silently 30 an old diary,turned to a page and showed it to Mike.Though a little impatient,Mike began to read it.  “Today,I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a  31 on the grass and asked me what it was.I 32 at him,said it was a sparrow and kissed him.After a while Mike asked me again and I did the same.Pointing to the same sparrow,little Mike asked me what it was twenty times and I 33  answering his question and kissing him every time.”   Something gently touched Mike’s 34 .His face turned red with 35 for being so impatient to his mother and he hugged (拥抱) her tight.   Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime,but you may not realize that until they are gone. 26.A.angry B.lonely C.proud D.surprised 27.A.still B.always C.already D.seldom 28.A.show B.leave C.control D.discover 29.A.refusing B.supporting C.encouraging D.disturbing 30.A.set out B.took out C.put out D.looked out 31.A.fox B.frog C.bird D.rabbit 32.A.threw B.smiled C.shouted D.laughed 33.A.put on B.kept on C.tried on D.depended on 34.A.face B.mouth C.heart D.shoulder 35.A.shame B.fear C.happiness D.kindness Ⅳ.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 A When my family moved to America in 2010 from a small village in Guangdong,China,we brought not only our luggage,but also our village rules,customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should always respect(尊敬) elders.Unluckily,this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States. I had a part-time job as a waiter in an American restaurant.One time,when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple,the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly.I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly.As soon as I said that,her face showed great displeasure.My manager,who happened to hear what I said,took me aside and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive ( 敏 感 ) Americans are and how they dislike the description “old”.I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife.After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer angry. In my village in China, people are proud of being old.Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty,and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience.Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience. However,in the United States,people think “growing old” is a problem since “old” shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well.Here many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging,and women put on makeup,hoping to look young.When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly,they got angry because this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young.I had told them something they didn’t want to hear. After that,I changed the way I had been with older people.It is not that I don’t respect them any more;I still respect them,but now I don’t show my feelings through words. By Jack 36.Jack brought the couple their food very fast because     . A.the manager asked him to do so B.he respected the elderly C.the couple wanted him to do so D.he wanted more pay 37.When Jack called the couple “elderly”,they became     . A.nervous B.satisfied C.unhappy D.excited 38.In Jack’s hometown,    . A.people dislike being called “old” B.people are proud of being old C.many people reach the age of seventy or eighty D.the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants 39.After this experience, Jack     . A.lost his job in the restaurant B.made friends with the couple C.no longer respected the elderly D.changed his way with older people 40.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The more Jack explained,the angrier the couple got. B.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience. C.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple. D.From this experience,Jack learned more about American culture. B Good afternoon, everyone! This is Rose Garden Middle School Radio. John Smith speaking, with something new to share with you today. We all know that thinking green is sometimes the most difficult thing to do, but not impossible! Bed ZED, a new eco-friendly village (生态村)in the south of London, has done a great job of providing its villagers with a high level living while getting them to pay more attention to protecting the environment. People in Bed ZED have done many things. They recycle their paper, plastic, glass and other daily things. They build many houses whose windows face south in order to get as much sunlight as possible. The rainwater is collected for use in the toilets. Also, the people there travel to work in shared cars or use public transportation if they work far away. Now, you may think it’s not easy to live such a life, but let me tell you, it’s not! It’s a way of life! We just have to say no to what is bad for the environment, and begin working on ideas to protect it. Life would be much more pleasant if villages like Bed ZED existed(存在)all over the world! Thank you for listening! 41. What people in Bed ZED often do is ______. A. to build a lot of houses B. to go to work in their own cars C.to recycle the paper, plastic and glass D.to go for a walk 42. In Bed ZED, the water used in the toilets may come from _____. A.river water B.running water C.collected rainwater D.dirty water 43. People in Bed ZED usually go to work ______ if they work far away. A.by bus B. on foot C.by bike D.by plane 44. The expression “thinking green” might mean the same as ______. A.building a green house B. keeping simple thoughts C.protecting the environment D.keeping water clean 45. The writer’s opinion is that _______. A.people should be against building eco-friendly villages B.Bed ZED is a good example in protecting the environment C.the idea of thinking green is hard to work on D.people should do something to keep the water clean Ⅴ.补全对话(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。 Tom and Peter are talking about their visit to the nature reserve(自然保护区). Tom: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the reserve, don’t we? Peter: 46 Tom: Do you know how to get there? Peter: 47 It’ll take us about two hours to get there by bus. Tom: 48 Peter: It’s an area that protects lots of different animals. Tom: 49 Peter: I’m not really sure. I know there are different kinds of birds there and I’m going to take my camera with me. Tom: 50 What clothes are you going to wear? Peter: Well, if it’s wet, I’ll wear my sports shoes and take my raincoat with me. Tom: So will I. A. What kind of animals will we see there? B. Yes, I’ve got a map. C. No, we don’t. D. What do you know about the reserve? E. Yes. That’s right. F. Don’t worry. G. That’s a good idea. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Ⅵ.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 51.问题是选哪个。 The question is _________ ________ to choose. 52.你量过体温了吗? Have you _________ __________ _________? 53.这件毛衣对我来说太大了。This sweater is _________ ________ big for me. 54.这个女孩将来想成为一名教师。 The girl wants to become a teacher ________ _______ ________. 55.汤姆经常让老师生气。 Tom often ________ ________ ________ ________. Ⅶ.书面表达(共 20 分) 假定你叫张华,最近从报纸上得知美国某公司将在你的家乡建一座工厂,请给该公司写 一封电子邮件。要点如下: ●表示欢迎:有利于家乡发展等; ●感到担忧:造成环境污染等; ●希望了解有关环保措施及更多信息。 注意:1.词数 80~100; 2.请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥以使行文连贯; 3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: pollute vt. 污染 Dear Sir or Madam, I am a middle school student.__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Zhang Hua期中检测卷参考答案 1-5 BABCC 6-10 AABCA 11-15 BABCB 16.B 作“到达”讲时,只有 reach 是及物动词,后面可以直接加宾语。 17.C every day 中不“包含”Saturdays and Sundays,故应选 C。 18.D 根据句意“在课堂上你不应该_____”判断答案为 D。 19.D go out of one’s way 特地做某事;make sb. feel at home 使某人宾至如归。 20.C 由固定短语 make sb. do sth.可知答案。 21.A be supposed to do sth. 意为“应该做某事”。here 前面可用 come 或 be,go 与 there 连用。 22.C 考查 find+it+adj.+to do sth.结构。 23.C be pleased to do sth.意为“很高兴做某事”。 24.B 句意为“他们虽然很累,但很快乐,因为他们最终完成了他们的项目”。从句为让步 状语从句,故用 although 引导从句。 25.D mind 后跟动词的-ing 形式,否定形式为 mind not doing。 26.D angry“生气的”;lonely“孤独的”;proud“骄傲的”;surprised“吃惊的”。由后一 分句可知迈克的妈妈问的是有关麻雀这种鸟,由常识可知麻雀是很普通的鸟,人人皆知, 因此他对妈妈的问题感到很吃惊,故选 D。 27.A still“仍然;还是”;always“总是”;already“已经”;seldom“很少”。由句意“虽 然迈克有点儿生气”及表示转折的 but 可知此处句意为“但他还是回答了她的问题”。故选 A。 28.C show“展示”;leave“离开”;control“控制”;discover“发现”。由下句 He shouted at her...(他朝她叫嚷)可知此处句意为“这一次迈克没有控制住他的怒气”,故选 C。 29.D refuse“拒绝”;support“支持;供养”;encourage“鼓励”;disturb“打扰;妨 碍”。由上文可知迈克在看书,而他妈妈一次又一次地问他同一个问题,因此迈克生气了。 故此处句意为“由于一次又一次地打扰他,他对她大声叫嚷起来”。故选 D。 30.B setout“出发”;takeout“拿出”;putout“熄灭”;lookout“注意”。由下文句意“翻 到一页并把它展示给迈克看”知此处句意为“这位老太太默默地拿出一本旧的日记本”。故 选 B。 31.C 由下文中的句子...said it was a sparrow and kissed him.可知迈克指向的是 sparrow(麻雀)。sparrow 是一种鸟,故选 C。 32.B throw at“向……扔”;smile at“朝……微笑”;shout at“向……大喊”;laugh at“嘲笑……”。由下面的“并吻了他一下”可知此处意为“我微笑着对他说那是麻雀”, 故选 B。 33.B put on“穿上”;keep on“继续;一直”;try on“试穿”;depend on“依赖”。由句意“……小迈克问了我 20 次它是什么,我反复地回答他的问题,并每次都吻他”可知 B 项符合题意,故选 B。 34.C 由后句 His face turned red...(他的脸变红了……)可知该句句意为“某种东西轻轻地 触动了迈克的心”。heart 意为“心脏”,符合题意,故选 C。 35.A shame“羞愧”;fear“害怕”;happiness“高兴;愉快”;kindness“和蔼;仁慈”。 由上文可知迈克对他妈妈反复问同一个问题生气,但他妈妈并没有因为迈克小时候反复问 同一个问题而生气,故此处句意为“他因为对他妈妈这么没耐心而羞愧得脸红了,然后紧 紧地拥抱了她”,故选 A。 36.B 由第二段中的 I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly.可知,杰克迅速拿来食物是因为他尊敬老人。 37.C 由第二段中的 As soon as I said that,her face showed great displeasure.可知, 当他们听到杰克称他们为老人时,一点也不愉快。 38.B 由第三段中的 In my village in China,people are proud of being old.可知,在杰 克的家乡,人们以年老自豪。 39.D 由最后一段中的 After that,I changed the way I had been with older people.可知,杰 克在这次经历后,改变了与老人相处的方式。 40.D 由第二段最后一句 After the couple heard my reason,they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences,so they laughed and were no longer angry. 可知 A 选项不对;由文章最后一句...but now I don’t show my feelings through words.可知 B 选项不对;由第二段中的 I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife.可知 C 选项错误,故正确选项为 D。 41.C 由第二段的第二句 “They recycle their paper, plastic, glass and other daily things.”可知,Bed ZED生态村的人们回收利用纸、塑料、玻璃及其他生活用品。 42.C 由第二段中的“The rainwater is collected for use in the toilets.”可知,在 Bed ZED生态村,用来冲马桶的水可能来自收集的雨水。 43.A 由第二段的最后一句“Also, the people there travel to work in shared cars or use public transportation if they work far away.”可知,在Bed ZED生态村,如果人们 距离工作的地方很远,他们通常共用汽车或者乘坐公共交通工具。故选A。 44.C 下文讲述人们为保护环境所做的事,由此推知thinking green的意思与protecting the environment相同。 45.B 由第三段中的“Life would be much more pleasant if villages like Bed ZED existed (存在)all over the world!”可以看出作者的观点:Bed ZED 生态村在保护环境方面是 一个好的例子。 46-50 EBDAG 51.which one 52.taken your temperature 53.much too 54.in the future 55.makes his teachers angry One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam, I am a middle school student. I have recently learned from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown. There is no doubt that it is good for the development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs. Most of us stand by the project. However, some of us are worried that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment of the area. I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection. Would you please offer us more information about it?I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Zhang Hua 听力材料 第一题 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。 1.Which animal is endangered now? 2.Many people think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in. What do you think? 3.Mary recycles paper and raises money to protect wild animals. 4.The stuff of the skirt isn’t suitable for me, I’m afraid. 5.Could you pass me the gray coat? 第二题 听短对话及后面的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 6.W: There used to be a lot of manatees(海牛). But now there aren’t very many of them. M: Let’s try to save them. Q: What animals are endangered? 7. M: How beautiful your bag is! W: Thank you. This bag was made of old jeans by my mother. My mother is good at recycling old things. Q: What do you know about the bag? 8.M: Look at the young trees. They were planted yesterday. W: They need a lot of water now, don’t they? M: Yes, I think so. Q: What must be done with the trees? 9.M: Do you like monkeys? They are smart and playful. W: Yes, they are clever. But I like honest animals best such as dogs. Q: What does the woman like best? 10.M: Recycling paper is very important. W: I agree with you. But it’s difficult for us to do. Q: What does the woman mean? 第三题 听长对话及后面的问题, 选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 M:Hello. I need a tourist guidebook. How much is it? W:It’s free. There’s a map inside. M:Oh, thank you. I will stay here for three days. What are the best places to go? W:There are a lot of places you can go. You can visit the aquarium. There are dolphin and sea lion shows there. They are wonderful. M:An aquarium? My wife and son will love it. Where else can I go? W:The Great Wall. The guidebook tells you more. M:OK. By the way, do you know a nice hotel around here? W:Yes. Go straight down this road and turn right. M:Go straight, and turn right. Is it far? W:No, it’s about a three-minute walk. M:Thanks a lot. W:You’re welcome. Questions:11.How much does the man pay for the guidebook? 12.What else is in the tourist guidebook? 13.How long will the man stay? 14.Who does the man come with? 15.Where does the man probably want to go right now?

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