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五年级英语期终测试题                                姓名        学号     Part 1  Listening 一、         选出你所听到的单词。 (   ) 1、A crane     B capital        C countryside (   ) 2、A girl       B grow          C change (   ) 3、A hello      B happy         C hand (   ) 4、A when      Bwhere         C what (   ) 5、A wide      B ride           C quiet (   ) 6、A it         B live           C music (   ) 7、A jump      B July         C jigsaw (   ) 8、A pan       B paint         C picnic (   ) 9  A like       B yellow       C letter (   ) 10 A well       B help         C apple (   ) 11 A mother     B grandma      C film (   ) 12 A green      B thin          C winter 二、         选出划线字母读音不同的选项。 (   ) 1 A cake  B fate    C  name   D bad  (   ) 2 A want  B watch  C cat      D what  (   ) 3 A kite   B fite    C lift      D tide (   )4 A green  B thin    C nice     D winter (   )5 A sun    B nose   C nurse    D swimming   三、         选出你所听到的句子。 (   ) 1 A It’s made of wood.      B It’s made of clay.  C It’s made of glass. (   ) 2 A I’ll make a hole.        B I’ll water it .    C I’ll plant a tree. (   ) 3 A Put some water into a pan. B Add the water to the noodles. C You can eat your noodles. (   ) 4 A I’m going to go camping .  B I’m  going  camping . C I’m going to paint my room . (   ) 5 A We need to take a tent.    B We needs to take a pan. C We need to take a torch. (   ) 6 A I want to go for a picnic .  B  I want to take some food . C I want to play football . 四、         听音排序。 (    )  First, I’ll make a hole. (    )  It will be a big tree. (    )  Then I’ll put the seed in the hole. (    )  Then I’ll water it every day . (    )  Then I’ll cover the seed with earth. (    )  It will grow and grow . Part 2  Writing 一、     单词连线。 茶叶           capital        金属               picnic 松树           tea            野餐                pilot 种子           pine tree      飞行员             leather 聪明的         seed          皮革                nice 首都           clever         友好的              metal 坑              hole          方便面              wood 塑料           plastic        木头                instant noodles 手电筒        torch          带(东西)            take 小河          river           害羞的             shy 二、     翻译下列短语。 the twelfth of march              去野餐         in the hole                        种树            a bit                              每天            Take a tent__________           太棒了         三、    补全单词。 1.  cl_y     2 .gla_ _  3 .wat_ _   4 .s_ _d     5. tor_ _ 6 .  p_ nt   7. w_ _d   8. r_in     9 .b _lloon   10. ja _ _et 四、    选择填空。 (  ) 1 I’m ______ a pine tree .    A  planting    B plant         C plants (  ) 2 I’ll cover the seed _____ earth .     A of     B  use       C with  (  ) 3The window is made _______ glass. A of     B  use       C with (   ) 4 A ruler is made of _____.   A  leather      B clay      C plastic      (   ) 5 Clogs _____ made of wood. A is      B are      C  am  (   ) 6 I’m going camping ____ my father ____Saturday .  A with \ of    B use \ on    C with\on (   ) 7 My shoes____ made of leather.       A am        B is         C are (   )8 I want to go____ a picnic. A  to      B  in    C for (   )9 She’s going to      her room this weekend.     A pan      B paint   C take (   )10 We need to        food.    A help     B pant    C take 五 选择正确的单词。   1  a monkey   2  a balloon    3  a river     4  a flower   5  a pagoda    6  China      7  a kite      8  an apple   9  first        10  third      11 second     12  fourth A  猴子         B 小河         C花         D熊猫        E  中国          F风筝         G汽球       H苹果         I   第一         J 第二          K第三       L第四         六、英汉互译    1 I want to go for a picnic.                                           2 We need to go to the zoo.                                         3 The chair is made of wood.                                          4 Then I’ll water it every day.                                      5 我想要去学校.                                                 6 杯子是由玻璃做成的.                                        7 什么东西是由金属做成的?                                  七、把下列短文翻译成汉语 Hello, these are my friends. This is Maomao. She’s very nice, but she’s a bit shy. This is Xiaoyong. He’s very clever, but he is a bit quiet. I’ve got another friend, he is very talkative. It’s me ,your friend, Parrot!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
