M2U1 She learnt English教学设计

M2U1 She learnt English教学设计


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教学内容分析: 本单元课文情景是Lingling向Sam和Amy展示自己爷爷奶奶的照片。Lingling 拿出一张奶奶年轻时的照片,对Sam和Amy说,自己的奶奶从前是一名舞蹈演员,她曾在中国许多城市演出,而且学过英语。随后,Lingling又展示了一张爷爷年轻时的照片,告诉Sam和Amy,自己的爷爷从前是一名司机,他虽然没有学过英语,不过现在正在学。 学习任务: 在小组内介绍自己喜欢的人物。 教学重难点: 描述某人过去到现在的变化。 教学过程: Step 1.Warming up. Greeting. How are you? I’m not fine. I have got a cold. I feel tired. So let’s listen to the “little apple” and dance. Step 2.Leading in. I learnt to dance last week, but I can’t dance well. Some of you danced very well. Do you want to be a dancer?(学习新词) Driver,farmer,firefighter,teacher(单词复习延伸) I taught English many years ago. English is a language. Chinese and English are languages. I taught languages, but I didn’t write a book.     How about Ms Smart?     She taught languages and  wrote a book.(学习新词)     Ok, now let’s watch the flash. Step 3. Presentation. Look at four pictures. What are they doing? What will the story happen? You can make a story. (出示四张图片,让孩子自由发挥,编造故事。) Let’s watch the story. Just listen for the first time. Listen again and answer the questions. Where did Lingling's grandma dance? She danced in lots of Chinese cities. Did Lingling's grandma learn any foreign language? Yes, she learnt English. What is Lingling's grandpa learning now? He is learning English now. Read the text by yourselves. Then act it in your group. Retell the story according to the pictures. Step 4. Practise. Look, ask and answer. Then write. A: Did she make a cake yesterday? B: No, she didn’t. She didn’t make a cake yesterday. ... Describe your grandpa or grandma. Step 5. Summary and homework. 1. Describe your grandparents in English.   用英语描述爷爷、奶奶或者姥姥、姥爷。 2.Recite the text and act it with your partner.   背诵课文和你的搭档表演一下吧。

资料: 10.8万


