M8U1 They sang beautifully教学设计

M8U1 They sang beautifully教学设计


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教学内容: 本节课的教学内容是谈论和评价过去的行为。通过Sam和Amy向爸爸讲述他们上周日野餐的经历,让学生能理解和运用不规则动词的过去式描述过去的事情,并做出相应的评价。 教学重难点: 不规则动词的过去式以及运用不规则动词的过去式描述句子。 教学目标: 学生能识记不规则动词的过去式;能理解和运用不规则动词的过去式描述过去的事情,并做出相应的评价。 教学方法及工具: 多媒体,游戏 教学过程: Step 1 warm up Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Mr Li. T: We have learned a beautiful song last week. Let’s sing it again. < I was fat > T: They sang beautifully. Teach the new word sang, beautifully. T: I saw a pig in the picture. Teach the new word saw. T: Last Sunday I went to Qingdao . Teach the new word last went. T: It was fun. Teach the new word fun. T: I went there by bus. Teach the new word there. T: I ate some food and drank some drinks Teach the new word ate, drank, drink. T: I had a good time. Teach the new word time. T: I had a busy day. Teach the new word busy. T: You did so well. Here’s a chant for you. sang, sang, sing saw, saw, see went, went, go ate, ate, eat drank, drank, drink (Sing the chant and clap hands) T: Now let’s play landmine game. (Divide the class into 4 groups. Have a match.) Step 2 leading in. T: Amy and Sam had a picnic last Sunday. They did lots of things. Did they eat some food and drink some drinks? Watch the video and answer the question. Step 3 presentation Watch 2 times. First just listen, second time repeat. T: Did they eat some food and drink some drinks? Ss: Yes, they did. T: Read the text by yourselves and play different roles. Let’s find who is the best actor or actress. (students’ performance) T: Let’s play another game. Clever pupil. Can you recite the text according to the phrases. Ask some students to recite the text. T: Clever pupils. There are some pictures. Can you make up some sentences? We went there by ... ... sang beautifully. T: You did so well. Now let’s do exercise 4 on page 46. ... Wonderful children. Now let’s play a game. Smash the golden eggs and guess the sentences. There is a sentence of this unit under each golden egg. Smash it and guess. Who is the lucky dog? Let’s go. ... Now I’ll give you a surprise. An exercise for you. You can do it with your parter. Choose two students read the text, then read the text together. T: Can you tell me something about your picnic? Talk about it in your group. You can use these phrases. Ask some students to tell their picnic. T: Excellent. Maybe you are tired now. Let’s sing a beautiful song. Who is today’s winner? Let’s count the points. Congratulations! Happy homework for today! 1. Play different roles and recite the text. 2.Tell the class about your last picnic or your travel in English. Goodbye! Children! See you!  

资料: 10.8万


