M5U2 They were very young教案

M5U2 They were very young教案


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Teaching aims: 1、Learn the sentences: They weren’t old then. They were very young.                  It is clean. It wasn’t clean then. It was dirty. 2、Learn to express with the past tense. Compare the things in the present tense and the past tense. Important and difficult points: Learn to use the past tense of be(was wasn’t were weren’t). Teaching tools:ppt. Teaching steps: 一、Greeting and warm-up Good morning,boys and girls! Now I want to ask you a question: How old are you? Ask students one by one. You are so young. But they were young then. This class we’ll learn M5U2 They were young then. 二、Presentation 1. new words 1.show a picture of a classroom. T: Look at the classroom. It’s dirty. But it wasn’t dirty then. dirty, dirty, dirty. wasn’t = was not Ss: Read dirty one by one. T: Look at the classroom. It’s clean. But it wasn’t clean. Clean, clean, clean. Ss: Read clean. one by one. T: Look at the old man and the old woman. They are old. But they weren’t old then. Ss: Read weren’t = were not one by one. Teach the new words: dirty, clean, wasn’t= was not, weren’t =were not 2.火眼金睛(Check the new words 3. Activity 1.Watch the cartoon, and describe the two pictures. 4.Practice. 5.Chant: Then then then, I was two. Now now now, I am ten. Then then then, he was short. Now now now, he is tall. Then then then, they were young. Now now now, they are old. 6.Drills 7.小组讨论,归纳总结。 8.寓教于乐: Activity 4,watch and then fill in the blanks.用was/is填空 1.Then it _____ very young. 2. Then it _____ very cute. 3. Now it _____ very old. 4. Now it _____ very fat. 9.Test 10.Homework: 用英语描述一下自己及家人以前和现在的变化,至少六句哦

资料: 10.8万


