Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?教学设计

Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?教学设计


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一、教学目标 1、知识目标: (1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词soup, sweets, biscuit, bread, fruit, turn on, light, dark。 (2)学习运用句型:Can I have some …? Yes, you can. / Sorry, you can’t. 2、技能目标: (1)能够听懂和说出含有情态动词can的句型及相关的回答。 (2)培养学生在游戏和歌曲中熟练运用交际用语的能力,提高学生的口语水平。 3、情感目标: (1)培养学生知道如何感恩。 (2)使学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,并培养合作学习的精神。 二、教学重点: (1)words:soup, sweets,biscuit, bread, fruit, turn on, light, dark。 (2)句型: Can I have some sweets/bread/fruit/biscuits? 能够用Yes, you can ./Sorry, you can’t.进行问答练习。 三、教学难点:能够灵活运用本课的交际用语进行拓展交际。 四、教学用具:教学卡片、录音机、PPT课件、食品实物。 五、教学过程: Step1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1、Greetings: Say hello to each other. T:  Let’s begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls!    Ss: Good morning, Ms Yang! T: How are you today?      Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you? T: I’m fine, too, thank you. Let’s chant together. T&S: Noodles and rice are very, very nice.                   Juice with ice is also very nice.                     T: You did a good job. 【设计意图:师生之间的问候能快速将学生带入到英语学习的氛围中,一首关于食物的chant为下面的学习做好了铺垫。】 2. T: Oh, boys and girls, I didn’t have breakfast this morning, so I’m very hungry now. Can I have some noodles? Can I have some rice? Can I have some sweets? T: Today we’re going to learn Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? (板书) 【设计意图:通过free talk引出本课的主题,过渡自然。】 Learn the new words: soup, sweets, biscuit, bread, fruit. (开火车读、两人读等方式操练单词) 温馨提示:“can”的小用法 (1)表示能力,意思为“能、会” 情动can,表能力;与动原,不分离; 不管人称、数变化,can的形式永不变; 变疑问,can提前;变否定,也简单, not跟在can后面。 (2)表示请求,意思为“可以” Eg: Can I have some sweets? Step2: Presentation 1. T: Look, boys and girls! It’s a birthday cake.Can you guess whose birthday is today? Is it Daming’s birthday? Is it Sam’s birthday? Let’s listen to the tape and answer my question. Ss: It is Amy’s birthday. T: Let’s sing a song for Amy.(齐唱Happy birthday to you.) 【设计意图:通过一系列的小问题,将学生一步步带入到文本的学习中,齐唱生日歌带动起学生的学习积极性。】 2. T: Now I have two tasks for you. Task 1: Listen and answer. How does Amy ask her Mum? (Amy是怎样请求的?) (1)Can I have some soup? (2)Can I have some sweets, please? (3)Can I have some bread? Task 2: Listen, repeat and answer. (Amy的妈妈是怎样回答的?)    Sorry, you can’t. 学一学: 问:Can I have some …?我可以吃一些……吗? 答:Yes, you can.是的,你可以。     Sorry, you can’t. 对不起,你不可以。 【设计意图:通过设计两个task,带领学生进行文本的学习,紧接着对文本中的重点句型进行学习,学生能很好的理解文本和句型。】 Step 3: Practice 1. T: Look , there are lots of funny pictures. Let’s talk about them, OK?   Ss: OK. PPT出示一些有趣的图片,师生共同练习图片。 (1)Can I have some Tangseng's meat?        Sorry, you can’t. (2)Can I have some soup?         Yes, you can. 【设计意图:通过出示一些有趣的图片,来充分调动起学生的积极性,对句型进行很好的理解巩固。】        2. T: Look , there are lots of delicious food. Do you like them? Ss: Yes. T: Do you want to eat them? Ss: Yes. T: You can use “Can I have some…? Yes, you can./Sorry, you can’t.” to tell us what you want to have. Eg: S1: Can I have some biscuits?       S2: Yes, you can. 小组进行练习,接着小组进行展示。 【设计意图:出示一些日常食物的图片,让学生能在实际生活中运用所学句型,达到学以致用的目的。】 Step 4: Production 1. T: Suppose today is your birthday. You will hold a big party with your friends. Group work:一起去生日聚会吧! 小组为单位,一名同学扮演小寿星,其他的同学去参加小寿星的生日聚会,用所学句型编一组对话。 Eg:A: Today is my birthday,(so I’m very happy. Welcome to my party). B: Can I have some sweets? A: Yes, you can. Here you are. B: Thank you. C: Can I have some bread? A: Sorry, you can’t. D: Can I have some cake? A: Yes, you can. Here you are. D: Thank you. Group show! 小组展示! 【设计意图:学习了本课重点句型后进行一个拓展练习,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。】 2. Let’s sing a song.(新年好) Some soup  some soup Can I have some soup? Some bread  some bread Can I have some bread? Some sweets some sweets Can I have some sweets? Some cake  some cake Can I have some cake? 【设计意图:旧曲新唱能将所学知识很好的呈现给学生,学生在歌曲中能更好的掌握所学的语言知识。】 Step 5: Summary T: OK, boys and girls, What have you got today? 学生自己总结本课所学的内容。 Words: soup, sweets, biscuit, bread, fruit, turn on, light, dark Sentences: Can I have some …?                  Yes, you can./ Sorry, you can’t. T: I have a question.老师做开灯的动作(Turn on the light .)帮助学生理解句意,I can’t see . It’s very dark.(双手伸出做摸的动作 ),师生共同边做动作边说这些句子。 Step 6: Homework: 必做:1、听音模仿课文录音,并向家人展示自己跟读模仿情况。           2、在家和你的爸爸、妈妈要东西吃时,练习说句型“Can I have some…?”并教他们说出正确的回答。 选做:3、根据小组分工,带一种食物来参加下节课的冷餐会。 板书设计: Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?                         Can I have some ...?       Yes, you can.       Sorry, you can't.       

资料: 10.8万


