5A Unit6 Doing housework (Part A)公开课教案

5A Unit6 Doing housework (Part A)公开课教案


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一、教学内容: 本课教材的核心教学内容是“做家务”和“做功课”,重点介绍了What are you doing? I’m/We’re…What is he/she doing? He/She is…句型,并引导学生能在实际情景中熟练运用。 二、教学目标: 【知识目标】能听、说、认读A Read and say 部分的词句。 【能力目标】掌握电话用语,能够用英语描述自己正在做什么,够用英语询问他     人正在做什么。 【情感目标】培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。 三、教学重难点: 1. 对句型What are you doing? I’m/We’re…What is he/she doing? He/She is…的初步运用。 2. 培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力以及掌握对语篇学习的技能。 四、教学设计: 1.教法设计 小学英语教学的主要任务之一是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,这就要求在教学中必须走学生“乐”学的趣味教学道路。为充分调动五年级学生的英语学习兴趣,在本课中,我通过情景交际法,听说、游戏、表演等教学手段,紧紧吸引学生的注意力,促使他们踊跃参与教学活动,从而逐渐发展他们听、说、读的能力及英语会话能力。 2. 学法指导 教学过程中创造一种开放、和谐、积极互动、有张有弛的语言氛围,把课堂变成有声有色的舞台,让学生在乐中学,在学中乐,教学过程中,教师将作为一名参与者、引导者、组织者、与学生进行平等的交流活动。 3. 教学手段 提供各种英语语境和真实的交际场合,让学生在教师的指导下从易到难、有浅入深地练习,最终使学生得益于本文,且超越于文本,从而体会学以致用的快乐。 五、教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up (1) Greetings   T: Good morning/afternoon ,boys and girls!    S: Good morning/afternoon ,Miss Zhang! (2) T ask a question: What are you doing?    Ss: We are having an English lesson. (3) Let’s sing a song : What are you doing?     Then answer two questions. Q1:What is Helen doing? She is calling.    Q2: What is Mike doing? He is sleeping. 【设计意图】sing a song 帮助学生适应英语氛围,自然而然地进入学习状态,再通过问答,示意让学生配以生动形象的动作,活跃课堂气氛,且自然地为新授知识做铺垫。 (4)Guessing game: watch the cartoon and answer questions T: 呈现准备好的对话人物图片,通过师生问答It is Sunday. What can you see? Where are they? What are they doing?等问题,帮助学生了解对话的基本背景。 Listen ,look and do感知对话,安排电话铃响了,T:What happened? The telephone is ringing) Q1:Who is calling?    Q2: What is SuHai doing?        What is SuYang doing? T play the cartoons,Ss answer the questions. SuHai is sweeping the floor.  SuYang is cleaning the windows. They are doing housework. 【设计意图】学生讨论的问题同时,,既为现在进行时提供了真实的语言环境背景,又自然地导入新课。 Lead-in “Unit6 Doing housework”师板书并领读 Step 2 Presentation and practice (1)Show pictures Learn: sweep /sweep the floor              clean/clean the window What is She doing? She is sweeping the floor. What is He doing? He is cleaning the window. (2)Watch cartoons a.Try to answer: a) What is Nancy doing?                b)  Why is she calling SuHai? 引导生回答:She is doing her homework.            She has some trouble in Maths. b.Learn: do her homework/ Maths. Can you come and help me with my Maths? help…with…帮助某人eg:help me with my English How about this afternoon? How about…?  …怎么样?=What about…? (3)Let meet our new friend : Doraemon To you have any questions to ask him? Ss: What are you doing? 动画播放I’m  singing / dancing / drawing /eating. Ss practice : I’m…               What are you doing?           I’m… 【设计意图】由学生喜欢的卡通人物“Doraemon”可爱的表演与朗朗上口的Chant完美结合,有动有静,有说有做,让学生自主表演各种动作,并根据动作说出相应的句型。学生观察仔细,表达积极,在不知不觉中巩固了所学知识。 (4)Say the chant (5)Read quickly ,finish the judge a. Su Hai is free now.(         ) b. Su Hai is sweeping the floor.(       ) c. Su Yang is washing clothes.(       ) 【设计意图】再提高学生阅读能力的同时,教师注重及时评价学生的学习效果,让学生看到自己的学习成果,增强信心,巩固发展学习兴趣。 (6)Listen and repeat 【设计意图】让生模范录音跟读课文,并注意停顿和语音语调。 (7)Can you act? 制造电话铃响的一幕与学生进行电话交流.(课前准备一部玩具手机) T:Oh,the telephone is ringing .引导学生认读ring.例如: Liu Tao: Hello Helen  :   Hello . Is that  Liu Tao ? Liu Tao: Yes . Helen   : This is Helen. Are you free now ? Liu Tao: No . Helen   : What are you doing ? Liu Tao: I’m …(doing housework/watching TV/…) Helen   : Can you come and help me with my            ? (English/ Chinese/ puzzle/ …)            Liu Tao : Sure . How about this morning / this afternoon ? Helen: OK . See you. Liu Tao: See you . 【设计意图】通过师生间的电话交流,呈现并操练电话用语:Is that …? 教师既能根据学生的活动内容了解学生在家情况,又能见机呈现本课所学重点知识点,可谓“随风潜入夜”。 Step 3  Consolidation Can you fill in the form? It is Sunday              . Su Hai and Su Yang are              .               They are             .  Su Hai is              .Su Yang is               .Nancy is              .Su Hai is going to(将要去) help Nancy with her               this afternoon. 【设计意图】根据练习检测当堂所学知识,建立自信,加强对文章的理解,为接下来的学习打下基础。 Step 4  Summary 1.现在进行时 主要用于描述当前正在发生的事件或正在进行的动作。 它的构成形式是be+doing,在be动词后加动词的现在分词. What are you doing? I’m … (动词原形+ing).                     We are… 2.打电话时用语: 你是…? Is that…?    我是… This is… 【设计意图】通过总结现在进行时,为生建立英语语法知识结构。 Step 5 Storytime 【设计意图】播放视频动画,进而对学生进行情感教育,要乐于助人,互相帮助。做一个勤劳的好孩子。 Step 6  Homework 1. Read the dialogue in roles. 2.Try to call your friends or teachers in English. 【设计意图】教师安排弹性作业,针对各层次的学生将作业合理化,适当化,真正体现分层教学。 Step 7 Blackboard design: Unit6 Doing housework         What is she /he doing? She /He is… What are you doing? I am /We are… 【设计意图】教师规范的英文字母书写,不仅给人赏心悦目的感觉,更重要的是给学生以最好的榜样示范。

资料: 10.8万


