Section C
The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是 1a, 2a 和 2b。
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标
1.(1) Learn the letters Oo~Zz.
(2) Learn some useful words and expressions:
fine, good?bye, bye, afternoon, and, OK
2. Talk about greetings and farewells:
(1) How are you?
I’m fine. Thank you.
(2) Good-bye, Mr. Chen.
(3) See you later, Mr. Lee.
See you.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具
录音机 / 字母卡片 / 教学挂图
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)
1.(复习字母Aa~Nn, 掌握英语字母,训练学生快速反应能力。)
T: Boys and girls, let’s recite the letters from Aa to Nn one by one.
T: Good morning.
S1: Good morning, Miss/Mr. …!
T: Nice to meet you.
S1: Nice to meet you, too.
T: Hello, S2!
S2: Hello, Miss/Mr.…
T: S2, this is S3. S3, this is S2.
S2: How do you do?
S3: How do you do?
T: Let’s begin!
S4: Stand up, please!
T: Good morning, class!
Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr.…
T: Sit down, please.
Ss: Thank you.
4.(由学生表演Section B 中的对话。)
T: I’ll ask some students to act out the dialog in Section B.
Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)
1.(教学字母Oo~Tt,完成 2a。)
(1)(播放录音,学生跟读,学会Oo~Tt的发音。停止播放,学生齐读字母Oo~Tt, 直到学生读准为止。)
(2)(板书字母Oo~Tt, 教授字母的写法。)
(3)(做英文字母接力游戏,参照 Section A, 方法一样,让学生更加熟悉字母。)
(4)(运用字母卡片,做字母抢答游戏。参照Section B,方法一样,目的是使学生更加熟练掌握英语字母及其先后顺序。)
2.(1)(用上述方法讲授字母Uu~Zz,完成 2b Listen, say and write。)
3.(1)(老师和学生一起创设一个情景。假设早晨 Xiao Zeng开车到 Mr.Chen 家送牛奶。T 为Xiao Zeng, S1为Mr.Chen。)
T: Good morning, Mr.Chen.
S1: Good morning, Xiao Zeng.
T: How are you?
S1: I’m fine. Thank you.
T: Good-bye, Mr. Chen.
S1: Bye.
How are you?
I’m fine.
S2: Good morning, S3…
S3: Good morning, S2.
S2: How are you?
S3: I’m fine. Thank you.
S2: Good?bye, S3…
S3: Bye.
S4: Good afternoon, Miss/Mr. … How are you?
T: Fine, thanks. And you?
S4:I’m OK.
T: See you later.
S4:See you.
(向学生介绍How are you? 的答语,习惯回答 I’m fine, thank you. 也可回答: Fine. / I’m OK.)
How are you? Fine, thanks.
And you? I’m OK.
Good afternoon.
See you later.
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)
1. (1) (巩固26个英语字母。把字母表的挂图展示给学生,并特别指出彩色的五个元音字母a,e,i,o,u,然后跟学生一起大声读出这些字母。)
Example: (击掌)。B、C、D(击掌)F…
2. (在巩固字母表的基础上,完成 2c。)
T: Listen and circle the letters you hear.
Ll Mm Mn Oo Pp
Qq Ss Ww Xx Yy Zz
3. (再听一遍录音,不看课文 1a, 只看黑板上的关键词,加深印象。)
T: Listen to the tape again. Don’t look at your text, but you can look at the key words on the blackboard.
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:8分钟)
S1: Good morning. Miss/Mr.…
T: Good morning, S1.
S1: How are you?
T: I’m fine. Thank you.
S2: Good bye, Miss/Mr.…
T: Bye.
S2: Good afternoon.
S3: Good afternoon.
S2: How are you?
S3: Fine, thanks. And you?
S2: I’m OK.
S3: See you later.
S2: See you.
2.(让学生观察课本第1, 3, 5,6页中26个字母中的绿色字母,即元音字母,大声朗读并注意发音。)
T: Copy the English letters with pens or pencils.
To find who writes them best in the shortest time.
4.(让学生用自己的真实姓名,来练习1a Look, listen and say的对话。采取竞赛的形式,看哪组表演得又精彩又准确,从而激发学生学习兴趣。)
T: Practice with your partners using your own names to finish 1a.
Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)
T: Sing The ABC Song. First in groups, then all students sing together.
Group A A B C D E F G
Group B H I J K L M N
Group C O P Q R S T
Group D U V W X Y Z
合:Happy, happy we shall be, when we learn our ABC.
2.(参考游戏—摘字母(Pick the letters.))
① 教师事先制作英语字母卡片数张,每张卡片上写一个字母(大写或小写)。每个字母只使用一次。
3. Homework:
(1) 默写字母表,并且必须按顺序。
(2) 熟读课文。