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被动语态相关高考题    河南分校高三应届王萍 1.An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week. A.are to be held     B. is to be held   C. are holding    D.will hold 2. Every possible means ____, but none ____ successful.(2000年上海春招题) A. has tried; has proved         B.tried; proves C. has been tried; proves        D. is being tried; is proved 3.The question he asked is hard ____ .  A. for answer      B. to answer     C.to be answered       D. answering 4.By the end of last year, another new gymnasium ____ in Beijing.(2003年上海春招题)    A. would be completed          B. was being completed  C. has been complete            D. had been completed 5.More than a dozen students in that school ___ abroad to study medicine last year.                                                     (2005年上海高考题)   A. sent         B. were sent        C. had sent       D. had been sent 6.--Why did you leave that position?      -- I __ a better position at IBM.                   (2005年北京高考题)   A. offer         B. offered         C. am offered       D. was offered 7. More patients  __ in hospital this year than last year.   (2004年江苏高考题) A. treated        B. have treated     C. had been treated     D. have been treated 8. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you wouldn’t have time to __before the party.                                                    (2004 年全国高考卷) A. get changed   B. get change    C. get changing     D. get to change 9. Rainforests __and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the    future.                                                  (2002年上海春招题)   A. cut          B. are cut       C. are being cut      D. had been cut                                     10. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment__.      (2005年北京春招题)       A. is damaged   B. had damaged   C. damaged   D. was damaged   11.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics __by 2006.                           (2004年北京卷) A. has been completed                      B. has completed  C. will have been completed               D. will have completed   12. I feel it is your husband who ______ for the spoiled child. (2002年上海高考题)       A. is to blame   B. is doing to blame     C. is to be blame   D. should blame 13.Great changes ______in the city ,and a lot of factories______.(2003NMET)      A. have been taken place…have been set up   B. have taken place…have been set up      C. have taken place…have set up            D. were taken place…were set up 14.——Do you like the material?      ——Yes, it______ very soft.  (NMET)   A. is feeling    B. felt    C. feels    D. is felt   15. The Olympic Games, ____in 776 BC ,did not include women players until 1912.(NMET) A.      first playing  B. to be first played  C. first played  D. to be first playing   Answers: 1-5  BCBDB  6-10: DDACB  11-15: CABCC
