Unit 5 Encyclopaedias Writing

Unit 5 Encyclopaedias Writing


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Unit 5 Encyclopaedias  Writing   一、             课型定位 阅读课与写作课的结合 二、             教学目标 1、  让学生掌握阅读广告的技能,从中获取重要信息 2、  掌握看图写作的技能,对图片进行充分想象 三、             教学重、难点 3、  根据图片信息和文字提示完成写作 4、  巩固过去时的用法 四、             教学步骤 1、  Greeting 2、  Warming-up T: Do you know the disneyland? Tell me more about it. 3、  Presentation (1)    Show the advertisement to the Ss. (2)    Read through the instructions and the advertisement with Ss. (3)    Make sure they understand everything required by the exercise. 4、  WritingⅠ Write some sentences with the three given words,using the Ss’imagination. 5、  WritingⅡ (1)       Give Ss a little time to look at the pictures and to outline a composition. (2)       Answer any questions they may have. (3)       Check their answers. 6、  Summary This is a story about the past, so most of the verbs will probably be in the past tenses. Warn Ss, however, that some verbs may be in other tenses. They should think carefully about each verb and describe the tense according to the context. 7、  WritingⅢ Ask the Ss to write the remainder of the story, using their imagination and the information in Ex.B. 8、  Homework Ask the Ss to write down articles about something interesting about themselves.
