阅读理解 复习

阅读理解 复习


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  A     When people discuss education ,they insist that preparation for examinations is not the main purpose .They are right in theory ,but in practice ,we all realize how important examinations are.What do you know about the examinations taken at English secondary (中级的)schools ? Here are a few facts about some of them .     Pupils who remain at school until they are sixteen normally take what is called the General Certificate (合格证) of Education at Ordinary Level.The examination is a subject examination .This means you can take a number of subjects , Some pupils take as many as ten . The more subjects the better chance a pupil has of getting a job on leaving school . For short , this examination is called G.C.E."A" Level. This certificate in five or six subjects is , if you like ,the required starting point for types of work and also for many types of professional (职业的)training .     Pupils who remain at school until they are eighteen or nineteen generally take the General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level popularly known as G.C.E."A" Level .This examination is usually taken in two ,three or four specialized subjects .And because it is for the specialist, you have to study each subject intensively (深入仔细地) .A pupil who has passed two or three "A" levels can apply for (申请) admission(准许进入) to a university .     These two examinations are written ones .Many English children take one or the other or both .Not all of them pass.     55.The passage tells us something about ______.     A.English teaching     B.English studies     C.until life in England     D.school education in England     56.Pupils in England mustn't leave school _______     A.until they pass G.C.E."O" Level exams     B.until they pass G.C.E."A" Level exams     C.until they are sixteen     D.before they get a job     57.In G.C.E."O" Level exam the pupils _________ .     A.must take ten subjects     B.must take more than ten subjects     C.must take five or six basic subjects at least     D.must take five or six basic subjects at most     58.Usually pupils take G.C.E."O" Level exam __________.     A.to make money     B.go to college     C.when then finish middle school education     D.when they reach the age of eighteen or nineteen B       The land was dry.The Indians looked at the sky.There were no clouds. "We must have rain," the Indians said. So they danced a rain dance. They thought this would bring rain. They danced with snakes. Then they let the snakes go. "Go back into the ground,"they said to the snakes. "Tell the gods to make the rain come."       Can people make rain fall? Sometimes. But a rain dance will not bring rain. Today to make rain,people go up in planes. They take dry ice with them. They spread the dry ice on the clouds become ice. The ice melts(融化)and makes big rain drops.       Seeding clouds does not always make the rain fall. Rain falls only if the clouds are big and full of water. 1.The Indians thought they could get rain by               . A.dancing with snakes             B.looking at the sky C.going into the ground            D.letting the snakes go         2.When will the rain fall? A.Only when the gods make the rain fall. B.Only when there are no clouds in the sky. C.Only when the clouds are big and full of water. D.Only when the snakes return to the ground.           3.The under lined words seeding clouds mean              . A.pouring water on clouds              B.spreading dry ice on clouds C.planting seeds in the clouds         D.melting ice in the clouds           4.The main idea of the story is that                . A.peole hope it rains all the year round B.the gods are in charge of rain C.the rain dance is the most beautiful dance in the world D.people try in every way to make the rain fall when they need rain badly 五 书面表达 请根据下面的日记,写出一篇完整的短文。 Notes Mon: went to High Force Waterfall. Took photos. Explored caves nearby. Notes Tue: Spent all day on beach. Swam a lot Notes Wed: went to shopping for presents and souvenirs. Then went to cinema. Saw ‘Danger ar Midnight”-----very exciting Notes Thur: went by train to Orpington Zoo. Saw some giraffes! Notes Fri: Rained all day. Stayed in hotel. Played table tennis. Notes Sat: Left hotel at 10 a.m.    
