Unit8 When is your birthday Period3SectionB1a—2c教案(人教新目标)

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教学设计 Period 3 Section B 1a—2c Ⅰ.教学准备 ‎1.教师:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件。‎ ‎2.学生:复习英语日期的表达方式;了解学校生活中的各种活动并作好记录。‎ Ⅱ.教学目标 ‎1.知识目标:‎ ‎(1)单词:test,trip,art,festival,dear,thing,term,month,busy,time ‎(2)词组:English test,birthday party,school trip,basketball game,have a good time ‎(3)句型:—When is Sally's birthday party?—It's on October 5th.‎ ‎—When is John's English test?—It's on...‎ ‎2.能力目标:‎ 通过对本课的学习,培养学生用英语表达的习惯,提高英语口语表达的能力,增强用英语交际的意识。‎ ‎3.情感目标:‎ 增进同学之间的了解和友情,学会在交流中关注他人的情感。‎ ‎4.文化意识:‎ 了解英语国家人们的日常交际内容,提高跨文化交际的能力。‎ Ⅲ.教学重点 ‎(1)词汇:test,trip,art,festival,dear,thing,term,month,busy,time ‎(2)句型:—When is Sally's birthday party?—It's on October 5th.‎ ‎—When is John's English test?—It's on...‎ Ⅳ.教学难点 让学生熟练运用下列句型正确交流和表达信息:‎ ‎—When is Sally's birthday party?—It's on October 5th.‎ ‎—When is John's English test?—It's on...‎ Ⅴ.教学步骤 Step 1:Present 1a 建议1:在多媒体课件中,展示几幅图片,其中包括1a中的四幅图片,问学生图片中是什么活动,让学生将图片与活动配对。然后老师就图片内容和学生做自由谈论。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Look at the pictures on the screen.What activity is it in each picture?‎ Ss:It's a basketball game/a school trip...‎ T:Class!Can you match the pictures with the events?‎ After matching,check the students' answers.‎ T:Class!Do you like having these activities?For example,do you like having a school trip?‎ S1:Yes,I do.I like trip very much.‎ T:Do you like having English tests?‎ S2:No,I don't like it.‎ T:Why don't you like having English tests?‎ S2:Because I'm not good at English.‎ 建议2:教师问学生在学校中有哪些活动,是否喜欢参加这些活动,然后过渡到1a,让学生将图片与活动配对。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!What activities do you often have in the school?‎ Ss:We have English tests,birthday parties,basketball games.‎ T:What other activities do you have?Please try to think and say.‎ Ss:School trip,sports meeting,running exercise...‎ T:Do you like having these activities?For example,Do you like having basketball games?‎ Ss:Yes,I do./No,I don't.‎ Just ask students some of the activities randomly.Maybe different student has different ‎ answer.‎ T:Class!Can you match the pictures with the events?‎ Then check the students' answers.‎ Step 2:Practice 建议1:教师先让学生大声读几遍1a中的词组,然后找几名不同层次的学生来读,看看读得怎么样。若读得不好,教师可领读一到两遍。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Please read the phrases loudly.Then I'll call some of you to read.‎ S1:English test,birthday party,basketball game...‎ S2:English test,birthday party,basketball game...‎ Then the teacher has a leading reading.‎ 建议2:教师问学生是否能正确读出1a中的词组,找几名不同层次的学生读一读,教师纠正其发音上的错误。然后让学生开展朗读比赛,看哪一组读得又快又好,给予读得好的小组奖励,例如小红旗、五角星等。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Can you read the phrases correctly?‎ S1:English test,birthday party,basketball game...‎ S2:English test,birthday party,basketball game...‎ Then the teacher has a pronunciation correction.‎ T:Class!Now let's have a reading competition.See which group can read faster and better.‎ Then call each group to act out.Award the group which read faster and better some prizes,such as a Red Flag,or a Red Star,etc.‎ Step 3:Task 1b 建议:教师问学生是否能熟练说出1a中的词组,告诉学生将做个听力测试,检验学生掌握的怎么样。然后播放录音,让学生听录音并圈出所听到的词组。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Can you read and say the phrases in 1a fluently?Now,let's have a test.Please listen to the dialogue and circle the events you hear in 1a.‎ Play the tape and let the students listen.Then check the answers.See how well they listened.‎ Step 4:Task 1c 建议:教师引导学生回顾1a中的词组,并问学生这些活动的日程表,然后过渡到1c,向学生介绍Sally也有自己的日程表,问学生是否知道她的日程表。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Just now we talked about the activities in school,right?What activities do you know?‎ Ss:English test,birthday party,basketball game,school trip...‎ T:When is your birthday party?‎ S1:My birthday party is on...‎ T:When is your English test?‎ S2:It's on...‎ T:These are your calendars.Sally also has her own calendar,do you know when her birthday is?When her other activities are?Now,let's listen and find out the answers.‎ Step 5:Consolidation 建议:教师让学生看一遍听力材料,再放一遍录音让学生听,问学生是否能完全听懂。然后对听力材料中较难理解的句子做简单讲解。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Please look through the listening text.Then we will listen again.See if you can catch the listening text completely.‎ After listening,have a brief explanation about the difficult points.‎ Step 6:Practice 建议:让学生看着约翰的日程表,老师提问,学生回答。然后让学生仿照例子,两人一组作问答练习。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Please look at John's calendar and answer my questions.When is Sally's birthday party?‎ Ss:It's on October 5th.‎ T:When is the school trip?‎ Ss:It's on September 26th.‎ Then let the students roleplay the conversation in pairs.Call some pairs to act out.‎ S1:Hi,Sally.When is your birthday party?‎ S2:It's on October 5th.‎ S1:When is the speech contest?‎ S2:It's on September 29th.‎ S1:When is the basketball game?‎ S2:It's on October 2nd.‎ Step 7:Practice 2a 建议1:让学生在学校经常组织的活动后打勾,问学生能否熟练说出这些活动。让学生自己练习朗读,然后找几名学生朗读一遍。教师纠正其发音错误并领读两遍。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!What activities do you often have in our school?Please check them.‎ Call several individuals to act out.‎ T:Class!Can you read these phrases correctly?Please read them loudly by yourselves.‎ Then I will call some of you to read out.‎ S1:Soccer game,school trip,School Day,book sale...‎ S2:English Day,art festival,Sports Day...‎ The teacher corrects the students' wrong pronunciation.Then has a leading reading.‎ 建议2:教师让学生在学校经常组织的活动后打勾,让学生自己大声朗读几遍。然后进行一个看图抢答游戏:让学生看图片,抢答出图片所示的活动,给说得最快的学生奖励。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!What activities do you often have in our school?Please check them.‎ Next,let's play a guessing game.Look at each picture,rush to say out the activity in the picture.See who can say the fastest.I will award you.‎ Then show each picture to the class.Let the students look and rush to say.Award the students who say out the fastest a prize.‎ Step 8:Task 建议1:教师问学生喜欢什么活动,找几名学生回答,然后问学生还喜欢其他什么活动。可以增加一些提问内容,例如可以问学生为什么喜欢这个活动。然后让学生两人一组,做问答练习。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Just now we talked about the activities you have in the school.Well,what activities do you like?‎ S1:I like school trip.‎ T:Why do you like school trip?‎ S1:Because I can see a lot of things and people.‎ T:What other activities do you like?‎ S1:I also like Sports Day.‎ T:Why do you like Sports Day?‎ S1:Because I like sports.On that day,I can play sports.‎ Then let the students work in pairs like this.Call some pairs to act out.‎ 建议2:教师问一名学生喜欢什么活动以及为什么喜欢。然后让学生在小组内做一个调查,调查组内同学分别喜欢什么活动以及喜欢的原因。然后找几组学生表演。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Are there many activities in the school?‎ Ss:Yes,there are.‎ T:Well,what activities do you like?Why do you like them?‎ Call one student to practice with the teacher.Then let the students work in groups.‎ S1:Hello!What activities do you like?‎ S2:I like art festival.‎ S1:Why do you like art festival?‎ S2:Because I like singing,drawing and dancing.‎ S1:What activities do you like?‎ S3:I like book sale.‎ S1:Why do you like book sale?‎ S3:Because I can make money by myself.‎ Call some groups to act out.‎ Step 9:Leadin 建议1:教师问学生喜欢哪些学校活动,让学生列举。然后问学生是否能给这些活动安排恰当的时间,制作一份活动日程表。然后过渡到2b部分。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!What activities do you like in school?‎ S1:I like school trips.‎ S2:I like basketball games.‎ S3:I like art festival.‎ ‎...‎ T:Class!Can you set proper time for these activities?Then make a calendar for these activities.‎ Then let the students work in pairs or groups to make the calendar.‎ 建议2:教师找一份学校的本学期年历,问学生年历上的活动什么时候举行。然后问学生是否也能为学校制作一份相似的年历,由此过渡到2b部分。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!This is our school calendar of this term.Look at the activities on the calendar and answer my question.When is the sports Day?‎ Ss:It's on...‎ T:When is the art festival?‎ Ss:It's on...‎ Step 10:Task 建议:教师让学生结合自己学校的实际情况,两人一组就学校的活动内容做对话练习。找几组作示范表演。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Can you talk about your school calendar?For example,When is somebody's birthday party?When is your school speech contest?...‎ Then,let the students work in pairs to make a dialogue.‎ S1:Hi!‎ S2.When is your birthday party?‎ S2:It's on...‎ S1:When is your school speech contest?‎ S2:It's on...‎ S1:When is your class basketball game?‎ S2:It's on...‎ Step 11:Task 建议:教师让学生在小组内做调查。一个学生提问,其他同学回答,调查组内成员的生日,班级或学校的活动举行的时间。调查结束后,让一名学生代表本组做汇报。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Now,make a survey in your group.Please ask your classmates' birthdays,the dates of your class activities or your school's activities,and so on.Then I'll call one student of each group to give a report.‎ S1:Hello!When is your birthday?‎ S2:My birthday is on...‎ S1:When is your class school trip?‎ S3:It's on...‎ S1:When is your class basketball game?‎ S4:It's on...‎ S1:When is your class English test?‎ S5:It's on...‎ Then call one of each group to give a report.‎ S1:Hello!Everyone!I want to tell you about the results of my group survey.‎ In my group,S2's birthday is on...‎ In S3's class,the school trip is on...‎ In S4's class,the basketball game is on...‎ In S5's class,the English test is on...‎ Step 12:Summary 建议:教师让学生自己总结本节课所学的内容,包括单词、词组和句型。‎ For example:‎ T:Class!Let's sum up what we have learned in this class,including words,phrases and drills.Can you sum up by yourselves?xkb1.com Then call some individuals to do it.‎ The words are:test,trip,art,festival,thing,term,month,busy,time The phrases are:English test,school trip,School Day,book sale,birthday party,basketball game,art festival,sports Day The sentences are:‎ ‎—When is Sally's birthday? —It's on October 5th.‎ ‎—When is the school trip? —It's on September 26th.‎ ‎—When is the speech contest? —It's on September 29th.‎ ‎—When is the basketball game? —It's on October 2nd.‎ Step 13:Homework ‎1.根据本节课所学内容,两人一组编一个新对话并表演。‎ ‎2.根据所在班级或学校的实际情况,制作一份自己的日程表。‎ ‎3.调查本班或学校经常组织什么活动,制成表格,作好记录。‎ Unit 8 When is your birthday?‎ Section B 1a2c Words and phrases Sentences test,trip English test school trip birthday party basketball game ‎—When is Sally's birthday party?—It's on October 5th.‎ ‎—When is the school trip?—It's on September 26th.‎ ‎—When is the speech contest?—It's on September 29th.‎ ‎—When is the basketball game?—It's on October 2nd.‎ 知识讲解 ‎1.举行某活动要用动词“have”。‎ have an English test举行英语考试 have a school trip举行学校旅行 have a birthday party举行生日聚会 have a basketball game举行篮球比赛 ‎2.询问活动何时举行,可以问:When is the activity?回答用:It's on+具体某一天或It's in+月份 例如,(1)——萨利的生日聚会什么时候?——在十月二号。‎ ‎—When is Sally's birthday party?—It's on October 2nd.‎ ‎(2)——英语考试在什么时候?——在九月份。‎ ‎—When is the English test?—It's in September.‎ ‎3.继续学习序数词以及英语日期的表达法。‎ 英语日期的表达方式(美式英语)为:月份+日(用序数词形式)+年份 例如,1987年4月20日用英语表示为:April 20th,1987‎

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