Unit 4 Global warming Learning about language教案(新人教版选修6)

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Unit 4 Global Warming ‎ Learning about language Teaching goals Ability goals Enable the Ss to talk about environmental pollution and write a composition on environmental problems.‎ Learning ability goals Help the Ss to write a composition on environmental problems.‎ Teaching important & difficult points How to help the Ss to write a composition on environmental problems.‎ Teaching aids A computer and a projector Teaching procedures Step1 Extensive reading Read Tom's essay about litter. Make a summary for each paragraph, and then fill in the following table.‎ First Para.‎ Point of view Second Para.‎ First point of the argument Evidence Third Para.‎ Second point of the argument Evidence Fourth Para.‎ Point of view Step2 Discussion Discuss the environmental problems that concern people most in groups of four.‎ List as many environment topics as possible, and then write them on a piece of paper.‎ A sample list of environment topics:‎ air pollution, noise, soil erosion, water pollution, litter classification, desertification, and make green by planting trees Step 3 Writing Choose a topic from the list that you feel strongly about. Make notes on your topic using headings similar to the table in the reading task. Use the passage as a model.‎ Writing tips:‎ Step 1: Write out the thesis statement. (point of view)‎ Step 2: Write out the topic sentence of the first body paragraph.‎ Step 3: Give the supporting points and details about the first subtopic.‎ Step 4: Write out the topic sentence of the second body paragraph.‎ Step 5: Give the supporting points and details about the second subtopic. (more body paragraphs ...)‎ A sample version:‎ 2‎ The Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuels There is no doubt that fossil fuels bring a lot of good to us. But do you know that many of the environmental problems our country faces today result from our fossil fuel dependence.‎ The environment faces air pollution, global warming, acid rain, and several other very serious problems because of our use of fossil fuels. Over the last 150 years, burning of fossil fuels has resulted in more than 25 percent increase in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.‎ Carbon dioxide is one of the main factors in global warming which is negatively affecting everyone. Fossil fuels also affect water pollution, land pollution, and thermal pollution (heat pollution). Coal mining is one of the causes of pollution in the environment. After the mining is completed, the land will remain barren. Materials other than coal are also brought to the surface in the coal mining process and these are left as solid wastes. The production, transportation, and use of fossil fuels are to blame for the effects of pollution on the environment. Then what should we do? We should spare no effort to improve our environment. Please save energy and use fewer fossil fuels in our daily lives.‎ Step 4 Homework Finish your composition on environmental problems.‎ 2‎

资料: 10.8万


