初三英语Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands period 4学案(人教新目标)

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初三英语Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands period 4学案(人教新目标)‎ ‎【学习目标】‎ 1. 掌握p78-79页的重点单词及词组。‎ 2. Practice using the target language in reading.‎ ‎【学习重、难点】‎ 1. 能用英语阐述一个地方的习俗。‎ 2. 掌握阅读技巧 ‎【课前自习】 ‎ 一、 单词冲浪。(先熟记P78-79的单词,再闭合书本测试。)‎ 音标 单词及词性 中文 音标 单词及词性 中文 基本的;基础的 交换 十几岁的;青少年的 ‎(外)孙女 表现;举止 除…之外 肘;胳膊 逐渐地 ‎ 二、预习第30-32页的‎2a-3b划出重点词组及句子并记住:‎ ‎1.在餐桌旁/上_____________ 2.学生交换计划____________ 3.特地,格外地努力去做某事____________ 4.使某人感到宾至如归_________ 5.用法语__________ 6.因为 ____________________ 7.做某事舒服/ 轻松自如____________ 8.与…不同____________ 9.首先,一开始_____________ 10.习惯于_______________‎ ‎11.切碎__________12.不再,再也不________________ ‎ ‎13.发现做某事困难___________ 14.学年___________‎ 三、知识点拨(把它抄在语法笔记书上,并记一记)‎ ‎1. They go out of their way to make me feel at home.‎ ‎ (1) Go out of one’s way to do sth. 意为“特地”,“格外努力“去做某事,相当于make a special effort to do sth.‎ ‎ e.g. Lisa went out of her way to help Linda.‎ ‎(2) make…feel at home意为“使(某人)感到宾至如归“,表示使某人感到自在,不拘谨。‎ e.g. I always feel at home when I’m with you.‎ ‎2. Another example is you’re not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit.(另一个例子是不可以用手拿起来吃除了面包以外的其他东西,甚至连水果也不行)‎ ‎ Except在这个句子中作介词,意为“除….之外”,表示不包括在内。Except后面可以接名词,代词,副词,介词短语,动名词,不带to 的动词不定式以及从句。‎ e.g. They all came except Matt.(除了马特外,他们都来了。)‎ besides 也是“除 …之外”的意思,但与except 在用法上是完全不同的。B 2‎ esides表示的是追加关系,包括在内。‎ e.g. Five other students arrived late besides me.(除了我,还有五名学生来晚了。)‎ ‎ except for 也表示“除…之外”,与except 和 besides 不同的是,except 和besides的前后内容属于同一类,而except for的前后内容不属于同一类,不是部分与整体的关系。‎ 比较:Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes.(writing和mistakes不属于同类)‎ ‎ We work every day except Sunday.(every day 和Sunday属于同类)‎ ‎ Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him.(his wife 和his daughter属于同类)‎ 练一练:‎ 1. You can have any of the cakes _____ this one, because it’s mine.‎ 2. ‎_______ twenty students, two teachers went with them, so there were 22 people on the bus.‎ 3. Smith is a good man, ______ his bad manners.‎ 单项选择:‎ ‎( ) 1. I _____ up late, but now I _____ up early.‎ A. am getting used to getting; used to get B. am getting used to get; used to get C.used togetting; am getting used to get D.used to get; am getting used to getting ‎( ) 2. I find ____ difficult ______ a foreign language.‎ A. it; learning B. it; to learn C. that; learning D. that; to learn ‎( ) 3. Could you tell me ______, please?‎ A, if has he been to Beijing twice B,. what will they talk at tomorrow’s meeting C, where they will meet for the next talk D. who did they meet at school 选词填空 old, life, on, man, quickly, good, rest, hard, many, reach At different times in a man’s life his food has different effect(影响) 1 his body. Among Children food is 2 changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young 3 food is spent on growing tall; we grow up wards only during the first twenty years of our 4 , not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work 5 ,they do not get fat. office workers eat 6 and sit down a lot ,and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many 7 people try to work 8 and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man 9 sixty years of age . His body ‎ 2‎ and mind become 10 , without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to fat.‎ 2‎

资料: 10.8万


