Unit3 Under the sea Section I  Words & Expressions学案(新人

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Under the sea ‎ Section I Words & Expressions 学习目标:理解核心动词和短语的含义,并通过合作、探究,使用词典等手段,归纳出主要用法,并能在语境中恰当使用它们。‎ 学习重点:课标核心词汇:annual, witness, pause, drag, urge, abandon, target, reflect, aware, neat, scare 学习难点:课标核心短语:help (…) out, upside down, be/become aware of, (be) scared to death 学习过程 ‎ 生命课堂—互动探究 Task One 重点单词 1. annual 1) The school trip has become an annual event. ___________词,意为___________‎ 2) Their school annual is published once a year. ___________词,意为___________‎ 3) The jazz festival is held annually in July. ___________词,意为___________‎ 2. witness 1) Did anyone witness the robbery? ___________词,意为___________‎ 2) The Great Wall has witnessed the development of China. ‎ ‎___________词,意为___________‎ 3) She witnessed to having seen the accident. ‎ 4) She was a witness to the murder. ‎ ‎【总结】3)句中witness to意为___________; 4)句中witness___________词,意为___________;be a witness to意为________________。‎ ‎【活用】 1) The police found a witness ___________ the murder case.‎ ‎2) 翻译:The witness who had witnessed the accident gave witness to the police and promised to be a witness.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 3. pause 7‎ 1) The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath. ‎ 2) She paused the DVD and went to answer the phone. _________词,意为__________‎ 3) There was a long pause before she answered. ___________词,意为___________‎ 4) Press pause to stop the tape. ___________词,意为___________‎ ‎【总结】1)句中pause是___________词,意为___________,pause for breath意为___________。‎ 1. drag (过去式 _____________;过分词 _____________;现在分词 _____________)‎ 1) She dragged herself out of bed. _________词,意为__________‎ 2) This dress is too long — it drags on the ground when I walk. ‎ ‎_________词,意为__________‎ 3) Time dragged terribly. _________词,意为__________‎ 4) The meeting really dragged. _________词,意为__________‎ ‎【总结】3)4)句中drag意思是____________________________;4)句句意是_________________________________。‎ ‎【活用】 你每年订阅哪一种杂志? ____________________________________________‎ 2. urge ‎ 1) Teachers urge us to work hard. 短语意为____________________________‎ 2) My best friends always urge me on. 短语意为____________________________‎ 3) The report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim.‎ 4) He had a urge to hit somebody. 短语意为____________________________‎ ‎【总结】3)句中urge意思是___________________,是_______________语气结构。‎ ‎【拓展】 urge形容词是_______________,意为_______________;名词是_______________,意为_______________。‎ ‎【活用】 On feeling the earthquake, the teacher stayed calm in the front of the classroom, _____________ (urge) all the students ______________ (rush) out of the classroom as quickly as possible.‎ 3. abandon 1) They abandoned the match because of rain. _________词,意为__________‎ 2) Some senior citizens have been abandoned to the care of strangers. ‎ 3) She abandoned herself to sorrow. ‎ 7‎ ‎【总结】2)句中abandon sb to…意为__________________;3)句中abandon oneself to意为___________________,句意为___________________________________________。‎ ‎【拓展】abandon形容词_______________,意为_____________。‎ ‎【活用】翻译:She abandoned herself to despair. ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 1. reflect ‎ 1) The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. _________词,意为__________‎ 2) Her face was reflected in the mirror.‎ 3) Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local people. ‎ ‎_________词,意为__________‎ 4) Before I decide, I need time to reflect. _________词,意为__________‎ 5) I tend to reflect on my successes and failures. 短语意为__________‎ ‎【总结】2)句中be reflected in意思是____________________________。‎ ‎【拓展】reflect名词______________,意为_______________。‎ ‎【活用】 She could see her face ________________ (reflect) in the mirror.‎ 2. aware 1) I don’t think people are fully aware of the danger of smog.‎ 2) She is aware that her son has difficulty in studying Math.‎ ‎【总结】1)句中短语是____________________,意思是____________________;2)句中句式是____________________,意思是__________________。‎ ‎【拓展】aware的名词是_______________,意思是_______________;aware反义词是_______________,意思是_______________。‎ 3. narrow 1) a narrow victory 短语意为______________________‎ 2) a narrow escape 短语意为______________________‎ 3) narrow interests 短语意为______________________‎ 4) There is a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. _________词,意为__________‎ 5) He narrowed his eyes at her. _________词,句意为___________________________‎ 6) He escaped narrowly. _________词,意为_____________。句意为___________________________‎ 7‎ 1. sharp 1) sharp knives/teeth/eyes 短语意为___________________________‎ 2) a sharp drop in prices 短语意为___________________________‎ 3) a sharp rise in crime 短语意为___________________________‎ 4) a sharp outline 短语意为___________________________‎ 5) a sharp sense of humor 短语意为___________________________‎ 6) sharp criticism 短语意为___________________________‎ 7) a sharp tongue 短语意为___________________________‎ 8) a sharp pain 短语意为___________________________‎ 9) a sharp turn to the left 短语意为___________________________‎ 10) a sharp bend in the road 短语意为___________________________‎ 11) a sharp taste 短语意为___________________________‎ 12) people in sharp suits 短语意为___________________________‎ 13) Please be here at seven o’clock sharp 短语意为___________________________‎ ‎【拓展】sharp的名词________________,意为________________;动词________________,意为________________。‎ 2. scare 1) It scared me to think I was alone in the building. ‎ 短语意为________________________‎ 2) Don’t be scared of snakes. 短语意为___________________________‎ 3) Some people are scared to fly in a plane. 短语意为___________________________‎ 4) You can’t scare me into telling you anything. 短语意为__________________________‎ 5) Be careful not to scared him to death. ‎ 6) You gave me a scare! _________词,意为__________‎ ‎【总结】5)句中结构为______________________,意为______________________。类似结构还有__________________________________________________________等。‎ ‎【拓展】 scaring是_____________词,意为_______________;scared是_____________词,意为_______________;scary是_____________词,意为_______________。‎ ‎【活用】 The _______________ (scare) scar makes me _______________ (scare).‎ 7‎ 重点短语 1. help (…) out 意为__________________‎ 1) He is willing to help out. ____________________‎ 2) When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan. ____________________‎ ‎【拓展】 ‎ help sb (to) do sth____________________ help sb in doing sth ____________________‎ help …with… ____________________ help oneself to ____________________‎ can’t help doing____________________ can’t help to do ____________________‎ can’t help but do____________________ be of (great) help ____________________‎ ‎【活用】 Suffering from mysophobia, I usually can’t help _______________ (clean) everything, but I am really busy now, so I can’t help _______________ (clean) the room today.‎ 2. upside down 1) The painting is upside down.‎ 2) The house was turned upside down by the burglars.‎ 3) When the teacher came in, he was holding his book upside down in his hand.‎ ‎【总结】1)句中upside down相当于____________词,意为___________________;2) 句中turn…upside down意为___________________;3) 句中upside down相当于____________词,意为___________________。‎ ‎【拓展】 right side up ___________________ ‎ inside out ___________________‎ 学习反思 7‎ Task Two: A quiz 一、重点单词 ‎1. _____________ vt. n. 目击,目击证人 2. _____________ prep. 在对面 ‎3. _____________ vi. vt. 暂停,终止 4. _____________ vi. 逃跑 ‎5. _____________ vt. 拖拽 6. _____________ vt. 催促,敦促 ‎7. _____________ n. 目标,对象 8. _____________ adj. 生动的 ‎9. _____________ adj. 好的,整齐的 10. _____________ adj. 每年的 ‎11. _____________n. 住宿 12. _____________ vt.遗弃 ‎13. _____________ vi. 思考,反射 14. _____________ adj. 意识到的 ‎15. _____________vt. 恐吓;受惊吓 ‎ ‎16. _____________adj. 深的 _____________n. 深度 _____________v. 加深 ‎17. _____________adj. 高的 _____________n. 高度 _____________v. 提高,加强 ‎18. _____________adj. 宽的 _____________n. 宽度 _____________v. 加宽,放宽 ‎19. _____________adj. 长的 _____________n. 长度 _____________v.(使)变长 ‎20. _____________adj. 强壮的 _____________n. 力量/力气 _____________v. 增强,巩固 二、重点短语 ‎1. ahead __________ 在…前面 2. aim __________ 瞄准,目的是 ‎3. __________the meantime 同时 4. be aware __________ 意识到 ‎5. upside __________ 上下翻转 6. be scared __________death 吓死 ‎7. hold __________ 举起,使延误 8. get close __________ 靠近 ‎9. __________need of 需要 10. sort __________ 整理 ‎11. reflect __________ 反思,考虑 12. be caught __________被困……中 三、单词填空 ‎1. The past years have __________________ (目睹) great changes throughout China. ‎ 7‎ ‎2. The children found many __________________ (近海的) islands. ‎ ‎3. With so much noise going on she had to y__________________ to be heard. ‎ ‎4. Hearing the gun, the enemies were horror-struck and f__________________ (逃跑) in all directions. ‎ ‎5. The poor workers __________________ (拖) the heavy stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders the other day. ‎ ‎6. Together they dive into the __________________ (深处) of the sea to search for some rare creatures and treasures. ‎ ‎7. He has the habit of __________________(反思) on the meaning of the book each time he reads one. ‎ ‎8. The construction work has been held __________________(填介词) by the bad weather. ‎ ‎9. Christmas is drawing __________________(填介词). Mother is busy preparing gifts for her children. ‎ ‎10. When the girl reached __________________ (填介词) her father’s hand she fell down. ‎ ‎11. We have two lessons this morning and there is a break in__________________(填介词). ‎ ‎12. The high cost of __________________ (住宿) makes life difficult for the students in London. ‎ ‎13. Anyone who __________________ (放任) himself to drinking is not responsible for his life. ‎ ‎14. Most parents are not __________________ (意识到) of the danger of their babies’ eating jelly. ‎ ‎15. There was a time __________________ the boy hated to go to school. ‎ 7‎

资料: 10.8万


