Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第1、2课时教案(人教新目标七年级上册)

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第1、2课时教案(人教新目标七年级上册)


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Unit 6 Do you like bananas? I.Teaching objectives单元教学目标 Skill Focus 听 Listen for different foods Listen for likes and dislikes 说 Learn to recognize names for various foods Learn to tell fruits from vegetables Learn to talk about one’s likes and di slikes 读 Read about names of different foods Read about one’s likes and dislikes 写 Write about one’s likes and dislikes for three meals  功 能 句 式 Talk about one’s likes and dislikes Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he like…? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. She likes…. She doesn’t like… 词  汇 food, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, banana, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, chicken, vegetable, fruit, apple, rice, egg, carrot, breakfast, lunch, dinner, think about 语  法 Present tense to like Yes/No questions and short answers Affirmative and negative statements Noun: countable noun and uncountable noun 话题 Food  II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析与重组 1.教材分析 本单元以food 为话题,设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论自己和他人喜欢或不喜欢的食物,学会写短文介绍出自己和他人所喜欢或不喜欢的食物,学会列出食物清单。 Section A 学习谈论不同食物并表述喜欢和不喜欢。 1a, 1b, 1c  重点学习表示中西方常见食物名称的词,学会谈论或询问自己和他人喜欢的食物。 2 a, 2b, 2c  继续学习谈论自己和他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并能表达自己的观点。重点学习运用一般现在时的疑问句来描述自己对食物的真实态度。 2d       分角色表演对话,继续学习谈论自己和他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并能表达自己的观点。 Grammar focus: like的一般现在时,一般疑问句及回答,名词的可数与不可数 3a,3b,3c     语法练习 Section B     学会介绍自己和他人一日三餐喜欢和不喜欢的食物,学会写作三餐的喜好 1a, 1b, 1c.1d,1e   学会区别蔬菜和水果,询问或介绍他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物。 2a,2b,2c     阅读有关辛迪饮食喜好的材料,简单写作 3a,3b,       写作三餐喜好 Self check     检测本单元所学有关名词可数与不可数,食物,喜好的掌握  III. Class types and periods   课型设计与课时分配 Period 1  Listening and speaking (Section A:1a, 1b, 1c)  Period 2  Listening and speaking  (Section A:2a, 2b, 2c,2d) Period 3  grammar focus      (Section A:3a, 3b,3c) Period 4  Listening and speaking   (SectionB:1a, 1b, 1c,1d,1e) Period 5  Reading and writing     (SectionB:2a,2b,2c) Period 6  writing and Self Check     (SectionB: 3a,3b, Self Check)  IV.Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1  Listening and speaking (I) Target language 1. Words & expressions banana, hamburger, tomato, orange, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk 2. Key sentences  Do you like bananas?  Yes, I do.  No, I don’t. Ability goals Enable students to listen to and talk about what they like and don’t like. Learning ability goals Help the students learn how to talk about their likes and dislikes. Learning difficult and important points How to listen to and talk about their favorite foods.   Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式  Step I Warming up and lead-in In this procedure, ask students to do some exercises about different foods and choose which they like or dislike. Learn the names of different foods and how to ask and talk about likes and dislikes. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. This class we’ll first have a free talk a bout food. Every day we have to eat food and we can find a lot of food around us, for example in the fridge, the supermarket, the KFC and McDonald’s, etc. Now, I’d like you to work in groups of four and try to list as many names of foods as possible. Three minutes later. T: Next, I’d like each group to choose two names of the food from your list and work together to make some cards. On one side of the card, you may draw the picture of the specific food with its Chinese name and on the other side of the card, you should try to write the English name for it, understand? You can use the dictionaries when necessary. Three minutes later, show some of their cards about different foods and ask for the English names. T: Can you tell me the names for the foods in the picture? S: Apple. T: Good. What’s this? S: Noodles. T: Well done. What about these? S: Bread and dumpling. … Help students learn the names of different foods and encourage them to say as many names as possible. T: Do you like apples? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you like bread? S: No, I don’t. T: Excellent. As we know, there are many kinds of food in the world and people in different countries have different main food and their favorites. For example, in China we usually have Chinese food such as rice, noodles, dumplings, tofu, beans, pork, chicken and so on. Some food like hamburgers, salad, potato chips, French chips come from other countries. But nowadays people in different areas can enjoy various foods from all over the world. And we know different people have different tastes. Today we will learn to talk about people’s likes and dislikes about food.  Step II Match work (1a, 1b) In this procedure, students will learn the names of some foods and learn to talk about the foods they know. T: Boys and girls. I can see that you know many English names for foods on the cards. Do you know some of the foods with letters in the picture on page 31? Can you tell the English names for them? S: Yes, e is orange; b is banana; J is pear. T: Very good! Then do you know some of the food with the numbers on the left? Can you find them out in the picture? First, I’d like you to practice reading the words on the left, talk with your partner about the picture and then tell me what you see in it. After three minutes. Hold up the picture a nd point to the food in the picture on page 31. Ask students to say their names. Then ask students to match the words and pictures. T: we can see hamburgers in the picture with the letter d. So what about tomatoes? S: g. T: Good. Please write “g” on the line next to the word “tomatoes”, clear? Ask the students to finish the activity and then read the conversations in the picture and then ask students to read and listen to the conversations, and then number them in order. Point out the boxes where the students will write a number for the conversations they hear and play the recording. Then check the answers and finally ask the students to repeat after the recording. T: In the picture, we can see many people. They are talking about their likes and dislikes about foods. Now please work in pairs and read the conversations. Then listen to the three short conversations and finish activity 1b.  Step III  Pairwork (1c) Ask the students to practice the conversations above in pairs and then make their own conversations using the target language. T: We know in the listening material A and B talk about some food like bananas, salad and oranges. Now, can you think of the names of some other food and practice talking about them in pairs? Move around the classroom to help the students and then ask a pair of students to say the conversation for the class Sample dialogue: S1: Do you like pears? S2: Yes, I do.  Step IV Home work 1. Ask the students to learn some names of food and fruit in this Unit. 2. Ask the students to make a conversation about likes and disli kes.      Period 2 Listening and speaking (II) Target language 1. Words & expressions Birthday, dinner, week, think about, food, sure, how about…? Burger, vegetable, fruit, apple, then 2. Key sentences重点句子  Do you / they like…?   Does he / she l ike…?.  I / They like / don’t like… She / He likes / doesn’t like…  Let’s have… Ability goals Enable students to talk about likes and dislikes. Learning ability goals Help students learn how to talk about likes and dislikes. Learning important / difficult points How to talk abou t likes and dislikes. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式  Step I Revision and and Lead-in Check the students’ homework and ask them to spell some new words and make a dialogue about their likes and dislikes. T: Li Ping. What’s your favourite food? S: Hamburgers. T: Well, can you spell the word for us? S: H-a-m-b-u-r-g-e-r-s. T: Good. Do you like French fries? S: No, I don’t. But I like ice cream very much.   Write “hamburger”, “French fries” and “ice cream” on the blackboard. T: Thank you. Next, I’d like some pairs to practice your conversations in front of the class, any volunteers? I’ll give the best pair a prize as a reward. Sample conversation 1: S1: Do you like strawberries? S2: Yes, I do. Sample conversation 2: S1: Do you like bananas? S2: No, I don’t but I like tomatoes  Step II Listening (2a, 2b) Ask the students to read the w ords in the box and talk about the pictures first, then listen to the recording and finish activities 2a and 2b. T: We can see many English names for food in the box of activity 2a. Do you know them? Can you understand the meaning of each of them? Invite one student to practice reading and tell the meanings of the words. And then ask students to read after the teacher and finally ask them to practice reading by themselves. T: Next we’ll listen to three conversations. In the conversation, a boy and a girl are talking about their likes and dislikes about food. For the first time, please don’t look at your book. Just listen carefully. Play the tape for the first time. Ask the students to listen to the recording again and try to finish the sentences in the picture. T: We can see some pictures and some sentences in 2b. In the first picture we can see some hamburgers. Do you know the food in picture 2 and 3? Get the students to talk about the last two pictures and choose the names for the food from 2a. Then ask them to listen to the tape again and try to finish the sentences in the pictures. Play the recording again, check the answ ers. And then ask students to listen again and repeat after the recording.  Step III Pair work (2c) Ask students to work in pairs to practice the above conversations and give answers that are true to themselves. T: I know every one of you have some food you like and don’t like. Now I’d like you to write down the names of food you like and don’t lik e. Sample list: Like       don’t like fish        beans carrots      rice ap ples      bananas ….         …. Sample dialogue 1: S1 I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes? S2: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Sample dialogue 2: S1:Let’s have salad. S2: Oh, no. S1: No? S2: I don’t like salad. I like ice cream. … Then ask some pairs of students to act out their conversations for the class.  Step IV Role-play   Ask the students to read this part by themselves first, and then , put them into groups of 3, act out the dialogue.  Step V Homework 1.       Ask the students to recite 2d. 2.       Ask the students to practice talking about the food they like and dislike using different persons and nouns.  

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