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人教版四年级上册开学第一课教学设计设计思路:Pep人教版(三年级起点)四年级上册教材内容有六个新授单元和两个复习单元组成,六个新授单元分别是Unit 1 My classroom、Unit 2 My schoolbag、Unit 3 My friend、 Unit4 My home、Unit 5 Dinner’s ready!  Unit 6 Meet my family! 这些教学内容涉及教室、书包、朋友、用餐和家庭,紧密联系小学生的生活和学习实际,符合小学生的学习需求,而且语言材料真实地道、活泼有趣,让学生易学乐学。本节课以教材的主要人物John为主线,从John的视角出发,以小学生喜欢的故事形式引导学生了解本册教材的主要学习内容,明确单元目标以及课程安排,帮助规划自己的学习,学会对他人评价和自我评价。学习目标:1、通过故事学习和小组合作活动,能够了解本学期英语学习的课程内容、课程目标、课程评价以及作业要求。2、通过了解教师对学生的评价方法,能生成自主学习的主动性。教学过程:Step I  warm up—sing a songHello,I’m John. Nice to meet you again. We are in Grade 4. I am very happy to see you. Now let’s sing a song.(设计意图:以主人公John的身份入场,和学生进行问候和交流,稳定学生情绪,通过唱英语歌加上表演动作进行同学之间的问候和交流,活跃课堂气氛的同时,将学生引入英语学习的氛围中来,为接下来的英语学习作好情绪和心理铺垫。)Step II  Presentationl  About our new bookWatch the cover of the book carefully and talk about its colour, pictures and so on.l  Look! We have a new classroom. What’s in the classroom? Let’s go and see. ( 呈现Unit 1 My classroom的学习目标)In Unit 1, we can learn some new words about “My classroom”: window, light, floor, blackboard, picture, door, teachers’ desk, computer, fan, wall, TV. Look! There is a computer in the classroom. Where is it?Ss:…But where are they?(出示教室里的物品)Ss:…Wow! We learn a lot about the classroom. Now let’s clean the classroom. Let me clean the window!(出示打扫教室的图片)l  Deng—deng ---deng—deng! I have a new school bag! What color is it? (出示书包) What’s in the schoolbag?(出示书包内容和新单词)。Yes, so many things in the schoolbag: notebook, English book, maths book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, key, pens. Do you like my schoolbag? (呈现Unit 2 的单元学习目标)l  I have a new friend, too. Do you know who is my friend? Guess! He is Chinese. He is very friendly. He is tall and strong. He has big eyes. (出示张鹏的图片) Yes, he is Zhang Pang. Unit 3 we will learn about “My friend”(出示Unit 3的单元学习目标)l  Welome to my home. This is my home. It’s big and nice!(出示家居图片)  This is the living room. And this is the bedroom. This is the study. Kitchen and bathroom. Where’s Amy? Is she in the study?Ss:…Where are the keys? Are they on the table?Ss:…Look! They are in the door. Dear me! My home is beautiful. Unit 4 we will learn my home.(出示Unit 4的学习目标)l  Sss—sss—sss --- , something smells nice! Oh, my mom is in the kitchen. Dinner’s ready! What would you like? (出示食物和餐具) I’d like some______. Would you like a knife and fork?Ss:…Now let’s enjoy the dinner. Unit 5 Dinner’s ready! (出示Unit 5的学习目标)l  At last, come and meet my family. (出示John的家庭图片). This is my dad. He is a basketball player. And where is my mom?Ss: … Yes. What’s my mom’s job? Can you guess?Ss:….Who’s she?Ss:…How many people are there in my family?Ss:…I have a really big family! Meet my family in Unit 6!(出示Unit 6的学习目标)Step III Practiceu  Look and matchBoys and girls, we have learnt a lot about our book. Look at the units, please match the units with the title.unit 1                              My homeUnit 2                              My friendUnit 3                              Meet my familyUnit 4                              My schoolbagUnit 5                              My classroomUnit 6                              Dinner’s ready!u  Group work:OK, we have already known the main idea in every unit, can you tell me which part or unit is your favorite, why? And tell me how to learn it well. Pay attention to the word “how”(出示课件:how ),It means the way to learn English well. (出示课件:课程实施—学习方法),Next,It’s your turn.(出示课件:Group work)Step IV Work evaluationThis term we will have some work. First, our talk show. Next, our class work. Last, our home work. Let’s have a look.(展示作业课件)Step V  talk about the planT: How do we learn English this term? Do you have any good ideas?Now let’s talk about how to be a best student. First, let’s make a plan.Help ss to make a plan.Homework1.    Make a plan2.    Preview unit 1 教学反思:本节课的设计主要依据教材内容以及五年级学生的学习状况和特点,运用教材中的主要人物John来进行介绍教室、介绍自己的书包、家居,晚餐以及家庭成员来创设语言情境,把学生变成课堂的主体,充分发挥学生的主体积极性,让课堂变成学生学习的乐园。本节课以任务为载体,让学生在完成任务的过程中了解本学期的学习内容、学习目标和作业评价等,体验英语语言的魅力。本节课主要利用“John的自我介绍”的共设计了6个学习活动:介绍自己---介绍新教室---展示自己的新书包—介绍自己的好朋友—参观自己的家—和朋友一起吃晚餐—介绍自己的家庭成员,一条主线贯穿始终,设计学生熟悉而且感兴趣的学习活动,在轻松愉悦的氛围中开展连一连、想一想、猜一猜,找一找、唱一唱等活动,将学生拉入情境中,充分调动其积极性,让其在熟悉并喜爱的情境中完成学习任务,五个任务链的设计符合趣味性原则,有利于激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,同时这几个任务还具有多样性,通过多种方式刺激学生的不同感官,使其保持良好的状态,让学生感受到学习的乐趣。

资料: 3.6万


