七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Study skills教案

七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Study skills教案


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七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion   Study skills教案I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn about syllables in words;2. recognize the number of syllables in a word from listening and reading;3. divide words into syllables;4. recognize plural forms that have extra syllables.II. Teaching contentsSyllables in wordsIII. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Learn how to divide words into syllables;2. Learn how to recognize plural forms that have extra syllables.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Presentation1. T: What is a syllable? Every vowel forms a syllable.    Look! What can you see in the picture? We can see a pen. Look at the letter “e”. It pronounces /e/ here and /e/ is a vowel. There is only one vowel in the word “pen”, so “pen” has one syllable.    Look! What can you see in the picture? We can see some food. Look at the word “food”. “oo” pronounces /u:/. /u:/ is a vowel. So how many syllables does the word “food” have?2. T: What can you see in this picture? We can see a lemon. The letter “e” pronounces /e/ and “o”pronounces /?/. So there are two vowels in the word. Do you know how many syllables doesthe word have? …Look at the word “carrot”…3. T: What’s this? It is a hamburger. Do you like eating hamburgers? Eating too many hamburgers may be bad for our health. Look at the letter “a”. “a” pronounces /æ/, “ur” pronounces /??/, “er” pronounces /?/. So how many vowels are there? How many syllables does the word have? …Look at the word “basketball”…【设计意图:通过熟悉的图片,引出单词,通过元音字母的发音,让学生明白音节的构成主要看元音音素的多少,导出今日课题内容。】Step 2 ListeningT: Open your books at page 101. Listen and repeat the words in Part A. Please pay attention to the number of syllables in each word.【设计意图:通过听录音,熟悉本课时重点内容,提高学生对音节的进一步了解。】Step 3 Practice1. Finish Part B&C on page 101.【设计意图:通过完成书上练习,进一步巩固学生对音节的了解,为下面难度更高的练习做好准备。】2. Have a competition.T: Say as many words with one syllable as possible in one minute. (Ready! Go!)Say as many words with two syllables as possible in one minute.Say as many words with three syllables as possible in one minute.【设计意图:通过竞赛的形式,检验学生学习音节的效果,同时激发学生的兴趣。】Step 4 Listening1. T: We divide nouns into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. We put “s” or “es” after countable nouns to form plural forms. Look at the words on the screen. Can you read them?     Look at the “s” at the end of the words. Are they the same? What is the difference? Look at the word “match”. “Matches” is different from “match” because here “es” pronounces /?z/./æ/ is a vowel, so “match” has one syllable /æ/. “Matches” has two vowels /æ/ and /?/.2. Ask students to listen to the singular and plural forms of the words. Tick the box if they hear anextra syllable in the plural form.【设计意图:有些名词的复数和单数比较,音节会有变化,让学生注意其间的区别。】Step 5 Practice1. T: Read and clap your hands. Look at the words on the screen. Clap your hands when you are reading. Clap once if the word has one syllable; clap twice if it has two syllables; clap three times if it has three syllables. Let’s see who will always be correct.2. T: Maybe you have known something about the syllables in words. Now let’s make your ownconversation in pairs.A: We have fun today. I know about the syllables in words today. What about you?B: …. Look at the word! How many syllables does it have?A: Let me see. It has ….B: That’s correct. What are they/ is it?A: They are / It is…. Have a look at this word. How many syllables does it have?B: Oh, I know. It has….A: You are right. What are they / is it?B: They are / It is…. I have a more difficult one. Do you know…?A: I have no idea. …【设计意图:半开放性对话练习,联系实际,让学生把所学知识活学活用。】Step 6 ConclusionWe have learnt syllables in words.It may have one, two, three or more syllables.Every vowel forms a syllable.Syllables in words may help us remember words faster and more easily.【设计意图:总结今日所学,让学生再次巩固英语中划分音节的有关知识。】V. Homework1. Revise what we have learnt today.2. Find more words with different syllables and make some word cards.

资料: 3.6万


