七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion (Task)教案

七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion (Task)教案


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七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion (Task)教案I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. describe features, colours and materials of clothing items;2. make a plan and some sketches before writing an article;3. design some clothes and describe them to the class.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: jacket, feature, dark, material, design, model, include dark blue2. New structures: My design includes a pair of blue jeans.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Use the useful expressions to write about the design;2. Design clothes and draw some sketches.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: Look at the two pictures. What are they doing? Do you like watching the fashion show?Why do you like watching the fashion show?【设计意图:通过熟悉的图片,谈论时装秀,复习本单元话题。】Step 2 PresentationT: What do you think of their clothes? They are in fashion.Who designs the clothes? The designers.What is she doing? She is designing the clothes.What qualities should a designer have? She/He should be clever and creative.【设计意图:通过一系列的问题,导出今日内容:时装设计师,激发学生的学习兴趣。】Step 3 BrainstormingT: How do we finish a fashion design?S: We should choose what clothes to design. Then we should talk about their features, materialsand colours.【设计意图:通过“头脑风暴”了解完成时装设计的必要环节。】Step 4 CompetitionT: When we talk about fashion design, we should talk about what to design, its colour, material and feature. Now I will divide our class into two parts. One is the girls’ group and the other is the boys’ group. Let’s have a competition. Let’s say as many words as possible.【设计意图:通过竞赛的形式,让学生回顾学习内容,激发学生兴趣。】Step 5 Reading1.Look at Sandy’s plan. Explain the plan to the students.Sandy wants to be a designer. Read her article about her fashion design and then answer some questions.2. Let students ask and answer the questions in pairs.3. Ask students to read the article aloud and then talk about the general idea of each paragraph.    Paragraph 1: general introduction    Paragraph 2: about the shirt    Paragraph 3: about the jacket    Paragraph 4: about the jeans    Paragraph 5: about the material    Paragraph 6: about the trainers4. Read the article again and then fill in the blanks. 【设计意图:通过各种形式的操练,熟悉桑迪的设计内容,为下面自己创作做好准备。】Step 6 DiscussionT: How can we describe our fashion designs? Try to find some useful expressions in the article.Discuss in groups of four.The colour of … is ….… look(s) clean.… match(es) / go(es) well with any other colour.… is/are not too long or too large.… look(s) good/cool on (somebody).… is/are very popular among young people.… is/are made of ….… is/are light and comfortable.【设计意图:通过讨论,找出重要句型,为下面的写作提供素材。】Step 7 Practice1. T: I like fashionable clothes. I want to design a down jacket (鸭绒衣), jeans, gloves and a hat. They will look smart on me.First, the colour of the down jacket is light blue. It goes well with a pair of jeans. The jeans are bell-bottoms (喇叭裤). I want them to make me look slim. Then, I’m going to design a pair of blue trainers to go well with the jeans and the downjacket. They are very comfortable and made of leather.Finally, I want to design a pair of gloves and a hat. They are made of wool. They are grey andthey can keep me warm in the morning.    All the clothes are comfortable to wear in winter.   2. T: Please design a poster for the “Fashion Wall” in our classroom! You can introduce the kinds of clothes, their colours and materials and the reasons why you design like that.     You can also use “First, …. Next, …. Then, …. Finally, …” to talk about your designs.3. Ask students to design clothes in groups of four. They can discuss and make a plan and somesketches. Then each group chooses one member to describe their design to the class.4. Encourage each group to make a poster after class. They can rewrite their article on a separatesheet of paper and add pictures of the clothing items.5. Ask students to vote for the best poster. Ask the monitor to collect all the posters and make a“Fashion Wall”.      【设计意图:全开放练习,要求学生发挥创造力,设计服饰并用英语说出来。】Step 8 Conclusion1. T: What did we learn today? We learnt how to design clothes. First we choose clothes and shoes, and then we talk about their features, colours and materials.2. T: Imagination + Hard work = Success    If you keep trying, you can make it.【设计意图:概括今日所学,提升情感目标。】V. Homework1. Revise what we have learnt today.2. Make a fashion poster in groups of four.

资料: 3.6万


