Unit3 My weekend plan Let’s learn A教学设计

Unit3 My weekend plan Let’s learn A教学设计


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Unit3  My weekend plan Let’s learn A教学设计Teaching aims:1、学生能听懂,会说,能认读,会写以下生字和词组:visit my grandparents, see a film, take a trip,go to the supermarket以及与表示时间的相关词组和单词。2、能够使用“What are you going to do…?”谈论计划。3、引导学生学会描述计划,并懂得计划的重要性。Teaching keys:能用本课的生词谈论计划。Teaching difficulty:能准确拼写“supermarket”Teaching methods:自然拼读法、情景法、任务型学习法、交际法Learning methods:观察、探究、展示、合作Teaching preparations:图片、PPTTeaching procedures:Step1: Warming up1、 Sing the song.2、 Free talk.What day is it today! What’s the date?3、 Talk about the background of conversationTomorrow is a special day for me tomorrowCan you guess the reason?4、 Help the students to ask:What are you going to do…?Step2: Presentation and practice1、 Show the phrases that stand for time.Help them to ask:What are you going to do…?2、 Show the phrases one by one.Ask the students to spell or read the words with phonics.3、 Ask them the questions below:Are you going to the supermarket?When are you going to have a trip?4、 Show the words on the blackboard.Step3 Consolidation and extension1、 Read the words in different ways.2、 Ask the students to ask and answer in pairsWhat are you going to do…?I’m going to…3、 Ask the students to finish the passage.Help the students to use the phrases.Step4 Summary and ending1、Tell the students the importance of planning. Show the sayings.2、Homework(1)Read and copy the new words   Make sure the students can remember them.(2)Make a plan for the weekendWriting designUnit3 Weekend planA: What are you going to do…B: I’m going to…When                    Whatthis morning            go to the supermarketthis afternoon          visit my grandparentstonight                 see a filmtomorrow                take a tripneat weekend            ….

资料: 3.6万


