Unit 5 This is my sister.教学设计

Unit 5 This is my sister.教学设计


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Unit 5 This is my sister.教学设计Teaching goals:  1. Knowledge objects:  (1) Vocabulary: sister,mother,father,parent,brother,grandmother,grandfather,grandparents...  (2).Target language: Who’s she? She’s my sister. This/That is my sister.[These/Those are my    brothers.  2. Ability objects:  (1) Learn to introduce others.  (2) Be able to use the plural number of nouns.  3. Moral objects:  Encourage students to love their parents.Teaching importances and difficulties:  1. Be able to use the plural number of nouns.  2. Be able to introduce others.Teaching aids: Multi-media.Teaching contents: Section A (1a – 2c)Teaching steps:Step 1: Revision  Revise how to introduce yourself.Get some students to ask and answer using “What’s your/his/her name?My /His/Her name is…”Step 2:Lead-in  Play the tape, enjoy the song the family, get the students to sing it together.Step 3: Presentation  Teach the new words: sister,mother,father,parent,brother,grandmother,grandfather....  Get the students to read them aloud.Step 4:Practice  1.Teach 1a,1b and 1c  Look at the picture in 1a.Match the words with the people in the picture.Then check the answer.  Play the recording.Get the students to listen and circle the words they hear in 1a.Then check the answer.  Role-play the conversation in 1a.Then talk about the other people in the picture.Help the students to finish the conversation when necessary.  2.Teach 2a,2b and 2c  Play the recording..Get the students to listen and circle the words they hear in 2a.Then check the answer.  Listen again.Match the names with the people in the picture in 2b.Then check the answer.  Read the conversation in 2c.Then ask and answer the questions about the photo in 2b.Get some students to work in pairs.Correct it if necessary.Step 5:Play a game  Choose one of the family members . Some are exercises, some are gifts .Who is lucky?  Give them some candies as gifts.Step 6:Summarize  In this period, we have learned family members and the structures“This/That is…”and “These/Those are…”.Step 7:Homework  1.Copy the new words and make sentences with"this/that/these/those".  2.Preview 2d.Blackboard design:                                  Unit     2 This is my sister.    family,sister,mother,father,          This/That is..       parent,brother, grandmother             These are...grandfather, grandparent           Those are...  

资料: 3.6万


