人教版英语必修1unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero Reading 教案 (系列二)

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天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela ‎—a modern hero Reading ‎ 一.Type 教学课型:Reading 阅读课 ‎ 本文以 Elias 的口吻,讲述了南非黑人所受到的不公正待遇以及他们争取种族平等的斗争历史。同时还提到了他与 Nelson Mandela的一段交往,从侧面向学生展示Nelson Mandela的高贵品质。教材设计的目的是在训练学生阅读技能的基础上,让他们认识到南非黑人争取自由和平等权利而付出的艰辛努力。文章的主题有利于培养学生坚强的意志,树立正确的人生观与世界观。‎ 二.Analysis of the textbook 教材分析 ‎ 教材借穷苦的黑人工人伊莱雅斯之口,叙述发生在他身边的纳尔逊曼德拉的故事,时间是从1952年到1963年。伊莱雅斯初遇曼德拉时还是一个年仅12岁的黑人少年,正处于人生的一个非常困难时期。当时曼德拉开办了专为黑人服务的侓师事务所,帮助黑人解决问题。伊莱雅斯正是在曼德拉的帮助下获得了在约翰内斯堡工作的合法权利,在曼德拉的教育下,伊莱雅斯开始体会到人生的快乐和希望。曼德拉亲切和蔼的态度、宽容博大的襟怀让他深深感到,永生难忘。因此,伊莱雅斯第一时间加入了曼德拉领导的非洲人国民大会青年联盟,聆听曼德拉的演讲,积极参加他组织的反政府活动,为争取获得与白人平等的权利而斗争。这样的写法有别于惯常所采用的平铺直叙,虽然只反映出曼德拉的一个侧面,但读起来却更加亲切感人,引人入胜,还留给了学生更多的思考空间。‎ ‎ 在本单元的Warming up &pre-reading部分,学生通过图片了解了一个伟人应具备怎样的品质。为熟悉本课的内容作了铺垫。虽然学生对一些伟人已经有一点的背景知识,但是对 Nelson Mandela 并非完全了解。本节课的目的是让学生通过阅读,从语言材料中获取相关信息,并通过对信息的加工和处理,提高他们的语言运用能力。‎ ‎1. Teaching Aims教学目标 1) Knowledge objectives a. Students will be able to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part:‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ Hero,quality,republic,principle,nationalism,livelihood,fight,youth,peaceful,prison,legal,equal,‎ law,advise,continue,gold,passbook,ANC,league,stage,vote,position,accept,violence,devote,‎ vote, guidance, blow up, in trouble b. Enable the students to read Elias’ story c. Guide the students to know the qualities of Nelson Mandela as a great leader 2) ‎ Ability objectives a. Develop the students ’reading skills, such as fast reading ,careful reading and summarizing b. Improve the students’ comprehension ability 3) ‎ Emotion objectives a,Understand the qualities great person have in common and learn the fine qualities from them b.Develop the students’ moral quality ‎2.Teaching important points教学重点 a. Enable the students to read Elias’ story and Learn to grasp the main idea of the text.‎ b. Enable students to talk about the fine qualities of great people,especially Nelson Mandela c. Improve the students’ reading ability ‎3.Teaching difficult points 教学难点 a.How to grasp the main idea of the text.‎ b.How to help develop students’ reading ability c.How to help students learn from Nelson Mandela ‎4.Teaching methods 教学方法 a. Student-centered b.Task-based teaching method(任务型教学)‎ c.Discussion ‎5.Learning methods 学习方法 Individual or pair work and group work ‎6.Teaching Aids 教具准备 ‎ The multimedia 三.教学设计 ‎1. 总体思路 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 本堂课的主要内容分为四大部分,Pre-reading(阅读前活动) ,while –reading(阅读中活动) ,post-reading (阅读后活动)以及discussion(讨论) and role play 。其中阅读前活动通过看图说话,旨在让学生熟悉课文主题。阅读活动由略读、细读、归纳大意环节组成,教师根据学生的认知和情感规律的特点,遵循循序渐进的教学原则,活动和所设计的问题由浅入深,层层深入,着眼于提高学生的阅读能力 ,是学生理解课文的关键环节。读后活动的评价性问题和讨论旨在培养学生的综合语言运用能力,激发学生的发散性思维。同时引导学生向伟人的高贵品质学习,提高自身素养。‎ ‎2.Teaching procedures 教学过程:‎ Step 1. Revision ‎ Recitation(经典背诵)‎ Teacher: Good Morning, everyone. Yesterday I gave you the assignment, do you still remember ? Yes/No,now I’d like to check the recitation of the passage. ok! Who’d like to have a try? Good! Recite the passage together. Yeal! You do a good job.‎ 经典背诵 At this point, when all the children were willing to share their experiences, I began to learn how to teach. The music allowed me to learn that teaching is about sharing and respect, tears and smiles, the knowing and the unknown and, most of all, an understanding of each other.(2015安徽 完型填空)‎ 设计意图:经典背诵篇是2015湖南高考完型节选部分,语句简短,朗朗上口,而且寓意深刻,既培养学生英语语感,又复习所学词汇,还培养语言学习兴趣提高学生人生价值观。同时让学生很快进入学习状态。‎ Step 2. Warming up and pre-reading T: Guessing game for prediction, show three pictures of great person, let Ss guess who it is according to the description of the great person. Ask the students to look at the pictures of 2 persons on the PowerPoint and ask students if they know anything about them.‎ Q: who is this person? Is he great? Why do you think so ? Do you admire him? Why do you like him so much? Did he do anything for others? What are /were his best qualities?‎ T: Now can you tell me what a great person is?‎ S:A great person is someone who is brave\helpful\devoted to helping others .‎ T: Show another picture of Nelson Mandela?‎ It seems you know Nelson Mandela a little .Do you want to know more about him ?Let’s read the following story and see what Elias thinks of Nelson Mandela.‎ 设计意图:通过组织学生讨论Sun 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎ Yat-sen等四人的主要事迹热身引起学生对文章内容的思考,使学生能用英语阐述自己的意见,培养学生的观察能力和语言表达能力,引起学生对阅读的兴趣,为学习正文做好准备。‎ Step 3 While-reading ‎ Task1: Fast reading 1. Match each paragraph with the main idea ‎ Para 1 a. Black people’s rights ‎ Para 2 b. Elias’ self-introduction Para 3 c. Mandela helped Elias Para 4 d. Elias’ true feeling and actions Para 5 e. Elias’ trouble—Poor education and job 2. Divide the text into two parts Part I(1-2) Elias’ life before he met Nelson Mandela.‎ Part II(3-5) Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.‎ 设计意图:快速阅读是学生在阅读英语文章时应掌握的一项基本阅读能力。学生通过快速阅读能迅速找到文章大意。归纳段落大意是对学生理解语篇结构能力的考察,但当学生读前,老师要给学生一点相应的指导,比如快读就是迅速浏览文章,大意一般在每段的句首、句末或文章中反复出现的关键词等。我根据学生的实际水平,降低了难度,以连线形式让学生找到课文每部分大意,便于学生理解和做笔记。通过快读训练了学生获取文章大意的能力。‎ Task2: Careful reading ‎ 1. Why did he leave school?‎ 2. Why couldn’t he get a job in a gold mine? (difficulty)‎ 3. Why did he meet Mandela? ‎ 4. What difficulties did black people have in South Africa?‎ 5. How did Mandela help Elias and other black people? (change)‎ 设计意图:细读是学生在阅读英语文章时应掌握的另一项基本阅读能力,通过细读让学生进一步理解文章结构以及人物关系,学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,问题设计由表及里,层层深入,帮助学生逐步加深对课文的理解。最终达到提高学生自主学习能力的目的。‎ Step 4. Listening ‎ ‎ The time line of Elias' life ‎ Name Elias 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎ birth place South Africa ‎ Profession(职业) worker ‎ Education Studied for only 2 years ‎ Time line of Elias’ life ‎ ‎ 1940: He was born ‎ 1946: He began school ‎ 1948: He left school ‎ 1952: He was 12 and met Mandela 设计意图:听、说、读、写也是我们学好英语必不可缺的环节,而听力也是高考的方向,略读、和细读后学生已经理解文章,本部分主要是通过听再次获取文章伊莱雅斯的信息,本文是一篇记叙文,指导学生学会利用时间顺序描述一个人一生的主要活动。图片加深对文章的理解,训练学生听力抓细节能力。‎ Step 5 Class test (当堂检测)‎ ‎ Elias was a ______ _______in South Africa. He just received _______education when he was young. So he had some ___________(difficulty) in his work. When he was at the age of 12, he met Mandela who offered _________ on his ________ problems. He was grateful for his_____________ (kind).‎ During Elias’ time, life for the blacks was______. They had no rights to _______ and were treated___________ (equal) ,So when Mandela organized the ANC Youth League to fight for the equal rights of the blacks, Elias ______it as soon as he could. At first they tried some _________(peace) way to break the law but it was____________ (allow) . As a result, they had to ____________________________ to realize their dream of making black and white people________.‎ Key: black worker, little, difficulties, guidance, legal, kindness, vote, unequally, joined, peaceful, not allowed, answer violence with violence, equal.‎ 设计意图:通过当堂检测,巩固学生所学知识,也是查漏补缺,检查教学效果的一种方法,同时也训练了学生语法填空能力。‎ Step 6 Discussion and role play Task1: Suppose you are a reporter and your classmate is Elias. You are interviewing Elias. Maybe the following questions will help you.‎ When did you first meet Mandela?‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ How did he help you?‎ ‎★★What do you think of him?‎ What did you do to support him?‎ What will you do in the future?‎ Key:‎ ‎1.helpful ‎ Opened a black law firm ...‎ ‎2.kind&intelligent ‎ He told me how to get the correct papers ...‎ ‎3.Brave,Determined&Unselfish ‎ Either to accept or fight the government.‎ ‎ Answer violence with violence.‎ 设计意图:这部分问题是较高层次的,讨论角色表演环节,对于提高学生的口语能力起到了积极作用。学生可根据课文的信息材料进行课文复述,有助于学生当堂进一步巩固课文。但同时学生还要根据课文内容对Mandela的英雄事迹进行评价。‎ Task 2: How do you think to be a great person as a senior student?‎ ‎1.hard-working ‎ We must work hard for ourselves,parents in order to live a better life in the future.‎ ‎ Success belongs to hard-working people.‎ ‎2.determined ‎ Follow our ideas,never give up. ‎ ‎3.friendly &warm-hearted ‎ People who help others will get others' help.‎ ‎4.optimistic ‎ The world will smile at us when we are smiling.‎ 设计意图:在老师总结时,老师适时的给学生提个实际问题,作为中学生怎么做才能成为一名伟人?把本节课推向高潮。‎ Step 7 Summary Elias: a poor black worker in South Africa. The text tells us about how Mandela helped Elias’ and other black people .‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 设计意图:再次回顾本节课所学。‎ Step 8 Homework ‎1.Read the text fluently and try to recite the key sentences.‎ ‎2.Think of a person you admire and respect! Write a passage to describe him or her with the title --“My hero”.‎ 设计意图:1.本文定语从句比较多,熟读课文为语法奠定基础。‎ ‎ 2.阅读与写作密不可分,阅读是写作的基础。本文学习了Mandela的英雄事迹,让学生写他们心中的英雄,不仅强化了学生对课文的理解,还为学生创造了语言输出的机会,它也是阅读教学有效的延伸。‎ Step 9. Blackboard design 板书设计 ‎ Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero ‎ Reading ELIAS’STORY ‎ ‎ Why did he leave school?‎ ‎ ‎ Why couldn’t he get a job in a gold mine?‎ ‎ ‎ Elias’life before meeting Mandela ‎ Why did he meet Nelson Mandela? ‎ difficulty ‎ ‎ What difficulties did black people have in South Africa?‎ Elias’‎ story ‎ ‎ Elias’life after meeting Mandela ‎ Change ‎ How did Mandela help Elias and other black people? ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Step 10. Teaching assessment 教学评价 After teaching, I think we have achieved both teaching aims and learning aims by providing various chances for the students to practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing in this class. ‎ One the one hand what impresses me most is the brilliant performance of my students. All of them participated actively in class activities and they really did a good job. On the other hand,the relationship between the students and me is very harmonious. Besides, with the help of the multimedia, I can make my 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎ students interested in my class and present more information in a limited time.‎ ‎ By the way, what I think should be improved is that some steps are not perfect because of the limited time. ‎ Anyhow, this class is a success except for something that needs to be improved, I think. ‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎

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