英语必修四The Monster of Lake Tianchi 教案一、教学目标确立依据(一)课程标准要求及解读1. 课程标准要求课标 1 说 六级3 能够有条理地描述个人体验和表达个人见解和想象; 六级 5 能用英语进行简单的语言实践活动,如访谈;七级 3 能就一般性话题进行讨论;课标 2 读 六级 2 能利用上下文和句子结构猜测词义;课标 3 认知策略 七级5 在读的过程中,借助情景和上下文猜测词义或推测段落大意;课标 4情感态度目标 七级1 保持学习英语的愿望和兴趣,主动参与有助于提高英语能力的活动;2. 课程标准解读课标 1 “有条理地”是指发言内容语言准确,结构合理,层次鲜明;“个人体验”主要只看到的、听到的、或者感受到的;“想象”既包括联想,也包括预判的情况或者现象。课标 2 “语言实践活动”指就某一具体话题,运用所学表达进行的讨论、访谈等活动(二)教材分析文本取自外研版英语必修四第六模块。长白山天池的怪物是自然界的一个未解之谜。和自然界的其他未解之谜一样,它一直吸引了很多游客和科学界的专家前往一探究竟和探索。主要以新闻报道的形式介绍了长白山天池里的怪物,以及及人们和科学家对天池怪兽的观点。(三)学情分析 威海四中高一下学期的学生,英语水平较低,对于自然界的未解之谜应该有所了解,但要理解课文,并运用相关语言表达,难度较大。 二、教学目标目标1:能够通过速读,找到主旨段(句),说出文章体裁特点,并准确回答问题。目标2:能够在理解文章的细节和结构基础上,经过填空、回答问题等活动的练习之后,能够用3-4句话,从颜色、形状以及行为三个方面描述一个怪兽。 三、评价设计1. 对于目标1的评价,主要以问答的形式,学生能够集体口头回答即可。能在阅读中解决问题,优秀。2. 对于目标2的评价,主要分两大部分。第一部分根据学生课堂回答问题的情况进行评价;第二部分,则以最后的活动输出为主进行评价,标准如下:90%学生能以小组为单位,经过准备之后,以读的形式进行问答活动,合格;75%的学生能在仅参考笔记的前提下,运用本模块所学表达3-5个,进行问答活动,达到良好水平;30%学生能在不借鉴笔记的情况下,运用5个以上本模块所学表达,进行采访活动,优秀。 四、教学方法根据班级情况和教学目标,本课时采用任务型教学为主导的小组合作教学模式,为学生创设真实的学习情境,使学生在完成任务的过程中产生语言习得,体会学习的成就感。 五、教学流程设计Teaching Steps:Step 1.Pre-reading :Lead-in( The Game of animal Guessing )【教师活动】T: We will start with a game. What’s this? (Show the picture of the tail of a certain creature.)【学生活动】Give the answer together.【教师活动】T: Whose tail might it be? What creature might it be? More help. The creature has powerful legs, sharp claws and a strong body. Have you t it?【学生活动】Answer the questions together.【教师活动】T: Is there any living dinosaurs in the world? That is to say dinosaurs are extinct. Can you tell me why dinosaurs became extinct? (1 minute’s discussion)【学生活动】Discuss and volunteer to answer the question.【教师活动】Explain the reasons briefly. Ask, “Which one is true?”That is to say it’s unexplained. In other words, it’s still a mystery.Among those mysteries in the natural world is the monster of Lake Tianchi.【设计说明】这一环节从形式和内容两个方面来调动学生的兴趣,简要处理部分生词,并领读,为阅读文章及口头输出做好准备,并导入课文的学习。另外,恐龙灭绝原因也是本模块听力材料涉及内容,提前进行铺垫也是模块内容整合的尝试。 Step 2. While-Reading1. Information about Lake Tianchi【教师活动】T: Read the last paragraph and answer the question.1) Where is Lake Tianchi? In the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China.2) What is special about Lake Tianchi? It is ___ _______ ________lake in the world. It is 2,189 metres _____ and ______ __ ____ __about 10 ______ _________. __ _____ it is ____ ____ 370 meters _____.【学生活动】Read the last paragraph and fill in the blanks.【设计说明】天池的信息在本模块课文中占从属地位,与教学目标联系并不紧密,提到前面,借助地图,进行简要处理。2. Fast reading 【教师活动】T: Read the first sentence and answer the questions.1) Where does the passage come from? A. a tourist guide B. a newspaper C. a dictionary D. a scientific journal2) How many sightings of the monster does the article report? Three.【教师活动】Read Tips 1. what about the details.【设计说明】这一环节主要通过对文章中的部分语句或段落进行速读,掌握文章的体裁特点,更具体地把握Topic Sentence在新闻报道类文章中的运用。3. Details about the sightings【教师活动1】T: Read the first 3 paragraphs silently and fill in the table.
How did they describe the monster?
Meng Fanying
It seemed to be ______ in color and it jumped out of the water like _______.
Xue Junlin
Its head looked like ________.
The soldiers
It was _____________ and had a ______ _______ with 10-centimetre ______.It swam __ ___ _______ of the water.
Li Xiaohe
He saw a _______ ________ creature ______ through the water for 3 or 4 hundred metres and then it ______ _____ the water. Ten metres later it _________ again and ___________ the action.
【学生活动1】Read the first 3 paragraphs and fill in the blanks.【教师活动2】Check the answers. T: From these descriptions, we can see descriptions usually contains information about where, looks and behaviours.【学生活动2】Read the descriptions aloud by themselves.【设计说明】 这一环节既有对细节的理解,也涉及到了描述怪兽的结构,是输入的关键环节,所以,在让学生总结出描述怪兽的要素之后,让他们诵读,加深体会,从而内化模块知识,进一步为最后的输出打好铺垫。【评价设计】在阅读文章之后,能够准确填出描述所缺内容。能在简单提示之后,集体口头说出描述的三大要素即可。如果能在只有关键词提示的情况之下,进行复述更佳。4. Further understanding about sightings【教师活动1】Some more questions.1) Who saw the monster clearly, and why? Mr. Li Xiaohe. Because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.【教师活动2】An open question. Who’d like to share your opinions? Why are there soldiers?【学生活动2】Volunteer to share their opinions.【设计说明】对文章内容进行了深度理解和内化之后,用开放性的问题,激起他们的兴趣,鼓励他们的主动参与。5. Brief discussion【教师活动】 T: Do you believe there is a monster in Lake Tianchi? Why or why not?【学生活动】 Have a brief discussion and share their ideas.【教师活动】 T: Anyway, it’s still a mystery. So we can have our opinions. Now please read Para. 4 and find out what do ordinary people and scientist think about it.【设计说明】这是一个过渡环节,主要目的是引导学生从对怪兽的描述上转移到观点的表达技巧之上。【评价设计】学生能够用一句话阐明自己的观点,并解释原因即可。6. Details about opinions【教师活动】T:Read Para 4 and answer the question.1)What do many people think about the monster? Many people think that the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes of the world.2)What do scientists think about the monster? Scientists, however, are sceptical. They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.【学生活动】Read and answer the question.【教师活动】Point out useful phrases for expressing opinions, such as may/might be, be unlikely to...【设计说明】这一环节,回归课本。通过对科学家及普通人的观点的问答,体会可能的观点表达的要点,并尝试给出合理理由。 Step 3. Post-reading: Group activity (An Interview)One of you will be a reporter of an English Newspaper, and other members have just sighted a monster in a certain place, please ask them questions about their sightings. 4 minutes for you【教师活动】Explain the requirements and give the tips for students【学生活动】Discuss to make up an interview, and then show it in class.【设计说明】在理解文章,掌握文章结构之后,以采访的形式,让学生尝试运用所学知识,从而进一步巩固所学内容。【评价设计】学生能以小组为单位,经过准备之后,以读的形式进行问答活动,合格;如果能仅参考笔记的前提下,运用本模块所学表达3-5个,进行问答活动,良好;如果能不借鉴笔记的情况下,运用5个以上本模块所学表达,进行采访活动,优秀。 Step 6. Homework【教师活动】Show students the homework – Write an article about a monster for a newspaper by using what we learned today.【学生活动】Listen and remember the homework.【评价说明】如果能把课堂所学完整并基本无语法错误地写出来,并有自己的见解为优秀;如果只把课堂所学完整写出来,稍有语法错误为良好。如果写的不完整,语法错误很多就要好好加油啦!六、板书设计七、课件设计PPT详细请见附件八、课后反思一、 有效地完成了课堂任务。本节课的话题为天池怪兽,借助游戏预测的形式,利用学生了解较多的恐龙来导入自然未解之谜,从一开始就抓住了学生的兴趣点。通过对课文段落次序的调整,先学习最后一段,让学生对长白山天池的地理位置特征有了初步认知,为下文三次目击的分析进行了有效铺垫。然后通过问答、讨论、开放式的问题的形式,充分调动了学生的参与课堂的积极性,对课文细节进行阅读和分析,是学生掌握了描述怪兽的相关词汇及表达方式,对描述怪兽的几个要素(color、shape and behaviors)也有了充分的了解,从而为本模块的写作输出,做好了准备。二、达成了教学目标。教学过程设计与实施的细节对有效达成教学目标有很大作用。首先,使用思维导图来处理篇章结构。以思维导图的形式呈现描述怪兽的篇章结构及相关表达,辅助学生完成课时任务。其次,活动设计紧扣学习目标。从一开始的导入环节,以游戏的形式充分调动学生的积极性,到文章内容的复述,以及最后的对话活动,都为学生创设了运用所学知识的机会。既活跃了气氛又巩固了知识。三、开放性问题的设置也是本节课的亮点之一。如Why are there soldiers? Do you believe there are monsters?等,回扣了导入环节长白山地理位置的介绍,从文章当中走出来,发散思维,形成自己的观点。四、仍然存在不足之处。对学生的激励性评价不够,有的过于空泛。在对文章三次目击的细节处理时,如果先让学生回答问题,再呈现填空,巩固关键表达,会更好。