PEP四下英语Recycle 表格教案

PEP四下英语Recycle 表格教案


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备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星期 第 节 课 题:Recycle 1 课 时 Period 1 教学目标 1、Master the dialogue . 2、Can read and act in the class. 3、Listen 、Read and answer the question. 教学重点 教学难点 1、understand the dialogue . 2、free talk (ask and answer) 3、fashion show culture. 教 学 过 程 1、Greeting: Good morning boys and girls! Good morning! who is the NO.1? I am the NO.1. 2、Warming up: let us review the key words and sentence. Let students read the English notebook. Then have dictation. 3、Presentation: A、 free talk let student into class model quickly. B、listen the dialogue and answer the question.(what is the weather like in the dialogue?) listen and watch answer the question (what will happen in the library? Where is the library ?) C、listen and repeat. Follow the dialogue. Correct the answer . D、read after the teacher. To teach the dialogue sentence by sentence. Then student read together. Translate into Chinese by themselves. E、student read and act. Group read together match. Then choose the Reading King and Reading Queen . F、tell the fashion show culture and tell the beautiful things in our daily life. 作业或活动设计 Read the dialogue for 3 times. Read and act after class. 板书设计 what is the weather like in the dialogue? what will happen in the library? Where is the library ? 教学反思 备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星期 第 节 课 题:Recycle 1 课 时 Period 2 教学目标 1、Spell and pronunciation ar/al/ir/ur/er 2、Can read and write the words by the pronunciation rule. 3、Can answer the question by the picture.教学重点 教学难点 1、pronunciation 2、ask and answer by the picture 教 学 过 程 1、Greeting: Good morning boys and girls! Good morning! who is the NO.1? I am the NO.1. 2、Warming up: student read book for a while .unit1 to unit3. 3、Presentation: A、 free talk ask and answer. B、media the rhyme of let’s spell in these 3 units. Student follow the chant. C、show the picture lead student read the pronunciation of the letter ar/ir/ur/ar/al/or/er Listen to the media circle the right letter by the pronunciation. D、circle the right letter and match the right picture. E、follow the media and stress the pronunciation . F、ask and answer by the pattern sentence in your English notebook. Ask student introduce their school . 作业或活动设计 Finish the exercise book. Make sentence by the pattern sentence. 板书设计 ar/or/er/ir/al/ar/ur/er What’s the weather like? Where is …? It’s on the …. Is this…? Yes, it is. No, it is not. 教学反思 备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星期 第 节 课 题:Recycle 1 课 时 Period 3 教学目标 1、can finish the listening . 2、Can read and write the words by the media 3、Can use these words in the context. 教学重点 1、words and sentences 教学难点 2、the able of listening 教 学 过 程 1、Greeting: Good morning boys and girls! Good morning! who is the NO.1? I am the NO.1. 2、Warming up: read the words of the 3 units. Review the sentence we have learned. 3、Presentation: A、 listen ,tick and say. What’s the weather like in…? It’s….cloudy/sunny/rainy/snowy/windy. B、free talk about the picture of read and write. Complete the words on your book. C、show the picture lead student talk about it. What ‘s the weather like outside? What time is it now? Where are they? D、listen and follow the media. Read together these sentences and circle the adj we have learned before. E、read together, then take dictation. 作业或活动设计 Finish the exercise book. Listening . 板书设计 What time is it? It’s …. What’s the weather like? Where is …? It’s on the …. Is this…? Yes, it is. No, it is not. 教学反思

资料: 7.8万


