PEP三下英语Unit6 How manyB let's talk教案

PEP三下英语Unit6 How manyB let's talk教案


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PEP2 Unit3 How many? Part B Let’s talk 一、教学目标 1、知识目标: 能听懂会说 How many…do you have ?及其回答 I have….要求模仿正确,语调自然。 2、技能目标: (1) 能根据图片和情境准确、流利地朗读 Let’s talk 部分。 (2) 能在实际情景中进行简单的英语交流和表演。 3、情感目标: (1)注意培养学生的团结合作精神和竞争意识。 (2)培养学生敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度,使他们能够得到成功的体验。 二、教学重难点 重点: 听懂会说 How many…do you have ?及其回答 I have….要求模仿正确,语调自然,并准 确、流利地朗读 Let’s talk 部分。 难点:How many you have ?与 How many you see ?的区别 三、教具准备 PPT 课件,录音,头饰 四、教学步骤 Step1 Preparation 1、Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls .Nice to see you again.Where are you from Ss: T:Now let’s say “Hello”to the teacher present.Ss; T: Honey,are you ready ? Class begins .Good morning 2、Enjoy a song “ten little fingers” T:(竖起指头)What’s this ? How many fingers do you see? (设计意图:复习句型 How many you see ?以及数字) Ss: T:You see ten fingers .Now let’s enjoy a song “ten little fingers” T:Honey,good job . Step2 Presentation 1、Open it and see T:What’s this ? Guess what’s in it ? (设计意图:复习文具类单词) Ss:... T: What’s in it ? Open it and see . 引出 Open it and see,并操练 Open 和 close . 2、How many you have ?I have .... (1) 利用 How many you see? 自然而然引出 How many you have ?I have... (2)机械操练 (3)意义操练 (4)Let’s sing (新年好的旋律). How many crayons ,how many crayons , How many crayons do you have ? I have 16 , I have 16. How many crayons do you have .(5)小结 How many you see 与 How many you have ?的区别 Step3 Practice 1、 Listen and choose Listen to the dialouge and answer the questions 2、 Listen and choose Listen to the dialouge and answer the questions 3、 Listen and imitate. Read after the tape.播放动画,让学生跟读课文 4、 Read in roles Read with your deskmates 5、 Act the dialouge Now let’s act this dialouge out. Step4 Production Do a survey Name pens pencils erasers rulers Step5 Progress 1、Summary Give a brief summary. 2、Homework Blackboard design Unit 3 How many? A Let’s talk A:How many…s do you have ? B:I have ... 教学反思:

资料: 7.8万


