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小学英语三年级下册Unit5(Food)教学设计. Teacher’s teaching objectives:1.Knowledge objectives:    Do you like…? Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.2.Ability objectives:(1) Say the chant.(2)Read the email,and talk about themselves.3.Emotion objectives:Foster the students’ ability of communication.Students’ learning objectives:1.Learn the new sentences. Say the chant.2.Talk about themselves.Teaching procedures:Step 1:Warm-upA.Lead in :Watch a video.What food can you see? Speak it out quickly in English.B.Make objectives clearShow the students’ learning aims on PPT.C.Achieve the desired results.Let’s have a contest among groups.(Read and spell the words group after group.)Step 2: Presentation and practiceTask 1: Say the chantA. Show task.1. I like (apples). Do you like (apples)? Yes or No?I don’t like (chicken). Do you like (chicken)?I like …. What about you?(通过多次问答,引出答句Yes,I do./ No, I don’t.同时渗透“What about you?”为之后的教学做准备。)2.利用卡片练习句型。(男女生间操练,教师用单词卡片和笑脸、哭脸示意,学生根据教师出示的卡片操练句型)3.Practise the dialogue in pairs.B. Self-learningThis is a chant. Can you learn it by yourselves?OK,learn it in groups.C. Communication.Ss say the chant after music with actions.Task 2: Listen and draw the children’s mouthsA. Introduce the five children.B. Listen to the tape and draw their mouths.C. Communication.Task 3: Read Alice’s E-mail and talk about yourselfA. Show taskThe girl is Alice.She writes an E-mail to her friends.First,look at the letter’s form:Dear …,…………………………….Love,______B. Self-learning1. Read the letter and judge:2. Read the letter after teacher.C. CommunicationAsk some students to read the E-mail.Step 3:  Test and productionA. Talk about yourself.(教师提供句型)I’m ….   I like….   I don’t like….My favourite food is ….     My favourite drink is ….B. Effect.   Ask some Ss to talk about themselves.C. Summary.These food are bad for you. These food are good for you.We should eat healthy food, we can have a healthy life. Homework:Try to write a letter to Alice about yourself.(注意信的格式)

资料: 3.6万


