School Life教学案例设计

School Life教学案例设计


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Teaching content: School Life Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Grasp the new words: school life, club, Hainanese, bamboo, seashell, works Sentence structures: … can … / I think … Ability aims: Train the reading skills to get the main information and express fluently; Enable to use the new contents to communicate with each other. Emotion aims: Get used to fulfill some tasks in groups, improve their corporation ability. Arouse their emotion of loving their school life. Important and difficult points: Important points: Train the students some reading abilities, such as getting the main information of the context and express themselves freely. Difficult points: The pronunciation of the word “seashell” and use the sentence “I think…” to express their own ideas fluently. Teaching aids: CAI, word cards and pictures, assessment trees, etc. Teaching process: 1. Warm up. An English song: We are happy every day Free talk: What do you often do after school? 2. Pre-reading: Show the video and talk about it: What can you see in this video? What do you think of the …? Then teach the new words according to the video. A chant: Go to the clubs 3. While-reading: Show the letter to the students, ask them to listen and answer, let the students get the main information. Listen and repeat, then retell the letter. 4. Post-reading: Oral practice: According to Wu Yang’s school life, talk about their own’ s. Group work: Discuss in groups and choose their favourite after-school activity. Make a wish card and put it on the tree. 5. Summary and assessment. 6. Homework: Write a letter to Wu Yang.

资料: 3.6万


