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一、Listen and circle. 1) bike    bag         2) bit     bite         3) like    lake 4) note    not         5) use     us          6) ruler   rubber   二、Listen and complete. 1) A: _______ _______ is the pen? ( How much) B: It’s ______  __________.    (ten yuan) A: It’s very ________. And _________ about this ruler? (nice, what) B: It’s ___________ _____________. (two yuan) 2) A: Merry Christmas to you !   B: ____________________! (The same to you.)   A: It’s very ____________here. It’s snowing.(cold) What’s the weather like in ____________? (Sydney)   B:_____________________. (It’s hot.) 3) A: ____________ is an ice-cream, Granny? (How much)   B: ___________________.  (One yuan) How many do you want?   A: _______________, please. (Two)   三、Listen and tick (√) or cross(×).    (      ) 1. It’s Sunday today.    (      ) 2. Xiao Ming is going to the museum with his father.    (      ) 3. It’s raining now.    (      ) 4. He’s going to watch TV at home.    (      ) 5. He’s going to play cards with his father. 听力内容: Today is Sunday. Xiao Ming is going to the museum with his mother. It’s raining outside. He can’t go there. He’s going to play chess with his father at home.   四、Read and choose.(每组单词中有一个元音字母的读音与其他三个不同,请将这个单词的序号填入题前的括号内。)    (    ) 1. A. man     B. fan        C. cap      D. lake    (    ) 2. A. taxi      B. late       C. name    D. Jane    (    ) 3. A. he       B. she       C. let       D. need    (    ) 4. A. very     B. meet      C. merry    D. ten    (    ) 5. A bike      B. five       C. wish     D. kite    (     ) 6. A. milk    B. ship      C. sister     D. like    (     ) 7. A. fox     B. globe     C. no       D. nose    (     ) 8. A. on      B. oh       C. office     D. not    (     ) 9. A. but      B. nut      C. tune      D. cut    (     ) 10. A. blue    B. June     C. ruler      D. us                                五、Read and choose.    (     ) 1. _______ the weather like?            A. What’s          B. How’s    (     ) 2. It’s cold outside, but it’s __________ in the room.            A. cold            B. warm    (     ) 3. _________ you like summer?            A. Do             B. Would    (     ) 4. What’s the weather like _______ Beijing?            A. on             B. in 六、Choose the right answer.    (     ) 1. What day is today?           A. It’s Sunday.         B. It’s sunny.    (     ) 2. What’s the weather like?           A. It’s short.           B. Its’ hot.    (     ) 3. Is it cold in Harbin in winter?           A. Yes, it is.           B. No, it isn’t.    (     ) 4. What’s the weather like in Hainan in winter?           A. It’s cold.           B. It’s warm. 七、Read the sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them.    1. How many is seventy and sixty-two?  (    →    )           A   B             C    2. How much is a umbrella?  (     →     )      A    B    C    3. A: How much is an eraser?                     A B: It’s fifty fens.    (     →     )    B      C    4. A: Where about this one?          A    B B: It’s nice.     (      →     )    C   八、Read and complete. 1. A: Hi, Jane . Where ________ you from?       B: I’m _______ Australia.       A: What’s the ___________ like there?       B: It’s __________.       A: Look! It’s snowing. Is it very cold here/       B: Yes, it is. But it’s _________ in the room. 2. A: _________ that pencil-box?       B: Ten yuan.       A: Too dear.       B: What about this one?       A: ________________?       B: _________ five yuan. A: OK. I’ll buy it.
