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强湾中心小学2006—2007学年度第二学期 六年级英语期中试卷 姓名:_________ 成绩:_________ 一.听音写单词。(20﹪)        二.听句子,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10﹪)   (     )1.A  163      B  162   C  164   (     )2. A  tall      B  tallest  C  taller    (     )  3. A   48     B 47   C 46    (     )  4. A   35     B   36   C   40    (     )  5. A   nose   B   throat   C   leg    (     )  6. A    tired  B happy   C excited    (     )  7. A played football   B play football  C played basketball    (     )  8. A watched        B watching   C watch    (     )  9. A this weekend     B last weekend   C next weekend    (     )  10. A read a book     B read books   C read book 三.听句子,选择正确的下句。(10﹪)   (    )1.A I′m going to visit Kunming.             B. I ′m visiting Kunming.             C. I visited Kunming.    (    ) 2.A .I went to the moon.             B. I′m going to the moon.             C. I go to the moon.    (    ) 3.A. I went skiing.             B. I go hiking.             C. I′ll go swimming.    (    ) 4.A. Yes,I didn′t.  B. No, I didn′t.  C. Yes,I do.    (    ) 5.A. I′m 50kg.     B. I′m 180cm tall.  C. I′m 12.    (    ) 6.A. I went there by train.             B. I ate good food.             C. I went there last weekend.    (    ) 7.A. I saw elephants.             B. I′m going to see elephants.             C. I see elephants.    (    ) 8.A. I′m fine.   B. I′m sad.   C. I′m happy.    (    ) 9.A. size 16     B. 76kg     c. 76cm    (    )10.A. Mike is older than me.             B. Mike is heavier than me.             C. Mike is taller than me. 四.听句子,选择正确的汉语意思。(10﹪) (    )1. A.你多重     B. 你比我重 (    )2. A.许多人都得了流感    B. 一些人得了流感 (    )3. A.在星期六的早晨    B. 在星期六的晚上 (   )4. A.黄猴子比褐色的猴子强壮 B. 褐色的猴子比黄猴子强壮 (    )5. A.在假期你通常做什么?    B.去年假期你做了什么? (   )6. A.我给我的父母买了些礼物 B. 我给我的朋友买了些礼物 (    )7. A.你怎么去哪儿的?   B. 你在哪儿做什么了? (    )8. A.你读书了吗?       B.你去公园了吗?(    )9. A.我牙痛             B.我头痛 (    )10.A.你怎么了?          B.你感觉如何?                           笔试部分 五.英汉互译。(10﹪)    1. have a sore throat           2.感冒                              3. watch TV                     4.发烧                              5. buy presents               6.学英语                           7. play the piano             8.踢足球                            9. wash clothes               10.吃好吃的                     六.按要求改写下列单词。(10﹪)    1.sad(反义词)              2.did(原形)                         3.big(比较级)              4.play(过去式)                        5.thin( 比较级)         6.have(第三人称单数形式)            7.take(过去式)               8.come(现在分词)                    9.can′t(完全形式)          10. know(同音词)                       七.连词成句。(10﹪)    1. monkey ,   do , which ,  you ,  like                                                                                  2. 4cm ,  you′re ,  than ,  me ,  taller                                                                                  3. have ,  a ,  headache ,  do ,  you                                                                                  4. Li Yun ,  where ,  on ,  her ,  did ,  go ,  holiday                                                                                  5. danced ,  I ,  sang ,  and                                                                               八.用所给的正确形式填空。(5﹪) 1.A sperm whale is        than a killer whale.( long) 2. The rabbit′s tail is          than the monkey′s.( short) 3. What        you do last weekend ? (do) 4. I        to a park yesterday. (go) 5. How big are your          ?    (foot) 九.单项选择,将正确的序号填入题前的括号里。(10﹪)   (    )1.        did you do on your holiday ? A.    Where   B. What   C. When    (    ) 2. I sang and danced         my new friends.             A. wish   B. in   C. and    (    ) 3. How       your holiday   ?             A. was   B.  is   C. are    (    ) 4.        the 4th   , I did my homework.             A. in   B. at   C. on    (    ) 5. He jumped into the lake and        to it .             A. swim  B. swimming   C. swam    (    ) 6. Where did you go        ?              A. tomorrow   B. today   C. yesterday    (    ) 7. I        my room and watched TV . A.    clean  B. cleaned  C. cleaning    (    ) 8. Chen  Jie        a stomachache.              A. have   B. has   C. had    (    ) 9. Tom looks        than Lucy.              A. happy   B. happier C. happiest    (    ) 10. The road is         than that one.              A. wider   B. widest   C. wide 十.阅读短文,判断正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(5﹪) I have two friends. They are twins. Their names are Lucy and Lily. Lucy always has a big smile on her face. She′s a happy girl. She has many friends. They all like her very much. Lily is always in a bad mood. She often looks sad, angry or board. She has only a few friend. (    ) 1. Lucy is always happy. (    ) 2. Lucy has only a few friend. (    ) 3. Lucy and Lily are sisters. (    ) 4. Lily always has a big smile on her face. (    ) 5. Their friend all like them.
