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Complete the sentences according to the Chinese given.1.We have no class tomorrow? That’s _____ ______ _______.(我一点也不知道)2.______ _____(注意听), we’ll have a meeting this afternoon.3. I’ll ____ _____ ________ _______ (采访)Becky Wang.4. My homework is to ______ _______ _______(写评论)our favourite bands and movies.5. _______ _______ ______ not _____ in that shop.那家商店不卖文具。6..Do you have any ideas _____ how to _____ _____ ______.(你有关于如何取得好成绩的想法吗?)7.This TV set _____ _______ _______ ______ three days.这台电视机三天内就能修好。8. 饭前必须洗手。 Hands _____ ______ _______ before meals.9.I was ____ ____ ______ _____ (在边缘)the Grand Canyon.10.On both sides the canyon ______ _______ ________ _________.(消失在远方)11. If I _____ _____ _____(如果我没弄错的话), it was called New Standard.12. _____ ____ _____ I know(据我所知), Shakespeare is a famous English writer.13.马克吐温不是像孔子那样以一位作家闻名的。 Mark Twain isn’t ________ _______ a great writer like Confucius.14. This song ______ ______ by everyone.每个人都喜欢那首歌。15. He ______ _______ (逃跑)with two of his friends.16. Becky ______ _____ (迷路)in a cave.17. Today it’s _______ _______ (被认为)be one of the greatest books in American literature.18.电话是用来与其它城镇的人交谈的。The telephone ___ _____ ____ ____ to people in other places.19.Smoking _____ ____ ______ in the meeting room.会议室不允许吸烟。20. 现在许多孩子喜欢玩电子游戏。A lot of children _____ _____ ______ ________ now. 21.不要让他们影响你,托尼!Don’t let them _____ _____ you, Tony!22. They’re so _____ _____ us(生我们的气) that they will try even harder.23. What does HAS _______ _______?代表24. ______ _____ _____(首先), he’ll be invited to competiton around the world.25. It was ____ ____(建立)in 2001 to help young ______ and _________.男女运动员26. His performace was _______ (记录)to _______ _____ (做比较)the world’s best sports.27. Liu Xiang is not ______ ______ ________.(突如其来的成功) 28. 李先生被选上代表这个新电脑公司。Mr Li was ______ to ________ the new computer company.29. Teenagers ______ ______ ______ to choose their own clothes.应该允许青少年挑选自己的衣服。30 .教练建议刘翔定期训练。 Liu Xiang was ______ by his coach to train ________.31. 乘飞机去厦门只需花费两个多小时的时间。It will only ______________________to Xiamen by air.32. 我想在学校去参观博物馆时照一些照片。I’d like to take some photos _____ ____ ______ ____ the museum next week.33. It’s going to be an online magazine ______ ______ ______.(从现在起)34. Paper and printing have been used _______ _______.很久35.书能被电脑代替吗?Can books ______ ______ by computers?36. I haven’t seen you for ______ _______ ______ ______.(几个月) 37. Don’t worry! I’ll ______ ______ (负责)that.38. 这块电池一个星期没充电了。The ______ hasn’t been _____ for a week.39. Every evening my mother ______ ______ (浏览)magazines at home.40. 纸是由木材制成的。Paper is ______ _____ wood.41. _______ ______ _____ (曾经), people use silk as paper.42. _____ _____ ______,(因此) they were expensive and rare.43. Clothes made _____ ______ (手工)are usually very expensive.44. I’d like a hamburger _______ ______ (而不是)a piece of bread.45. I think ______ ______(一天) we’ll travel to the moon .46. They are ________ ___________ ____ 盼望__________参观the museum.47.Betty is going ____ ____ _____独自 to the museum.48. It’s ____ ____有点 familiar.49. It’s ______ ______ _______.(违反规定的)50.______ ______ _____(注意) the difference between the two museums.51. 还有自然室。There is Natural History room ______ ______.52.他昨天 病了所以没参加运动会就不足为奇了。He was ill yesterday. _____ ______ he didn’t take part in the sports meeting.53.在那你可以解决问题尝试想法。There you can ______ things _____ and _____ ____ ideas.54. _______ _______首要的是 the Science Museum is free.55.那意味着你可以顺便进去走访几分钟或都你愿意呆多久就呆多久。 That means you can ______ _______ for a few minutes or ______ ______ ____ you like.56. 我们刚收到一位新标准的读者的来信We’ve just _____ an email from a ______ of New Standard.57. 你什么写关于环境的文章?When are you goint to _______ ______ ________ education?58. 扔掉玻璃,纸,金属是浪费的。It’s _____ to ______ _______ glass, paper and metal.59. 所以每个班收集可再用的垃并且为了再循环卖掉它。So every class collects _______ waste, and sells it _____ _______.60. Do you open a window _____ ______(而不是)turning on air conditioning?61. 你在扔掉垃圾之前分类吗?Do you ______ the waste before ______ it ______?62. 即使最简单的日常行为都会对环境产生真正的影响。Even the simplest everyday activities ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ the environment.63. Recycle means “______ things ______ (把  变成)something else.”64. Does it ______ _____ _____ (对  有害)the environment.65. Aren’t you ______ ______ (为什么担心)the dangers of such long fights on the envrionment?66.You’re not ______ _____ (被允许)go into the park without a ticket.67. The web is ______ ____ ____(由  组成) many documents called web pages.68. I think the problem must be ______ _______.(严肃对待)69. Vegetables and fruit are _____ _____ (对  有利)your health.70. ______ ______(关掉)the lights before you leave the room.71.You’d better ______ ______ ______ and ______ _____ to keep fit.要保持体形你最好多吃蔬菜少吃肉72我认为多朗读是学外语的一种好方法. I think doing more reading is ____ ____ ____ to learn a for
